Twelve years ago we stumbled onto a Hermann Nitsch performance at Pace Gallery in Chelsea. This wasn’t one of his bloody crucifixion performances, this was a musical performance of Hirsch’s composition for strings inside Pace Gallery where Nitsch’s paintings were on display. Nitsch, himself, sat in a chair in front of the quintet.
Last week, while popping in and out of galleries in Chelsea, we stopped in at Pace, just as they were turning off the lights for the day. It was six o’clock and we were cramming in as much art as we could digest. They turned the lights back on and we discovered we were at another show of Kitsch’s. He died last year and his paintings looked particularly somber but even more beautiful. His altar installation in the back of the gallery knocked me out.
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Paul for your Birthday and in honor of your post, I will ‘name drop’ and reveal that in high school I dropped mescalaine and visited the Bronx Zoo with the person who is now head of Pace (he was a year above me in high school.) We became fixated on a blue bus passing through the zoo as this spoke to us of The Doors song “The blue bus is calling us.” Also, we had soft serve vanilla ice cream cones that set us off in a laughing fit. LifeGetsEverStranger. Love You