Dodd Family - Person Sheet
Misc. Notes
I found John's name on the Internet when I signed on June 24, 1998 and searched for the name Wholahan.....I came up with 3 stories on Members of the Redwood California Symphony..where one of the 1st Violin players was named John Wholahan........I then loged on to the White Pages of AOL and found John's address and E-mail address...& sent a note. John's response was that his Grandfather was named John W. Wholahan and he was originally from Utica. His father's name was Allan living in Grand Island NY, & his brother Clifford was living in Minneapolis.
So: John D. Wholahan would be my Second Cousin Once Removed......or some such thing.
Address: P.O. Box 760, LaHonda, California 94020
Phone: 415-747-0166