NameMichael Gooney Jr. 
Birth Date1850
Birth PlaceNew York State
Death Date20 Jan 1913 Age: 63
Death PlaceRochester N.Y.
Burial Date22 Jan 1913
Burial PlaceHoly Sepulchre Cemetery, Rochester NY,Sec. R, Lot #258
MemoSection, R: Lot:258, Grave: 4N
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
The following information came from the 1910 U.S. Census @ Main Library
Michael Gooney, White Male, 59 Years old , Married 30 years, born in New York State, Father born Ireland/English, Mother born Ireland/English, Occupation = own income, Owned his home @ 43 Galusha Street, free of mortgage.
Michael Gooney was born in 1851 ......where ....?
Michael Gooney was 17 and able to work in 1868 ......where ....?
I looked @ 1870 Clark’s Mills Census but did not find a Michael Gooney.
But I found him in the 1870 New Hartford NY US Census !
Michael Gooney lived in Rochester...........from 1875 Till Death in 1913
The following information came from the Rochester Directory @ Main Library
in 1874..................No Michael Gooney, listed in Directory
in 1876/77 Michael Gooney,Flagman @ Scio St. Crossing, Boards @ Davis St
in 1877/78...........No Michael Gooney, listed in Directory
in 1878 ............. Michael Gooney,living @ 2 Frank Street
in 1879 Michael Gooney, Overseer @ the Roch. Cotton Mills, h @ 33 Frank St.
in 1880 thru 1883 Michael Gooney, Overseer @ the Rochester Cotton Mills,
while living @ 31 Galusha St.
in 1884 thru 1902 Michael Gooney, Overseer @ the Rochester Cotton Mills,
while living @ 43 Galusha St.
Michael Gooney, was an Oversee @ The Rochester Cotton Mills for 23 years.
I think the Rochester Cotton Mill which was located @ 50 Center or @ 50 Commercial St. closed in 1901 or 1902, No Advertizement found after 1902.
The following information is from, 1905 NYS Census, Rochester NY, Ward #5, 43 Galusha Street:
Michael Gooney age 53, born US, occupation Laborer,
Sarah wife, age 40, born US, occupation; Housewife
Name? Stevans age? , born in Canada, in US seven months, occupation: Clothing Cutter
Florence Stevens Wife, age 25, born in Canada, in US seven months, occupation: Housewife
Who are these people living with the Gooneys ?
In 1903............... .Michael Gooney was a Laborer, living @ 43 Galusha Street
In 1903/07........... Michael Gooney was a Helper, living @ 43 Galusha Street
In 1908/12.......Michael Gooney was a Watchman, living @ 43 Galusha Street
In 1913 .......................Michael Gooney died January 20, @ age 62
The following information, Ward 5, 43 Galusha Street, was in the 1910 US Census:
Michael Gooney age 59, married 30 years, born NYS, living on his own income, wife Sarah age 51, No Children, born NYS;
Anna Wholahan, age 20, Sarah Wholahan age 17 & Francis Wholahan age 15, all students and nieces & nephews living with Sarah Gooney.
Birth Date19 Oct 1856
Birth PlaceManchester, New York
Death Date12 Feb 1927 Age: 70
Death PlaceRochester NY
Burial Date15 Feb 1927
Burial PlaceHoly Sepulchre Cemetery, Rochester NY,
MemoSection: R, Lot: #258, Grave: 3N
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
The following information came from the 1910 U.S. Census @ Main Library
Sarah Gooney, White Female, 50 Years old , Married 30 years, no record of any births, Sarah born in New York State, Father born England/English, Mother born England/English, Occupation = Housewife, Owned her home@ 43 Galusha Street, free of mortgage.
The following information is from, 1915 NYS Census, Rochester NY, Ward #5, 43 Galusha Street:
Sarah E. Gooney,Head, age 57, born in US, occupation; HouseWork
Anna M. Wholahan, Niece, age 25, born in US, occupation; ShoeMaker
Sadie A. Wholahan, Niece, age 22, born in US, occupation; ShoeMaker
Francis T. Wholahan, Nephew, age 25, born in US, occupation; Bookbinder
Marra Catherine, Cousin, age 28, born in US, occupation; Textile Worker
The following information is from, 1920 US Census, Rochester NY, Ward #5, 43 Galusha Street:
..........................................taken on 3 to 5 day of January 1920
Sarah E. Gooney, age 62, born NY State, Father & Mother born in England, occupation; Housewife
Anna M. Wholahan, Niece, age 29, Father born in NY, Mother born Mass. occupation; ShoeMaker
Sarah A. Wholahan, Niece, age 26, Father born in NY, Mother born Mass. occupation; ShoeMaker
Francis T. Wholahan, Nephew, age 25, Father born in NY, Mother born Mass. occupation; Bookbinder
The following information came from the Rochester Directory @ Main Library
In 1913/21 Sarah E. Gooney, widow of Michael , living @ 43 Galusha Street
in 1921..........Leo & Anna Dodd moved in with Sarah @ 43 Galusha Street
In 1922/27 Sarah E. Gooney, widow of Michael , living @ 43 Galusha Street
with Sadie, Francis & Joseph Wholahan
in 1927..Sarah Gooney, living @ 43 Galusha Street, Died Feburary 12, 1927
Sarahs' Death Notice in "Rochester Democrat & Chronicle" reads as follows:
Sarah E. Gooney died Saturday afternoon, Feburary 12, 1927 @ her home #43 Galusha Street. She is survived by two brothers, William H. Wholahan of Spring City, Pa. and Joseph F. Wholahan, of this city, three nices, Mrs Thomas Morton of Ludlow, Mass., Mrs. Leo J. Dodd and Miss Sadie Wholahan; and one nephew, Francis T. Wholahan all of this City."
Sarah had provided a home for the Wholahans when their "Evil" Stepmother refused to give them a home in Adams Mass. after their Father Died in 1905. So Anna 15, Sadie 12 & Francis 11 came to live with Aunt Sarah.
Also Sarah's brother Joseph lived with her in 1927?
The following are from notes in Thomas Wholahan Diary in 1883
"Mr Gooney, 43 Golusha Street, Rochester New York
Mary A. Wholahan, 31 Galusha Street, Rochester N. Y."
Did Sarah & Michael have a son Micnael...? Helen said she did not have children.
Mother's keepings had a receipt from Holy Sepulchre Cemetery for payment of $60 for Grave Lot #258, Section R, in April of 1914, on the backed is marked 2 Graves for Patrick Marley & 5 Graves for Sarah Gooney.......Sarah's husband died 1913 & Sarah's sister Mary (Marley) died 1914
I checked this out @ The Holy Sepulchre Cemetery Office:
Their Records show this Lot to be 7 graves, with Michael & Sarah Gooney, Mary Marley, Francis & Joseph Wholahan, + Two Empty Graves.
Marr Date2 Jul 1879
Marr PlaceSt. Francis DeSales Church, Utica NY
Marr MemoL. G. O’Riley, Rector