I’m quite sure that early on the shutters on either side of a window could be closed and latched to protect the inside of the home from the elements. But a some point in the relatively recent past shutters on windows became entirely decorative. Without hinges or latches, they were just nailed to the wall. Furthermore, if they did swing shut they would not be big enough to cover the window. We still see examples of functional shutters on old houses and it is always a treat.
Peggi and I finally got our Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 set up. It allows us to record two tracks of instruments or vocals, one for each of us. Of course we could layer to our hearts’ content. The red box had been sitting next to my computer for the past two years. It has been easier to just catch the whole band in one live take.

Watch Duane Sherwood video for “Cloud To Part”
You struck a nerve with those shutters. The history of shutters, from interior stone ones in ancient Greece, up through changes in architecture through the ages always included function. In the 1950’s and 60’s, they became purely decorative. I say make it functional, or step up the design for curb appeal.
Nice picture cover for that imaginary 7″