We don’t walk in the woods as much as we used to. We are afraid of the ticks. We still go there, once we’ve suited up, and it is a special treat when we do. And its hard to put on any kind of milage in the woods so we walk in different directions each day. Today we parked a the CoOp and walked along the river to Elmwood Avenue where we crossed the river and came back on the other side. Its beautiful over there and not as well traveled.
The path is paved and shared by bikes. Some bikers are better than others when they shout “On your left.” About half the time it scares the shit out of me as they come up on us from behind. It is possible to approach that phrase gently but it usually comes out like an alarm.
We were walking along the lake over Memorial Day and a bike rider who was coming toward us on our right shouted, “On your left.” We just froze in our tracks thinking someone else was coming up on us from behind but it was only him. He scared us and made no sense at all.
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