NameSimon S. Dodd 
Birth Date6 Nov 1808
Birth PlaceDublin County, Ireland
Death Date25 Aug 1887 Age: 78
Death PlaceMarcellus New York
Burial PlaceSt. Francis Xavier Cemetery, Sec. 1, Lot 202
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
The first recorded facts concerning Simon are found after he left Dublin, Ireland, and moved to the Manufacturing Center of Leeds in Northern England, 1841 @ age 32.
I found no information on the Dodd’s when reviewing
the 1833-1843 Apprenticeship Register of Bramley, Leeds, York England:
Register on Mormon Microfilm # 0207935.....ordered Sept. 17, 1997.
I found the following information in the 1841 Census of Leeds England:
Census on Mormon Microfilm # 0464285.....ordered Sept. 17, 1997
In the County of York, Parish of Leeds & Chapelry of Bramley:
”Bramley. All that part of the Township of Bramley which lies on the Eastern Side of Town Streets from out Gang Lane to Waterloo Lane including all the buildings @ Waterloo & ClarkClose CoHages on the West Side of the old Koal & on the North of out Gang Lane.”
On the Street known as ...Wilsons 1 individual House lived:
Simon Dodd, male between the age of 30 - 35, profession..”Clothier”.....born in Ireland
Sarah Dodd, female between the age of 35 - 40.........................................born in Ireland
Hanah Dodd, female, 6 years old..............................................................born in England
Simon Dodd Jr, male, 1 year old..............................................................born in England
Margaret Hyland, female 30 years old.......profession “Burler”...............born in Ireland
A “Clothier, Clothesman or Clothman” is one “ who made or sold cloth”
A “Burler” is a “Quality Inspector for Clothing” _______________________________________________________
in June of 1841, Simon was 31, Sarah 39, Hanah 6 years & 9 months, Simon Jr. 1 year 6 months.
Who was Margaret Hyland living with the Dodd’s in their home in Bramley ?
Also living near by , 1 house away & on the same Street was the Murphy Family:
Jerry Murphy & wife Alice ( 35 to 40 years of age ), 3 children, William 15, Mary 5 & Margaret 1.
+ 3 Irishmen, William Mooney, Philip Cahill & Denis Spillman
Also in another part of Bramley ( in 1841) I found John Dodd 29 a Cloth Maker & wife Sarah between 25 - 30 plus a 1 year old Is this John Dodd related in any way....?
I found the following information in the 1851 Census of Leeds England: ......on page #3 Near End
Census on Mormon Microfilm # 0087534.....ordered Sept. 17, 1997
In the County of York, Parish of Leeds & Chapelry of Bramley:
On the Street known as ...Wilsons 1 individual House lived:
Simon Dodd, male ................... age of 41, profession..”Cloth Weaver”.....born in Ireland
Sarah Dodd, female btween the age of 45,.profession..”Cloth Burler”......born in Ireland
Hanah Dodd, female, 17 years old, profession..”Cloth Burler”.......born in York, Kentstall
Simon Dodd Jr, male, 12 years old, profession..”Wool Pricer”......born in York, Leeds
James Dodd, male, 10 years old, profession..”Scholar”.................born in York, Bramley
on April 21, of 1851, Simon was 40 years & 7 mo., Sarah 49 yrs. & 5 mo., Hanah 16 yrs. & 5 mo., Simon Jr. 11 yrs. & 7 mo. and James was 9 yrs. & 4 mo.
When & from where did the Dodd’s sail from England....? After 1851 yes & before 1860 but....?
Anna 21, Simon Jr. - 16, James - 13 these children would be the proper age to enter the work foce of the Worcester Mill factories.
Did Simon Sr. answer an add that brought he & his family to Worcester.
The Murphys & the Dodds were good friends in England 1831 - 1855
Nathaniel Chandlee came to America...his son was in the Civil War
Mary Murphy married Lawrence Lacey and the Laceys were close to Dodds,
The Dodds, Murphys, Chandlees & Laceyes all together in America 1856 + ?
Look for these people together in Worcester, Mass. in 1860 in a Census.
..............this is a 1958 taped memory of Anna Curtin Kirchoff
"Simon Dodd came to America with the Murphy's and Laceys?, and came 3 or 6 months before the rest of the family, he rented a three room house and sent for his Lawrence or Worcester, Mass. ? A Mary Murphy married a Lawrence Lacey and they plus Marys father Mr. Murphy came to America together" ... this is a 1958 taped memory of Anna Curtin Kirchoff
"Simon Dodd while living in Dublin used to bury the dead from the Irish Potato Famine at night and after the Land Act of 1847 he moved to England with the Murphys"... this is a 1958 taped memory of Anna Curtin Kirchoff
This does not make sense because the Dodds lived in England from 1831 - 1855 approximately.
"Anna T. Dodd was 19 years old when she came to America"
this is a 1958 taped memory of Anna Curtin Kirchoff
So this says the Dodds came to America in 1852 or 1853 depending on the month......Anna was born in September of 1834 + 19 = 1853, but she was 19 in 1852 also....1853
Simon came to America from England with three children in 1852 or1853 and settled in Worcester, Mass. or in Lawrence, Mass. Simon was a handweaver in Dublin Ireland and before going to England
___________________________________________________________________________11855 Massachusetts State Census, City of Worcester, MicroFilm #0953965 :
.............Microfilm ordered @ Mormon Family Center on Westfall Road, Rochester :
I could find no information on the Dodd’s when recviewing Wards 1-8, in Worcester, Mass. ____________________________________________________________________________
The 1852 Worcester Mass. Almanac...copied to Micro-fiche No. 6044666, ordered @ Mormon Family Center on Westfall Road, Rochester had the following information:....have copy of data:
Simon Dodd...was not to be found in record....but the following Dodds were:
Dodd, Alonzo; h-Tremont Street
Dodd, John; Boot-Maker, h-Cypress Street
Dodd, Joseph; Machinist, bds. 13 Hanover
Dodd, Luke; Teamster; h-Mulberry Court
The 1853 Worcester Mass. Almanac...copied to Micro-fiche No. 6044667, ordered @ Mormon Family Center on Westfall Road, Rochester had the following information:
Simon Dodd...was not to be found in record....but the following Dodds were:
Dodd, Alonzo; h-Tremont
Dodd, James S.; Boot-Maker, bds.-William
Dodd, Joseph; Machinist, bds. 13 Hanover
Dodd, Luke; Teamster; h-Mulberry Court
The 1854 Worcester Mass. Almanac...copied to Micro-fiche No. 6044668, ordered @ Mormon Family Center on Westfall Road, Rochester had the following information: have copy of data:
Simon Dodd...was not to be found in record....but the following Dodds were:
Dodd, Alonzo; Clicker @ Bowen's, h-Myrtle Street
Dodd, James ; Truckman @ Car Shop, h.-William Street
Dodd, John; Boot Bottomer, h-Chandler Street
Dodd, Joseph; Machinist, bds. 13 Hanover
Dodd, Luke; Cooper; h-Milk Street
The 1855 Massachusetts State Census for the City of Worcester...listed the following:
Luke Dodd, age 65, Occupation, Cooper & Mary Dodd age 65
James Dodd, age 24, Occupation-Truckman & Lucinda Dodd, age 22, & child, 1 month, not named
The 1855 Worcester Mass. Almanac...copied to Micro-fiche No. 6044669, ordered @ Mormon Family Center on Westfall Road, Rochester had the following information:
Simon Dodd...was not to be found in record....but the following Dodds were:
Dodd, Joseph H.; Machinist, bds. 5 Laurel
Dodd, Luke; Coooper; h-Gravel
The 1856 Worcester Mass. Almanac...copied to Micro-fiche No. 6044670, ordered @ Mormon Family Center on Westfall Road, Rochester had the following information:...........have copy of data:
Simon Dodd...was not to be found in record....but the following Dodds were:
Dodd, Alonzo; Clicker; h-Irving Street
Dodd, James S.; h- Old Brewery
Dodd, Joseph H. ; Machinist, h- 3 Laurel Street
Dodd, Luke; Cooper; h-Grafton Street
The 1858 Worcester Mass. Almanac...copied to Microfiche No. 6044672, ordered @ Mormon Family Center on Westfall Road, Rochester had the following information:...have copy of data:
Simon Dodd...was not to be found in record....but the following Dodds were:
Dodd, Alonzo; Saloon bds 76 Plesant Street
Dodd, Joseph H.; Machinist, h 6 Prospect Street
The 1859 Worcester Mass. Almanac...copied to Micro-fiche No. 6044673, ordered @ Mormon Family Center on Westfall Road, Rochester had the following information:
Simon Dodd...was not to be found in record....but the following Dodds were:
Dodd, Alonzo; h-Tremont
Dodd, Joseph; Machinist, bds. 6 Prospect
The 1860 Worcester Mass. Almanac...copied to Micro-fiche No. 1581, # 6044675, located @ Mormon Family Center on Westfall Road, Rochester had the following information:
”Dodd, Simon, Weaver, Home 1 Water Street.”.....this was the only record of an address.
On Sept. 26, 1997 I found in The 1860 Worchester Almanac on Microfiche No. 1581, # 6044675, located @ Mormon Family Center on Westfall Road, Rochester had the following information:
.............."Simon Dodd, Weaver, home @ 1 Water St.
I also found listed " Michael Lacy, Soap Driver home @ 7 Temple" & about 10 Murphy's,
but no Chandlee's & 2 other Dodd's, Alanzo & Joseph H. II
The name of the Catholic Church in Worcester in 1860 was:
Saint John’s Catholic Church on Temple Street-Rev. John Boyle & Rev. P. T. O’Rilley
In The 1860 US Census, Ward #5, City of Worcester, County of Worcester, Masschusetts
.............Microfilm ordered @ Mormon Family Center on Westfall Road, Rochester :#0014695
the following information found as #449 ,......on page #193
Simon Dodd, 50 male, profession..”Weaver”.....born in Ireland
Sarah Dodd, 55 female......................................born in Ireland
Hanah Dodd, 26 female, profession..”Weaver”..born in England
Simon Dodd Jr, 20 male, profession..”Spinner”...born in England
James Dodd, 18 male,......................................born in England
Thomas Murphy, 37 male, profession..”Wire Drawer”...born in Ireland
The 1860 Worcester Almanac lists: Murphy, Thomas, Horse Nail Maker, bds. @ 93 Front St.
in The 1860 US Census, Ward #4, City of Worcester, Co. of Worcester, Masschusetts, page #383
Michael Lacey, 28,”Day Laborer” Bridget, 30, Margaret, 5, Hannah, 2 & Thomas 6 Mo.
Who are these people as related to or just friends of the Dodd’s ?
I found listed in Worcester Almanac" Michael Lacy, Soap Driver home @ 7 Temple"
in The 1860 US Census, Ward #7, City of Worcester, Co. of Worcester, Masschusetts, page #142
Benjamin Chandler, 34 a Cabinet Maker, Hariet, 33, Elizabeth, 10, Who are these people?
Crompton & Knowles a factory on Winter Street..........were their other factories in this area near where the Dodd’s lived ? the Lavin & Lupkin a drygoods store across from the factory
@ Clark College Dr. Loring Dodd taught English.(~1910) ..was this person any relation.
Where was “Classical High School” in Worcester...1900
The 1861 Worcester Mass. Directory & Almanac...copied to Microfilm # 1377606, ordered @ Mormon Family Center on Westfall Road, Rochester had the following information:
”Dodd, Simon, Weaver, Home 1 Water Street.”
The 1862 Worcester Mass. Directory & Almanac. Microfilm # 1377606,information:
”Dodd, Simon, Weaver, Home 1 Water Street.”
”Dodd, James, Loom Fixer, Boards @ 1 Water Street.”
..............................where is Simon Dodd Junior.....for he is not listed in Directory
The 1862 Worcester Almanac had the following notes about Worcester City Government:
Chapter XVIII Lamps: Section 1, "The joint standing committee on lighting streets, shall have the care and oversight of all street lamps and fixtures belonging to the city; shall cause the same to be kept clean and in good order for use, and shall see that the same are kept lighted at such times as the convenience of the public requires."
The 1863, 1864, 1865 & 1866 Worcester Mass. Directory & Almanac, Microfilm # 1377606, contained no listing of our Dodd's............ Simon, Simon Jr. or James Dodd:
1865 Massachusetts State Census, City of Worcester, MicroFilm #0954384:
.............Microfilm ordered @ Mormon Family Center on Westfall Road, Rochester :
I could find no information on the Dodd’s when recviewing Wards 1-8 in Worcester, Mass.
The 1867 Worcester Mass. Directory & Almanac. Microfilm # 1377606,information:
”Dodd, Simon, Loom Fixer, boards @ Armory”
" The first establishment erected on the site of the upper Marcellus or Crown Mill was built by Robert & Thomas Dyer about 1812. They made woolens and carded and dressed cloth, and 4 years later sold to John Rhores & Bishop N. Parsons. Afterwards it was owned by Samuel Godard, Austin Godard, Ansel Kellog, William J. Meachan, Joseph Taylor, and Meachan & Parsons, in whose possession it was burned in 1847. Mr Meachan rebuilt the brick or west part of the present structure in 1848. It was finally purchased by a company and converted into a linen factory, which proved a failure, and in 1855,it passed to Chester Moses, who turned it back into a woolen mill. He died May 13, 1870, and Moses & Co. and later Lucius Moses, conducted the establishment. In 1886 the Marcellus Woolen Mills Company was incorporated, with Lucius Moses, President; Howard Soule, vice-president, Joseph Willetts, secretary and G. N. Case treasurer. In 1890 they sold to the Crown Mills Company of which S. W. Barker is prsident, Lucius Moses, vice-president and Arthur T. Sullivan treasurer. The Mill consumes about 400,000 pounds of wool annually and employs from seventy-five to 100 hands. It was enlarged in 1895."
1867 Worcester Almanac & Directory Advertisement for Woolen Factories:
#1...T. K. Earle & Co., Superior Cotton & Wool Machine Card Clothing
.....located @ Grafton Street near the Western R. R. Depot
#2...The Sargent Card Clothing Co....for Cotton, Woolen or Flax Machinery.
.....located @ 70 Beekman Street
Were these Factories near Water Street............?......Is this where Gramp's worked ?
In the Book " Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Naming of Worcester Oct. 14/15 1884
Book Call # "GR-974.43 W9231" @ Rochester Public Main ibrary. The Following:
"WOOLEN MILLS.........In 1804 the ingenious & enterprising Stowells were weaving carpets & plaids in Worcester, using 6 looms of their own invention & manufacture. In 1876 there were two Mills here for the manufacture of Broadcloth. One was William B. Fox & George T. Rice with 50 operators & a product of 500 yards/ week. There are now two Woolen Mills, The Worcester Woolen Mill manufacturing fine & medium cassimeres with 225 men with a product of $400,000/year. Another establishment runs 34 looms exclusively on beaver cloths @ $350,000 / year."
The home in Marcellus, N.Y. had a back poarch. a garden. an outside cellar stairway.
The following information came from the booklet titled " The Parish of Saint Francis Xavier, Marcellus, N.Y. 1873- 1973"
The Choir:
"About the time that the building of the church of St. Francis Xavier was completed (1873) two brothers, Simon & James Dodd, came from Worcester, Massachusetts to work in the woolen mills. Simon had an excellent bass voice and had been sent to Boston by Father Byrd, the pastor of St. John's Church in Worcester, to study church music. On his return he trained a choir in Worcester. Father McDonough enlisted the services of Mr. Dodd in organizing a choir for St. Francis Xavier" 50
When looking for information remember thet:
In the 1900 U.S. Census Annie Murphy, ( Anna Dodd ) said she came to the U.S. in 1859. ?
from the 1865 "Gazetteer of Towns"
Marcellus: was founded March 5, 1794. It is an interior town, lying south-west of the center of Onondaga County. Its surface is a rolling upland, broken by the deep vallley of Nine Mile Creek, which extends north and south through the center. The declivities which border the creek are steep, and from 200 to 500 feet high. Upon the creek are several falls, furnishing a large amount of water power. Lime and plaster abound. The soil is generally a deep black loam, formed by the decomposition of the Marcellus shales, intermixed to some extent with clay. Manufacturing is carried on to a limited extent along the Nine Mile Creek.
Marcellus on the creek, near the center of town, was incorporated April 29th, 1853. It contains two churches, a woolen factory, a grist mill with four runs of stones and a saw mill. The population is about 400. Marcellus Falls has in its vicinity a plaster mill, three paper mills, a wooolen factory, a grist mill and about 30 houses
The census of 1865 gives the town a population of 2,577, and an area of 18,900 acres.
The 1870 U.S. Census found in Marcellus Library said Simon Dodd was 61 years old, working in a Woolen Factory, his wife Sarah was 66, their daughter Anna Murphy was living with them along with her daughter Sarah who was 8, Anna was a weaver in the Woolen Factory , also their son Simon Jr. age 29, a weaver in the Woolen Factory, was living with them. .
The 1875 Census found in Marcellus Library said Simon Dodd was 67 years old, working as a weaver in a Woolen Factory, his wife Sarah was 74, their daughter Anna Murphy 38, a weaver, was living with them along with her daughter Sarah, their granddaughter, who was 14, plus their son Simon Jr. age 35, who was a weaver in the Woolen Factory . They owned a frame house of $1,300 value
The 1880 U.S. Census found in Marcellus Library said Simon Dodd was 71 years old and still working in a Woolen Factory, his wife Sarah was 79, their daughter Hanah (Anna) Murphy was living with them along with her daughter Sarah who was 19, and both Mother & Daughter were workers in the Woolen Factory in Marcellus, also James Dodd age 38, was living with Simon & Sarah, & working @ the Woolen Factory. They were living in a home different from Simon Junior but it must have been close for they appear on the same page in the 1880 Census seperated by two other families, so they probably both lived on Orange Street in Marcellus.
How do you find where people lived in Marcellus, what house, in 1870 to 1900?
The Marcellus Woolen Mill employed 57 people in 1870 in a Village of 517 Households & 1909 Residents, Lucius Moseses was listed as one of the Wealthy
with RealEstate value of $16,000 & Personal Property of $3,000
Was this the Lucius Moses Woolen Works ?
The 1875 a Mill wage was $1.50 / day
The Woolen Mill was known as The Crown Mill...a Water Powered Mill.
The 1880 U.S. Census found in Marcellus Library listed a Lucius 48 years old, as a Woolen Manufacturer.
How may people in Marcellus worked in the Mill in 1880 ? =109 People
The 1892 U.S. Census found in Marcellus Library had no information on Dodds The 1890 Census was lost to fire & Marcellus must have taken a new census in 1892.
The following was taken from the 1892 NYS, Rochester Census @ Mormon Center....Ward 14th
Simon Dodd, age 53, born England, occupation “BarKeeper” (would this be Simon’s son? PF)
Mary Dodd, age 40, born US,
Gertie, 13, Leona 10, Paul 8, Leo 6, Mary 4.
Notes fron John Curtin's Research of the Marcellus Dodds:
" There are any number of explanations for the name"Dodd". One is that it is a corruption of the Irish name, "O'Dowd" and the other has its origin in the name "Roger." Two common nicknames for the name "Roger" appeared in the Middle Ages, "Hodge and Dodge", both of which are also surnames, and from "Dodge", the name "Dodd or Dodds", may have developed. "Dodd" which as a personal name can mean "rounded summit," sometimes designates the lumpish or fat man.
Dodd's in England:
the Dodds lived in England from .....1832 - 1856.......... approximately.
The Dodd Trail:
Simon.....born in Dublin, Ireland.......November 6, 1809
Sarah Chandlee Dodd....born, Kings County, Ireland....September 26, 1801
Simon Dodd would be 20 in 1829 was married in 18 ??
Dublin to Leeds = 200 miles, 135 Sea Miles to Liverpool & 65 land miles to Leeds
Simon Dodd moved to England with the Murphys
Simon & Sarah moved to England in 1832 ?
Anna T. ( Hanah) Dodd, daughter,...born England.........September 2, 1834
Elizabeth ( Sarah) Dodd, daughter,...born England.....July 14, 1837...Died ....Mar. ? , 1838
Simon Dodd Jr., son born , November 30, 1839.......Leeds, Yorkshire England
James Dodd, son, born August 9, 1842..........Bramely, England
Simon Departed England 1856 ? with the Murphy's & Lacey's
3 or 6 months before the rest of the family...from Port of Liverpool ?
Simon Departed England 1852/3 ? with Sarah, Anna, Simon Jr. & James. ...from Liverpool ?
"Anna T. Dodd was 19 years old when she came to America"
Nathaniel Chandlee, brother to Sarah, came to America...his son was in the Civil War
Mary Murphy married Lawrence Lacey and the Laceys were close to Dodds,
The Dodds, Murphys, Chandlees & Laceyes were all together in America 1852/3 + ?
Look for these people together in Leed's 1841 & 1851 Census Information & the
Worcester, Mass. in 1860 Census.
Birth Date26 Sep 1801
Birth PlaceKings County, Ireland
Death Date6 Jan 1888 Age: 86
Death PlaceMarcellus New York
Burial Date10 Jan 1888
Burial PlaceSt. Francis Xavier Cemetery, Sec. 1, Lot 202
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
I found a handwritten note in the papers of Anna Mae Dodd......papers given me when Sis Murdock died that said:
“Simon Dodd, Sborn in Dublin, Ireland, Nov. 6, 1808, died Aug 25, 1887
Sarah Chandlef....his wife ... born in Kings County Ireland Sept. 26, 1801, died Jan. 6, 1888”
So was it...’Chandlef” ?,,,Leo found not Jan. 27, 2014.
Is this name Chandler or Chandlee or Chandlef or Chandley?
The Chandlee Family Bible spelled it as "Chandlee"
Anna DeWan Carlson said it is now spelled as "Chandlef"
Her Marcellus tombstone reads "Chandlee"
Sarah Canndlef was born in Kings County, you won't find it on a current map of Ireland as both Kings & Queens County have been renamed, Kings County is now called Offaly County & Queens County is now Laoiglis County.
Note / Anna Dewan Carlson 1991
Today Wednesday 17, 2003, I received a copy of an e-mail letter written by Anna Dewan Carlson on Sunday, August 10, 2003 to John P. Curtin in Marcellus, N.Y. delivered to Leo by Fred Eisenberg on our “Eisenberg Serch” day. This letter presents proof that the spelling of our irish relatives name is written.........“Chandley”..........and not “Chandlee.”
The proof from Anna was as follows:
1:Photo copy of torn Marriage Certificate for Simon Dodd & Sarah Chandley
................very clearly written.
2: Letter Envelope post marked “Worcester, Mass. Mar. 10, 1884, 8:30 AM” addressed to Mrs. Anna (Dodd) Murphy, Marcellus N.Y Onondag, of Simon Dodd Jr......letter from Capt. George Chandley, her first cousin..... with a return note: “If not called for in 10 days please return to G. B. Chandley, Worcester Mass.”
The 1861 Worcester Mass. Directory & Almanac...copied to Microfilm # 1377606, ordered @ Mormon Family Center on Westfall Road, Rochester had the following information:
”Chandler, George, Loom Fixer, Boards @ 12 Millbury Street”
”Chandler, John, Machinist, Boards @ 12 Millbury Street”
”Chandler, Nathaniel, Fuller, Home @ 12 Millbury Street”
......Notice the Name is spelled "Chandler" & not "Chandlee"
The 1862 Worcester Mass. Directory & Almanac... Microfilm # 1377606, information:
”Chandlee, George, Loom Fixer, Boards @ 12 Millbury Street”
”Chandlee, John, Machinist, Boards @ 12 Millbury Street”
”Chandlee, Nathaniel, Fuller, Home @ 12 Millbury Street”
......Notice the Name is now spelled "Chandlee" & not "Chandler"
The 1863 Worcester Mass. Directory & Almanac... Microfilm # 1377606, information:
A list of Citizens of Worcester who have volunteered as Soldiers in the Armies of the Union from April, 1861, to Dec. 1862:
"Chandler, George B.......3rd Battalion"
The 1863 Worcester Mass. Directory & Almanac... Microfilm # 1377606, information:
”Chandlee, Nathaniel, Fuller, Home @ 12 Millbury Street”
The 1864 Worcester Mass. Directory & Almanac... Microfilm # 1377606, information:
”Chandlee, Nathaniel, Fuller, Boards @ 5 Millbury Street”
The 1865 Worcester Mass. Directory & Almanac... Microfilm # 1377606, information:
.........There was no listing of any Chandlee
The 1866 & 1867 Worcester Mass. Directory & Almanac... Microfilm # 1377606, information:
”Chandley, George B., Machinist, Boards @ 18 Central Ave.”
.....Now who is this person.......a possible Chandlee ? Is thie the person who Volunteered for Civil War in 1863 listing.......? was a George B. ???