We walk through the park and along the beach most days and prefer it when we have it all to ourselves. But then I love seeing the picnic shelters full on a hot summer day. We’re certainly not the only regular walkers so we see familiar faces and say hi as we pass. Most of the dog walkers are as friendly as can be, especially if you pet their dog, but once you have been bit a few times you get shy so we mostly keep our distance. A subset of the dog walkers ignore the “Dogs Must Be Leashed” signs and let their dogs take a dump wherever it likes while they talk on the phone. They are special and the rules do not apply to them or their dog. When their off-leash dogs come at us we call for their owners put them on a leash.
Today’s paper had an article about a small dog that was attacked and killed by another dog in Durand Eastman. The dogs were off leash. Someone called the cops while the attack was going on and the police responded and fired a shot at the larger dog when it ran toward them but they missed.
Just for the record, we’ve had dogs. We love dogs, especially Arya across the street. I wish it wasn’t up to us to enforce the “Dogs Must Be Leashed” rule.
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Same thing when I am in the ocean at 6AM during the summer. I leave my bag on the beach, under the lifeguard chair. I can’t put it on the chair cuz there’s usually a drunk sleeping it off up there. People love to turn their dogs loose on the beach. I understand it, they deserve a bit of freedom like anyone.
Buuuut, what they really like to do is sniff my bag, and then mark it. And then every other dog that comes along has to sniff it and tag it. No diff than graffiti. I now bring a clothes hanger and suspend my bag from the chair rails. It’s the only thing that works.