We recently turned to our friend, Rich, for some legal advice. He told us he enjoys talking about the kind of issues we like to put off. He was very helpful, of course, but he is the same individual who coined the phrase, “Often in error, never in doubt.” He told us that a song of his, the instrumental, MX-80 version, had caught on in Russia, probably in TicToc circles, and he was recieving respectable royalties from it.

Peggi and I played with Rich in a band called “Chinaboise” before moving to Rochester at the end of 1974. Rich gave Peggi her first saxophone lessons. Hava Nagila was the first song she learned. We played Self-Conscious Pisser (the lyrics were written about another friend of ours) and I guess I hung onto the sheet music. It belongs in a museum. The Chinaboise, with new members, recorded a 1975 album with SCP on it. Rich Stim and Dave Mahoney left Chinaboise and joined MX-80 Sound. They recorded a version of SCP in 1976 for their “Big Hits” ep. The song was also included in their 1990, all instrumental smash, “Das Love Boat.” And today it is big in Russia.
Unbelievable that you still have the “sheet music.” I was mistaken about the Russian airplay. It was primarily Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Belarus.
Perfect for a series of house concerts.