NameWilliam Henry Walsh Jr. 
Birth Date23 Aug 1867
Birth PlaceEngland, in a small Town south of London ?
Death Date26 Nov 1914 Age: 47
Death PlaceRochester, New York
Burial Date28 Nov 1914
Burial PlaceHoly Sepulchre Cemetery, Single 80, Tier 18, Sec. M
OccupationHotel Manager
ReligionBorn into Episcopalian Church, coverted @ Marriage to Roman Catholic
EducationGrammer & High School in England
Misc. Notes
I have photos taken in Kilburn Studio in Coaticook Quebec, Canada...about 1890
Photos of an Uncle "Dick"......uncle to Lillian Walsh ?
Coaticook is approximatily 100 mile east of Montreal, Qoebec, Canada
Coaticook is about 7 miles north of the Vermont/Canada boarder
Is this a place to search for the Walsh's in late 1800's & early 1900's ?
The following information came from the Buffalo Directory Film Record @ Roch. Main Library:
1888........No Record of William H. Walsh but there was a Walter H. Walsh, A Cutter @ 255 Pearl St.
1889........No Record of William H. Walsh
1890.......William H. Walsh rear 659 Prospect Street
1891.......William H. Walsh ...90 Deleware Place
1892.......William H. Walsh ...49 Court Street
1893.......William H. Walsh , Clerk.....174 Swan Street
1894.......William H. Walsh, Steward...49 Court Street
Our Niagara Falls Field Agent "Bob"...#003... Oliver, with his Dec. 12, 1997 correspondence, has confirmed the above data for the years of 1889, 1890, 1891 & 1893.......He will report "back-in" after the holidays of 1997.
Agent Oliver, "Bob"....#003...Reported on Feb. 13, 1998 ..."The 1892 NYS Census was about 95% unreadable.......and he could find no record on Walsh." He did find the following:
90 Deleware Place ( now called Trinity) was in the 12 Ward
49 Court Street was in the 20th Ward and
174 Swan Street was in the 3rd Ward
Report....No record exists of a William H. Walsh Family can be located in the Buffalo City Directory in the years 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898 or 1899.
The following information came from the 1900 U. S. Census, for Rochester NY @ Main Library
William H. Walsh, white male, 35 years old , 13 years Married, William born in England/English, Father born in England/English, Mother born in England/English, Immigrated from Canada To Buffalo in 1888, occupation = Waiter @ Resturant, Rented a home @ 85 Cortland Avenue, in 4th Ward.
Mary his Wife, 36 years of age, married 13 years, gave birth to Eight (8) children & Five (5) living, Lillie age 11, born in Canada, Mammie, age 9; Florence, age 6; Glayde, age 5 months; Clifford age , almost 1 month old.
The following information came from the 1905 New York State Census @ Main Library
in 4th Ward, City of Rochester, 47 Stone Street
William Walsh, 38 years of age, occupation Bartender, Mary his Wife, 36 years of age,
children, Della age 16, occupation Clerk Dry Goods, Mary age 14, Florence age 11, Clifford age 5
The following information came from the 1910 U.S. Census @ Main Library
William H. Walsh, White Male, 43 Years old , 22 years Married, William born in England/English, Father born in England/English, Mother born in England/English, Immigrated from Canada To Buffalo in 1889, occupation = Waiter @ Resturant, Rented a home @ 43 173 Carter Street, in 22 Ward.
William H. Walsh generated a very successful career in Hotel Management & Operations in Toronto, Canada & Buffalo, N.Y. ...but due to a "Drug Related Problem" William moved his family from Buffalo, N.Y. to Rochester N.Y.,in 1899... He came to search for new ventures in the Hotel Business. William started the Dining Room Operation @ The Whitcomb House (Hotel) on Main Street and he started the Dining Room Operation @ The Seneca Hotel on East Avenue and worked @ The Odenbach Hotel, all in Rochester N.Y.
The following information came from the Rochester Directory @ Main Library
in 1899 their was no Record of a William H. Walsh living in Rochester N.Y.
in 1900 William H. Walsh worked as a Waiter in the Resturant " A.B. Sturant "
. ..........................@ 25 Main St. E. and boarded @ 88 Cortland
in 1901 William H. Walsh.............Waiter.............. home..672 Clinton Ave. S
in 1902 William H. Walsh..Clerk @ 106 Clinton Ave. S, home @ same address
in 1903 William H. Walsh, worked as a Waiter @ The Whitcomb House,
a Hotel @ 209 Main Street East, he lived @ #4 Johnson Street
I found a 1917 Post Card showing an entrance to the Whitcomb House on Clinton Avenue South next to the Hayward Hotel & across from the Hotel Seneca & Lyceum Theatre. Was their also an entrance from Main Street ..Yes !
A map of 1890 showed a major entrance on Main Street.
in 1904 William H. Walsh, a Waiter,.................he lived @ #4 Johnson Street
in 1905 William H. Walsh, a Bartender................. home @ 49 Stone St.
in 1906 William H. Walsh, a Waiter @ 174 Main St. E, home@ 49 Stone St.
in 1906 ............Ray Tierney opened his First Grocery Store his first store
nea rby @ 312 North Street did the Walshes Shop at Tierneys' Market.
The answer is “yes” according to Ray Tierney’s written notes.
in 1907 William H. Walsh, a Waiter.................. home @ #4 Johnson Street
in 1908 William H. Walsh, a Waiter.................. home @ #76 Stone Street
in 1909 William H. Walsh, a Waiter.................. home @ #223 North Street
Is this location where Mary Thresa (Mamie ) Walsh met Ray Tierney,
who ran the Neighborhood Grocery Store @ 312 North Street. Who Knows ???
in 1910 William H. Walsh, Work Place Unrecorded,home @ 173 Carter Street
in 1911 William H. Walsh, a Waiter@ 46 South Ave.home @ 173 Carter Street
in 1912 William H. Walsh, a Waiter.................. ......home @ #22 Woodward
in 1913 William H. Walsh, Work Place Unrecorded, home @ #22 Woodward
in 1914 William H. Walsh, Work Place Unrecorded, home address was 62 Lux
in 1914 William H. Walsh died November, 26, 1914,......... at the age of 47
in 1914, Lillian was 26, Mamie 24 and two years before she married Ray Tierney, Flossie 20 & Cifford was 14 years old.
1915 Mary T. Walsh widow of William H. Walsh was living @ 212 Garson Ave.
Mary T. Walsh was Fifty One years old in 1915
1915 William E. O'Keefe ( a Clerk )....... was living @ 212 Garson Ave.
Border Entry Records
The National Archives of Canada holds lists of immigrants arriving across the Canada/U.S. border, and at certain local lake and seaports, from April 1908 to December 1918. These border entry records contain genealogical information such as age, country of birth, occupation, place of residence in the U.S. and destination Prior to April 1908, persons were able to move freely across the international boundary from the United States into Canada. No record exists of those immigrants.
Birth Date1 Jul 1865
Birth PlaceDublin, Ireland
Death Date24 Mar 1943 Age: 77
Death PlaceRochester, New York
Memo@ 10:30pm, 65 Rosewood Terrace
Burial Date27 Mar 1943
Burial PlaceHoly Sepulchre Cemetery, Rochester NY
Memo/ Undertaker / A. J. Mattle & Son
OccupationNurse @ Dublin City Hospital
ReligionRoman Catholic
EducationTrained as a Practical Nurse in Dublin, Ireland
Cause of deathChronic Myocarditis/5 years, due to Artirosclerosis Generalized /10 years
Misc. Notes
There is great confusion on the last name:
Mary Walsh Tierney, birth certificate, of Aug. 5 1890 listed Mary Stafford as her Mother
Florence Walsh O’Keefe, birth certificate, of June 25, 1894 listed Mary Kelly
Billy & Margaret O'Keeke remember her name as "Keller"/letter from Joe O'Keefe Jan. 19,1989
Jim Williams interview paper with his Grandmother was told...Mary Keller
Death Certificate listed her Father's name = " Not ascertained, Stafford"
Death Certificate listed her Mother's name = " Not ascertained"
The Death Certificate information came from William E. O'Keefe
You Pick the correct one .....I am going with Stafford, because I have two documents with ths name.
Mary Stafford was born on the day President Lincoln was shot,4/14/1865,
this is the story told by her daughter "Maime" to her daughter Mary.
Death Certificate.....said Mary born July 1, 1865
Lincoln Shot.....................................April 14, 1865
Lincoln Died.................................... April 15, 1865
National Day of Mourning..................June 1, 1865
So we have some confusion here with memory & records.
But tis true she was born @ the time all of America was focused on the death of President Lincoln.
Mary Theresa was a practical nurse in Ireland, and she sailed to Montreal, Canada with a patient she was attending. She met William H. Walsh her husband to be on the Ship during this sea voyage from England..........probably around 1884..1885.?
There exists some confusion as to William H. Walsh taking a second wife about 1892 because of Flossies' Birth Certificate which lists her Mothers Name as Mary Kelly.
So...Did Mary Stafford die between Birth of Mary & Flossie 1890 & 1893
My answer is NO!...that this must be considered as an error by the Church Scribe.........
or was her name really "Keller" & the clerk wrote "Kelly" ?
The Death Certificate of Mary Walsh stated that her length of stay in Rochester New York was 41 years........if she died in 1943, 43-41 = 2 which says Mary was living in Rochester from 1902 till her death in 1943.
The following information came from the 1910 U.S. Census @ Main Library
Mary T. Walsh, White Female, 45 Years old , 22 years Married, Gave birth to 7 children, 4 are living in 1910, Mary T. born in Ireland/English, Father born in Ireland/English, Mother born in Ireland/English, Immigrated 1889, occupation = Housewife @ ,Rented a home @ 43 173 Carter Street, in 22 Ward.
The Rochester Directory shows two other Mary Walshes in Town as a Nurse.
1913 .......Mary Walsh......a Nurse....@ 63 Greig Street
1917 .......Mary Walsh......a Nurse....@ 113 Frankfort Street
But Mary T. Walsh was a practical Nurse not an R.N. & probably would not have been listed as a Nurse in the Directory also a Mary T. Walsh is shown living in Rochester as a wife but widow to William Henery there !
Mary Keller's home in Buffalo N.Y. was @ 659 Prospect Avenue.
The following information came from the Rochester Directory @ Main Library
in 1914 William H. Walsh.......................his home address was 62 Lux St.
in 1914 Mary T. Walsh .................was not listed in Rochester Directory
in 1914 William E. O'Keefe was an Assembler @ 1050 University Ave
...............and his home address was 62 Lux St.
in 1914 Raymond J. Tierney operated a Market @ 312 North St.
and his home address was 10 Cayuga St. with his first wife Laura
1915 Mary T. Walsh widow of William H. Walsh was living @212 Garson Ave.
Mary T. Walsh was Fifty One years old in 1915
1915 William E. O'Keefe ( a Clerk )....... was living @ 212 Garson Ave.
1916 Mary T. Walsh widow of William H. Walsh was ..... @487 Hayward Ave.
1916 William E. O'Keefe ( a Clerk ) & Mary was living @487 Hayward Ave.
1917 Mary T. Walsh widow of William H. Walsh was ........ @103 Garson Ave
1917 William E. O'Keefe ( Florence) (a Clerk) was living@103 Garson Ave
I could not locate Mary T. Walsh in the 1920 US Census........Her name did not appear in the census report from William O'Keefe or Raymond Tierney.
1921 Mary T. Walsh widow of William H. Walsh was ........ @103 Garson Ave
1921 William E. O'Keefe ( Florence) Machinist was living @103 Garson Ave
1922 Mary T. Walsh widow of W. H. Walsh Nurse. .......@65 Rosewood Terrace
1922 William E. O'Keefe (Florence) Machinist living..@65 Rosewood Terrace
1923 Mary T. Walsh widow of W. H. Walsh Nurse. .......@65 Rosewood Terrace
1923 William E. O'Keefe (Florence) Machinist living..@65 Rosewood Terrace
The 1925 NYS Census, Monroe Co. Rochester NY, @ 65 Rosewood Terrace:
William T. O'Keefe, Head, 38, Born US, Machinist
Florence E. O'Keefe, Wife, 30, Born US, Housework
William D. O'Keefe, Son, 11, Born US, School
Margaret O'Keefe, Daughter, 8, Born US, School
Mary Walsh. Mother-in-Law, 58, Born Ireland,
Has lived in US for 42 years, Naturalized in 1885, a Trained Nurse
This data on Mary does not seem correct 1925-42 = 1883.........This says she has been a US Citizen since 1883.......but we know Elizabeth (Lillian) was born in Canada in Dec. of 1888.
Did she mean she left Ireland 42 years ago........?
What does the Naturalization date of 1885 relate to...........Canada???
What if the 42 was a mistake & should have been 32 years which would mean 1925-32 = 1893, that in 1893 she was was Naturalized.....and she Imigrated from Ireland for Canada in 1885. Eh???
Naturalization is the process by which an alien becomes an American citizen. It is a voluntary act, naturalization is not required. As a general rule, naturalization was a two-step process that took a minimum of 5 years. After residing in the United States for 2 years, an alien could file for a "declaration of intent" to become a citizen. After 3 additional years, the alien could "petition for naturalization." After the petition was granted, a certificate of citizenship was issued to the alien.
As a general rule, the "decelaration of intent" generally contains more genealogically usefull informationthan the "petition."
Mary T. Walsh continued to find a Home with William & Flossie O'Keefe, for a total of thirty years, till her death in 1943
Certificate of Death #990, Monroe County, Rochester NY
1, Place of Death, Monroe County, Rochester NY, Ward 18, @ 65 Rosewood Ter.
in city 41 years.
2 Residence of Deceased, 65 Rosewood Ter. Rochester NY
3 Name: Mary T. Walsh , Female White widowed,
5 Husband: William H. Walsh
10 Age: 77years, 8 months, & 23 days
11 Occupation: Nurse ( Practical)
13 Birthplace: Dublin, Ireland
14 Father's Name: Not ascertained, Stafford
Cause of Death = Chronic Myocarditis/5 years, due to Artirosclerosis Generalized /10 years.
Chronic Myocarditis.......meaning Inflammation of the muscular hart wall over 5 years, due to Artirosclerosis over 10 years, meaning, abnormal thicking & hardening of the walls of the arteries, commonly occurring mainly in old age.
Who were the following people, listed in a note by Maime.....?
Birth Dates:
Are the following all Canadian born people ......?
Cora Walsh, .....Nov. 14, 1880......Wife of Gilbert H. Walsh..but wrong birth date !
Richard Walsh, Nov. 24, 1892.......Is this a Son of William's Brother.. Fredrick?
Violet Badger,.. Nov. 15, 1899...... Daughter of William's Brother..Gilbert
Alice Walsh,.....June 27, 1909.......Daughter of Williams Sister Bertha
Fran Smith, .....Mar. 19, 1909.......Daughter of Williams Sister Bertha
Marr Date10 Jan 1887
Marr PlaceMontreal, Canada