The owners of this house on Wisner planted a different kind of grass, something that goes brown in the Fall and only comes back when you think it never will, like the early days of Summer. And then every Spring there is this green tuft of ordinary grass right in the middle of it all.
We can’t walk to the library anymore because its closed. And we used to walk to Wegmans but we do Instacart pick-ups now. When its below forty we walk in the woods and usually work our way up to the lake at some point. Above forty we are weary of brushing up against ticks so the golf course at Durand, which is closed due to the virus, has become a great place to walk. They still haven’t put the tee markers in or the flags in the holes. If you spot someone a hundred yards away you just change course. Sometimes we’ll hug the perimiter and sometimes we’ll get right out in the middle.
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Do be careful about ticks even below 40. They may be sluggish then, but they can be active even below 32 if the sun’s warming them. On a 35 degree cloudy January day at Mendon Ponds I picked up 2 while going 50 feet off trail, through open woods, very carefully, to take a photo (must have brushed a few low branches). And I found another one on my pants the same day after walking through a frozen marsh area.