Dodd Family - Person Sheet
Dodd Family - Person Sheet
NameFrances Ayer
Birth Date19 Mar 1909
Birth PlaceHuntingville, Quebec, Canada
ReligionUniveralist Church
MotherBertha Mabel Walsh (1873-1930)
Misc. Notes
Frances was a Teacher

One of her son's was in the Navy and was killed in Battle./Information from Ann Oliver
information on Card...copied to 1998......
was this the announcement of Christining?...for the birth date differs from ours.?
I changed what I had to March 19 1909.....from Nov. 19....1909

" Ayer: Francis Elizabeth....Daughter of Dan William & Bertha Walsh,
born......1909.....March 19th
Univeralists Church, Huntingville, Quebec, Canada"
Last Modified 3 Jul 1999Created 14 Jun 2020 using Reunion for Macintosh