Mike asked us if we had ever burned a pistachio nut. We told him we hadn’t but we did have a few in a bowl that we couldn’t get open. We got a c- clamp out of the basement and tightened it enough to pop it open.
This tiny little nut will burn like hell. They should have a “Flammable” sign up in the produce section for these things. You could heat your house with them.
We inserted a long pin into the nut and then grabbed onto the pin with some channel locks. We were being extra cautious after the buildup. and we didn’t want anyone getting hurt trying this demonstration at home.
Mike lit the nut.
It took off slowly at first.
And then it started smoking.
Within a minute it was engulfed in flames or at least one big flame.. We were astonished. Can you image how much oil is in these things?
It burnt for about five or six minutes. Seemed like ten. It was amazing.
Near the end it started looking like a smurf. The nut was mostly white. When the flame died down the nut was cool and as light as a feather.