NameThomas Orr Morton 
Birth Date1885
Birth PlaceDow City, Iowa
Death Date1957 Age: 72
Death PlaceAdams, Mass.
OccupationAssitant Treasurer @ Arnold Lumber Co. 1929-1954
Misc. Notes
Came to Adams from Dow City, Iowa & got a job in Renfrew Mill.
Mr. Morton was with the C. S. Ferry Co. in Pittsfield from 1913 to 1917. and then went to Ludlow with the Ludlow Manufacturing Co. He joined the Arnold Lumber Co. in Adams in 1929 and retired as an assistant Treasurer & Bookeeper for the firm in 1954
Birth Date3 Oct 1886
Birth PlaceAdams, Mass.
Death Date1964 Age: 77
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
Tom Morton called Leo on phone July 30, talk about Wholahans......."Woolahans" as his mother pronounced the family name..Tom said he did not believe his mother worked in the Mills after she was married.....but she did work before marriage @ the " Berkshire Fine Spinning Company" in Mill # 3..the Spooling Mill ...for this is the same Mill that Tom had also worked in for two summers, growing up in Adams Mass. His mother Nell worked as a "Spooler" This Mill later became known as "The Berkshire Hathway Mill." These Mills, a total of four were connected by a series of bridges spaning the roadways of Hoosac Street......only Mill #1 is standing today in Adams. My mother Anna Wholahan & Grandfather Thomas also worked in these Mills.....& this is probably where Tom met Maria Hardiman. The Mills employed some 4,000 people at their prime in early1900's. The four Cotton Mills were built by W.B. and C.T. Plunkett which reached its peak in population and wealth just before WWI.
Tom said he would look for Death Certificate of his Grandfather Thomas Wholahan & possibly visit the grave site to read the incription on grave stone which may supply birth date information. The Hardiman connection must remain a mystery for there are no Hardimans living near by to contact.
The Grave site for Thomas Wholahan, Tom & Nell Morton, and Tom's late wife Kathleen are all buried in the same Cemetery in Adams Mass. located @ the edge of town near the old swimming hole.
Tom was also looking into the location of "Libby Prision"....working with the local Anthaneium Library in Pittsfield Mass.
Tom said he did not know the name of Thomas Wholahan's second wife........although Helen remembers the fist name as Maria....pronounced "Mariah" being the same name as his first wife. Tom also said that there is no existing "group" of people in Adams or Pittsfield area that can contribute information to the Wholahan Hardiman family tree knowledge base.