Name Great GrandMa Clifford 
Misc. Notes
She was an Episcoplian in Religion......and against Catholics Beliefs....
so GrandMa Walsh had to Baptise her children secret.
Joe O'Keefe told us of this second this a true story or is there some confuson in memory....did they both remarry ?....I thought The Great Grandfather stayed in England ?
Where did this GrandMa Clifford come from ????
Birth PlaceDublin, Ireland ?
Death PlacePlace Unknown...England ?
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
We first established the Family (Children of William H. Walsh) from correspondence letters and notes of Maime (Tierney) Walsh, Mary's Mother.
Did this man & his Wife & children come to Canada together?
Wayne Cameron, son of Vera Walsh, daughter of Frederick Walsh told us a story on July 13 1999,on a visit to his home in Brockville Ontario, Canada...."that his grandfather William H. Walsh Sr. a Lawyer in Wales, England went to work one day & never came home....and that he was a boxing champion..even though he was small in statue"............How does this match with the story that his wife divorced him and moved their children to Canada. ???
We know only from the Census of the English Heritage.
and the Obiturary of Frederick H. Walsh in Brockville Newspaper.
The following information came from the 1900 U. S. Census, for Rochester NY @ Main Library
"William H. Walsh, white male, 35 years old , 13 years Married, William born in England/English, Father born in England/English, Mother born in England/English, Immigrated from Canada To Buffalo in 1888"
During the visit in Derby Line Vermont...August 7, 1998.....Terrance showed us a Pocket Watch that he had in a glass case, which was willed to him from his Grandfather Walsh.
The Inscription read as follows:
" Patent Lever, Full Jewelled, Hands/ M.T. Tobias: Liverpool"