Dodd Family - Person Sheet
NameAnn Maloney 
Birth DateMay 1832
Birth PlaceCounty Down, Ireland
Death Date18 Dec 1901 Age: 69
Death PlaceGeneva, NY
Birth Date8 May 1830
Birth PlaceWorth, Co. Sussex, England
MemoImigrated 1850-1852
Death Date10 Sep 1903 Age: 73
Death PlaceGeneva, NY
Burial PlaceMaple Grove, Waterloo NY
Chr Date10 May 1831 Age: 1
Chr PlaceWorth , Sussex, England
OccupationGrocery Trade & Teamster in 1900
ReligionChurch of England
Misc. Notes
Geneva Daily 5, p73
1895.......Proprietor Empire Home, 99 Shimill St. h 47 North St.
1899.......Teamster Res. 47 Ave B
1900......Carpenter...h 93 North St
Henry was a Civil War Vetran:
Suzanne Tierney had a copy oy his “Volunteer Enlistment” & Muster Record
Mustered into service of the United States in Company 16 Regiment Heavy Artillery Volunteers
on the 11 day of January 1864 @ Auburn serve for 3 years
Union Army, 16th NY Heavy Artillery 1864-1865, Age 32, Occupation.....Farmer
Where Enlisted ...Summerhill NY, Eyes ..Blue, Hair...Black, Height 6’, complexion..Dark
Company Muster Rolls for months of F. M. A. M. J. J. A. S. O. N. & Dec of 1864......Present
January 1865 Absent in Confinement, Norfolk Va.
Company Muster Rolls for months of J. F. M. A. of 1865 ....Present
May 1865 Absent sick in Hampton Hospital
Mustered out by order of War Dept. dated May 3, 1865,
.......... Patient in U. S. General Hospital @ Fort Monroe, Va. Muetered Out June 16, 1865
Suzanne Tierney had a copy of this letter in her family records.
Letter from Judge Advocate’s Office, Norfolk Va. 27th Infantry 1865
to: Col. L. O. Mann, Pro Marshal:
Colonel: There being no testimony in the case of Private Ridley Co. L 16th N. Y. Artillery, I have ordered him to report to his Company for duty. You will please have him discharged from custody in Norfolk Jail.
Very Respectifully Yours J. Hennesy, Majorof Judge Advocate
Ridley Discharge Jan 27, 1865