Doug Rice often comes to the Margaret Explosion shows so he is on our mailing list. When we emailed him about Wednesday’s gig we included a link to the video from our last gig at Skylark and Doug emailed back. “you sound better without a sound system.” Doug used to do sound professionally at big shows in the park in Brooklyn and for bands at Mass MoCA. Last night, at the Little, we played without a sound system. Travel warnings about the ice and snow made for a really quiet night. The twenty five or so people who were there were quiet and listening. The music was better and strangely, we sold more cds (no lps) than we have in long while.
Pete Monacelli was there and he sent us a poem he wrote while listening.
the little
Margaret Explosion
bottled water
the explosion of silence
the explosion of quiet
the explosion of soft
the explosion of…
lament in time
lament anger
lament self-destruction
reach for light
face pressed against glass
for life’s meaning
The Doug Rice. One and only. What a history. He’s done quite a lot for Rochester. Love you, Doug Rice. And Steve too. So many memories.