II Trilogy

“Beach Fires” by Margaret Explosion from Invisible Idiot release 1998

I don’t know what took me so long to put this “Beach Fires” video together. The clip is one take, there is no editing, and it is as old as the song that I shot the footage for. We were at a Fourth of July party at Mark and Cheryl’s house on Edgemere Drive along Lake Ontario. Mark is in the video and there is kid buried in the sand with only his above above ground, something I didn’t notice until today. After twenty-seven years this is the third video from Margaret Explosion’s “Invisible Idiot” release. The other two are attached below. I’m thinking Sparky’s Shed” has to be the next video from the cd.

“Abstract Express” by Margaret Explosion from Invisible Idiot release 1998
“Jack Lord” by Margaret Explosion from Invisible Idiot release 1998
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