We are having a most unusual autumn in New York. On the day we left for Costa Rica it was as warm here as it was down there. Social media posts confirmed that it was beautiful weather while we were gone and almost two weeks later it still is. We picked more tomatoes on our first day back, and a big bag of arugula, swiss chard and peppers. Our marigolds out front have more blossoms than they had all summer.
Every other year the maples have fallen first and then the oaks but this year the maple leaves are still up there, red and yellow, while the oak leaves are a foot deep. We did one rake before we left, just so the house didn’t look abandoned, and we’ve spent the better part of our three days back raking and chewing up the piles with our mower. My watch says I walked five and half miles today and I never left home.
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Years before Kodak jumped ship , they installed two new stacks for the western power plant . They were 408 feet tall. I had to run the electrical conduits and wire up the full height . Talk about see the earth’s curvature ! Thought I saw Canada’s shore ! When we completed the project , the contractor gave everyone a bottle of good scotch . Can’t have booze in the park , so I took it to my boss. He says he’ll take care of it . Never saw it again.