Happy Memorial Day – a chance to remember my friend, Rex, who was shot in the back at 19, friendly-fire style, in Viet Nam.
We walked up to the lake along Zoo Road. The cherries, magnolias, apple and lilac blossoms are all finished but we spotted a group of Asian Americans sitting under a stand of dramatic Chinese Fringe trees in full bloom. The lake level is still too high to get from the Durand Lake outlet to the Eastman Lake outlet on dry land. I guess we could have taken off our shoes but we didn’t. On the boardwalk over Tamarac Swamp we looked down at the bull frogs who were making a racket. Peggi pointed to a big one and said, “What’s coming out of it’s mouth?” It looked like another frog’s head. It turned out they were having sex in public.
We saw one of our neighbors on her bike and she told us she was just getting over Covid. She went to a birthday lunch with seven others and five of them got Covid. Our friends, Pete and Gloria, came down with Covid yesterday. We had been with them earlier in the week.
Our Padron peppers are in and the tiny red pepper plants. The jalapeños are next. We’re doing our best to keep up with the greens but they may get ahead of us.
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