NameAugust P. Weitz 
Birth DateAug 1872
Birth PlaceNew York State
Death Date1949 Age: 76
Death PlaceRochester N.Y.
Burial PlaceSec. J @ Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Rochester N.Y.
OccupationSuperintendent @ Henry Wray & Son, Machine Shop, @ 193 Mill St.
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
The following information came from the Rochester Directory @ Main Library
1900/1901 August P. Weitz, Toolmaker 537 St. Paul St. home @ 105 Ontario
Superintendent @ Henry Wray & Son, 193 Mill St.
1910 is Two Years after his Wife’s death of 1908.
The1910 US Census, 16th Ward @ 105 Weld Street listed the following:
August P. Weitz, 37, married 14 years, born NYS, family born Germany, Superintendant of Machine Shop., children Edmund 13, Lucille 12, Loretta 10, Bernard 6, Minnie Weitz mother of August, 76, born in Germany, imigrated to US in 1865
I assume the above Census data of "married 14 years" is wrong and should have read "married 4 Years" I will say August was remarried in 1906.
Birth Date2 Feb 1872
Birth PlaceRochester New York
Bapt PlaceSt. Mary’s Church Rochester NY
Memosponsors Patrick Calsie & Rose Ann Reynolds
Death Date15 Dec 1903 Age: 31
Death PlaceRochester New York
Burial PlaceHoly Sepulchre Cemetery, Sec. J
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
Died @ Child Birth of Bernard in 1903
Marr Date23 Oct 1895
Marr PlaceCorpus Christi Church, Rochester NY
Marr MemoNomina Testium: William Weitz & Mary Barth
Birth Date1882
Death Date1952 Age: 70
Death Place Rochester N.Y.
Burial PlaceSec. J @ Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Rochester N.Y.
ReligionRoman Catholic