It was the best show ever at Colleen Buzzard’s Studio. So much Anne Havens’ work -it was arranged in stacks, leaning against walls and piled on tables. And it was all insanely priced. Attended by mostly artists, we heard, “She was so prolific,” at least five times. We had been to an event similar to this at Jim Thomas’s where we were instructed to pick a piece we liked from his life’s worth of work. It is a creepy feeling, while the artist is still alive, but then it is just as beautiful.
Anne, for a long time now, has been my favorite Rochester artist. Beyond prolific, she is free, wildly expressive, funny and mysterious. And what I like most about her work is that every piece – graphic, print, drawing, book, painting or sculpture – has her touch all over it. It belongs in an Anne Havens Museum but we don’t live in an ideal world.
1 Comment
Mimicking the Johnny Appleseed role we can spread her work to family and friends so they too cam have awesome things on their walls and in their lives.