NameKatherine Maud Taylor 
Birth Date1879
Death Date6 Aug 1946 Age: 67
Death PlaceWaterville, Quebec, Canada
Burial DateAug 1946
Burial PlaceWaterville, Quebec, Canada
MemoGreenwood Cemetery
ReligionChurch of England
Misc. Notes
Birth Date2 Jul 1869
Birth PlaceBrighton, England
Death Date3 Jul 1948 Age: 79
Death PlaceWaterville, Quebec
Burial Date6 Jul 1948
Burial PlaceWaterville, Quebec
MemoGreenwood Cemetery
OccupationBook Keeper in Manchester/ Prop: of Furniture Factory in Waterville Canada
ReligionChurch of England
Misc. Notes
I guessed @ the name Richard because of a photograph found which reads :
"Photo Taken Feb 18, 1903, With Love to E. B. Walsh from uncle Dick"
Photo taken by Kilburn in Coaticook, Que.
Is this a photo of Williams brother Richard to Elizabeth, Lillian Walsh?
Coaticook is approximatily 100 mile east of Montreal, Qoebec, Canada
Coaticook is about 7 miles north of the Vermont/Canada boarder
you pronounce "Coaticook" as "CO-AT-A COOK"
I have a Photo ( 7 people) with the caption "The boys Richard, Emmett, Frank, Kenny. Mae and the old folks"........Is this Williams brother Richard Walsh 4 sons, 1 daughter & wife ? ?
Coaticook Historical Museum: has a Research Center..Leo should write for info.
Musee Beaulne Inc.
96 Union Street, Coaticook, Quebec 849-6560
In the 1998 Coaticook Telephone Directory:
Peter Kilburn
472 ChStage Stanstead......876-7922
This could be a person to contact by letter to obtain information on "The Kilburn Studio" that existed in Coaticook in 1800's.
Coaticook is on The G. T. Railway & The Massawippi Valley Railroad.
Found Gravestone in Greenwood Cemetery, Waterville, Quebec, Canada.......August 1998
" R. J. Walsh, K. Taylor, his wife & Miss Belle Taylor"
Death Notice in Newspaper "Sherbrooke Daily Record" Monday July 5, 1948.....
...........copied in Lennoxville Library @ Bishop's College, Aug. 1998
"WALSH- Passed away at his home in Waterville, Quebec, on July 3rd, 1948, R. J. Walsh in his 79th year. Funeral will be held on Tuesday, July 6th, with prayers at his home @ 1:45 followed by service @ Saint John's Church @ 2 pm Rev. Millman officiating. Internment in Greenwood Cemetery.Swanson's Funeral Service."
Page 113 Walsh:....Vol. 1943-1950
" Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Walsh of Rock Island & Mr. &Mrs. Howard Walsh of Derby Line attended the funeral of Mr. Gilbert Walshe's brother, Mr. Richard Walsh of Waterville, Quebec. July 6, 1948"
information on Card...copied to by Leo...Aug. 1998......
" Walsh:-Richard John....79 years......died July 3rd 1948
Church of England, ......Waterville, Eustis & North Hatley, Quebec, Canada"
Richard John I, liked to drink like his brothers William & Gilbert ....and possibly his Father William I
Richard John III told us of his Grandfathers drinking problem which was the cause of the desertion of his family after the death of his wife Mary Anne Burpee.
Marr Date25 Nov 1903
Marr PlaceWaterville, Quebec, Canada