My high school soccer coach recommended the Indiana University to me suggesting I might be able to get a scholarship there. Most of the players were foreign students. We played our home games in the old IU football stadium where the Little 500 was held. I was the first freshman to start on the varsity team but I dropped out my second year.
Steve Hoy, rear left in the b&w group picture below, was my roommate in the dorm. I was a freshman, he was a junior. The other guys all had some connection to that dorm (Shea 2, Foster Quad). I think this photo was taken by Rich Stim. Kim lived in the dorm across the street. I think I was introduced to her by Mary Flower, a folk singer who lived in my dorm. Kim knew where the Xerox machines were on campus and we made self portraits. I kept this one.
I remember Norm Ladd’s mom calling me when I lived in the dorm. She said Norm was running away and he was coming out to stay with me. He was still in high school and the visit didn’t last long but he came back along with a number of friends (Dave, Brad, Joe) from Rochester.
Paul playing soccer at IU in the old football stadium vs. St. Louis 1968. Photo by Leo Dodd.Paul playing soccer at IU in the old football stadium vs. St. Louis 1968. Photo by Leo Dodd.Larry, Steve, Kenny, Unknown, Paul, Bill, Dave at Kenny Macher’s 1969Kim, Xerox Machine self portraitJay Schuff in costumeMary Flower and Jay Schuff in costumeSteve and Paul. Photo by Rich Stim.Jay Schuff and Paul Dodd with TV dinner BloomingtonDave Mahoney, Jay Schuff and Rich Stim In Steve Hoy’s BaracudaJeff Reiter with hand shadow. Photo by Rich Stim or Kim Torgerson.Paul getting arrested at Viet Nam war demonstration in Bloomington, Indiana 1969. Photo from Bloomington Tribune newspaper.Paul at Viet Nam war demonstration at Assembly Hall. Photo by Kim.Paul hanging on a sign in Brown County ParkPaul Dodd and Dave Mahoney at Dave Jolly, Kenny Nacher and Rich Stim apartment 1969Peggi and her mom in front of dorm 1968
Paul with Andy (dog) and Dave in front of IU Union
Peggi playing wooden flutePaul stretched out. Photo by Kim Torgerson.
1970 U.S. CENSUS
In 1970 I lived in a tiny house with Dave Mahoney. It mast have been a converted garage as it was about that size and in the landlady’s back yard. It was right next door to the Boy’s Club and we accessed it through the alley behind the house. I took the 1970 Census, the old fashioned way, door to door.
Paul in front of small house on 4thStreet in Bloomington, Indiana. Photo by Kim Torgerson.
Paul and dog, Andy, taking the 1970 Census in Bloomington, Indiana
Paul taking the 1970 Census in Bloomington, Indiana
In 1971 I left Bloomington on a 45 day European trip, one of those cheap Icelandic Air round trips. Before I left my father gave me my first camera, a Kodak Instamatic. When I came back I moved back in with my family and worked at Maracle Industrial Finishing for a year before moving back to Bloomington.
Paul passport photo 1971. I think Kim took this photo.
Most of these square format photos were taken with a Kodak Instamatic camera that my father bought at the Kodak store with his employee discount.
Val and Steve at Barb and Roc’s wedding in Indianapolis 1972Rich at Barb and Roc’s wedding in Indianapolis 1972.Steve at Barb and Roc’s wedding in Indianapolis 1972.Dave at Barb and Roc’s wedding in Indianapolis 1972.Rich at Barb and Roc’s wedding in Indianapolis 1972.Rich at Barb and Roc’s wedding in Indianapolis 1972.Steve, Dave, Rich and Paul at Barb and Roc’s wedding in Indianapolis 1972. The infamous Chinaboise group photo by Peggi.Barb at Barb and Roc’s wedding in Indianapolis 1972.
Roc at Barb and Roc’s wedding in Indianapolis 1972.
Peggi at Barb and Roc’s wedding in Indianapolis 1972. My first photo of Peggi.Peggi on the telephone in 1970
Norm and Pam outside of Hawley Drive in Webster before their weddingPaul with Kodak Super 8 movie camera, Rich and Norm at Norm’s wedding in 1972
Many of our Bloomington friends gathered in Rochester for Norm and Pam’s wedding. My silent Super 8 movie now has a Margaret Explosion soundtrack (a song called “Dreamland”). Movie features Norm, Pam, Steve, Sherry, Brad, Jodie, Mark, Chuck, Rich, Joe, Dave, Norm’s parents and Pam’s mom.
Norm and Pam’s wedding in Rochester, New York 1973
I think of the Kentucky Derby in May of 1973 as our first date but it really wasn’t a date. More like an outing with Joe Barrett and Stave Hoy. It was the first time Peggi and I went anywhere. We were on the grounds next to the stands and we didn’t see much of the race. Secretariat won and went on to win the Triple Crown.
Joe and Steve on the way to the Kentucky Derby 1973Crowd at at the Kentucky Derby in 1973Peggi and crowd Crowd at the Kentucky Derby in 1973Steve Hoy talking to someone at the Kentucky Derby 1973Peggi and crowd at Kentucky Derby 1973Peggi with beer at the Kentucky Derby in 1973Peggi with beer at the Kentucky Derby in 1973Steve and Peggi at the Kentucky Derby in 1973Peggi and Paul at the Kentucky Derby in 1973Peggi with Mint Julep at the Kentucky Derby 1973
Steve Hoy smoking a cigarette at Lake MonroeJackie, Rich, Kim and Peggi at Lake MonroeRich on beach at Lake MonroeSteve Hoy and Kim at Lake MonroeSteve Hoy at Lake MonroeRich and Kim at Lake MonroeKim Torgerson and Steve Hoy at Lake Monroe beachSteve Hoy with radio at Lake MonroeKim, Steve, Rich, Jackie and Peggi at Lake MonroeSteve Hoy at Lake Monroe 1973Peggi at Lake MonroePaul at Lake MonroePeggi and Paul at Lake MonroeSteve Hoy flees at Lake Monroe
Dave Mahoney, Joe Barrett and I lived in this house on South Grant StreetSteve in chair outside Grant Street apartmentSteve in chair outside Grant Street apartmentRich playing sax at Norm and Pam’sSteve going to the cupboard Movie still of Greg Highlen on his bikeNorm Ladd with 1949 Chevy. Photo by Kim Torgerson.Rich posed Dave and Joe for his photoRich posed me for this photo with tennis racketJoe Barret and John Gilmore in BloomingtonRoommates, Steve and RichPeggi in front of her apartment on Fourth StreetPeggi on campus at IUPeggi in apartment with sunlightPeggi studying at Bloomington Library2Peggi in downtown BloomingtonPeggi in chair at Bloomington Library
Peggi and I rented a small house on S. Milton Drive in 1973. Dave Mahoney rented a small apartment down the street. Peggi was student teaching at the Alternative School and working as a children’s dental assistant. I was working for the Mitchell Construction Company and playing drums with a country band. My parents were having a hard time with my brother, Fran, who was between his junior and senior year in high school, so they brought him out stay with us for the summer. In December 1974 Peggi and I left Bloomington moved to Rochester.
2430 South Milton Drive Bloomington Indiana 1973Paul handing sadie to PeggiOur clothes on the line at MiltonPeggi in garden at Milton houseBrad after haircut from Peggi on MiltonPeggi in the garden with horseshoe stake in the yardFran with Steve’s English Ford in front of Milton houseNorm and Steve playing catch in fromt of Milton housePeggi’s dental assistant dress hanging on the line at MiltonPeggi with beer and Chevy VegaPeggi playing guitar at Milton houseDave Mahoney and Norm Ladd at the quarry. Photo by Kim Torgerson.Peggi and Holly swimming at quarryPaul and Amy at quarry in BloomingtonQuarry with Fran at the topPaul and Fran jumping off edge of quarryMy brother Fran at Milton in BloomingtonMy brother, Tim, on the hood of my parents car n front of Milton house.Amy with Gato at Milton houseAmy with Gato at Milton houseKim in garden at MiltonKim with Holly and Paul at MiltonRich Stim with guitar on MiltonRich Stim with guitar on front porch of MiltonSteve Hoy with sport jacket at MiltonPeggi and Paul in mirror in big box storePeggi reading blanket next to Milton house.
I was playing drums in the front room of our house at 2430 S. Milton Drive when three older guys rang the doorbell. I was certain they were going to complain about the noise but instead they wanted me to join their band. They had a couple of gigs that weekend and they would not take no for an answer. I guess I was taking Frank Canada’s place, the name on the business card they gave me. I played those two dates and Red, the rhythm guitar player, announced they wanted to get rid of Butch Miller, the leader. They had a young guy, who sounded exactly like Johnny Cash, to take his place.
They named the new band the “On Fours.” “You know, how we start songs, on four,” Red said. My brother, Fran, made the new calling cards in his high school shop class and enlisted my father to do the band’s logo type and graphic.
The band was was dyed-in -the-wool country, something I knew nothing about. We rehearsed once a month in Red’s trailer or the bass player’s barn and we played four sets every Friday and Saturday for the next year and a half. We played every smoke filled Elks Club, Moose Lounge, American Legion, VFW and Eagles Club in the area. One Sunday afternoon we played on the back of a hay wagon for a coon hunting convention. When Peggi and I moved to Rochester in December 1974 I gave the gig to Dave Mahoney. They changed their name to “The Breakers,” named after the then current CB radio craze. Peggi and I heard them once. Dave sounded great with them especially on the songs he sang.
I grew to love the music. Peggi and I saw Merle Haggard when he came to Bloomington and we started buying Merle, George and Waylon records. When we moved to Rochester in 1974 there was only country rock, a hideous hybrid which took the rock out of rock and the country out of country. Bands like Old Salt were everywhere. Our next door neighbor, Sparky, was real country. We got to see George Jones before he passed. I’m thankful for the forced exposure.
Butch Miller & The Midnight Echos business cardThe On Fours business card made by Fran Dodd in shop class. Leo Dodd did the drawing.Country Breakers business card, Bloomington Indiana country band formerly known as The On Fours. Dave Mahoney has replaced Paul Dodd and Steve has joined on steel pedal.Lead guitar player, Danny, with On Fours signRonny (Red) and Jim of On FoursPau and Danny playing with the On FoursRonny and Danny playing with the On FoursRonny singing wit On FoursOld guy sitting in with On FursGuys on couch in trailer at On Fours rehearsalRed’s wife made this On Fours birthday cakePaul playing drums with the On FoursOn Fours playing at Elk’s Club in Bloomington IndianaCouple dancing to On Fourscouple dancing to the On FoursChinaboise rehearsal in Norm and Pam Ladd’s basement 1973. Dave Mahoney on bass, Steve Hoy on guitar and Paul Dodd on drums. Photo, montage and caption by Rich Stim.
There are more pictures of the Chinaboise rehearsing in the trailer on the second Bloomington page. Dave and I moved in with Norm and Pam Ladd after living in the trailer and this photo was taken by Rich in Norm and Pam Ladd’s basement.
What a great way to spend a coupla hours! Thank u Paul.
Great photos. Peggi on the telephone — it was a whole different world.
These pictures are fantastic–some I’ve seen and many I haven’t. Love the one of Peggi on the telephone! Happy Anniversary again to a special couple.
Thanks paul brought back some great memories
Absolutely mind blowing. Great job putting this together. Some I knew, most I didn’t. Too much fun.
Youth is a state of grace no one realizes they have till they are too old. And when people say ” You look great you haven’t changed a bit ” , they are lying . Carry on.
great work guys
What a great way to spend a coupla hours! Thank u Paul.
Great photos. Peggi on the telephone — it was a whole different world.
These pictures are fantastic–some I’ve seen and many I haven’t. Love the one of Peggi on the telephone! Happy Anniversary again to a special couple.
Thanks paul brought back some great memories
Absolutely mind blowing. Great job putting this together. Some I knew, most I didn’t. Too much fun.
Youth is a state of grace no one realizes they have till they are too old. And when people say ” You look great you haven’t changed a bit ” , they are lying . Carry on.