Dodd Family - Person Sheet
NameMargaret Toole 
Birth DateMay 1875
Birth PlaceCleveland, Ohio
Death Date1922 Age: 46
Education5 years of Grade School
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
Gave birth tn Eleven (11) children
Birth DateMay 1870
Birth PlaceWindsor, Canada
Death Date1950 Age: 79
OccupationMachine Factory: Manager
Education5 years of Cleveland Grade School
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
Moved to Chicago, Ill. in 1897......Work Transfer
Moved to Depew, New York in 1907, ......became Superintendent of a Plant
Moved to Montreal, Canada in 1919, ......became Manager of Factory
Steven & Margaret & ten (10) children moved....John remained in Depew
Marr Date1896
Marr PlaceCleveland, Ohio