I remember being at the lot, the last of ten on South Monon Drive in Bloomington, Indiana, when Pam’s father backed the trailer in. I guess I was one of the first tenants. The rest is a little fuzzy.
Pam lived there for a while. Norm too but he joined the army. Greg Highlen would stop by after work with buckets of fish and chips. In fact he smelled like Arthur Treacher. Dave, Steve, Brad, Joe and Jeff all lived there at some point. Can’t remember if Rich lived there or just visited a whole lot. He wrote a book about it. The rent was incredibly cheap. Someone discovered we could turn the electric meter upside down and run it backward for the first half the month. We heated the place with the oven one winter. Life was good.
Stovetop in the kitchen at the trailerDave midstream in his kitchen ritualRich, Jeff, Steve and Dave sitting around the table at the trailerDave with a cup of coffeeJoe thinking at kitchen tableBrad in the kitchen at the trailerRich with a big cup of coffee at the trailerGreg after work (at Arthur Treachers)Steve portraitJeff at the kitchen table in the trailer. Steve Hoy drawings of Dave and Paul are on the wall behind him.Dave doing some deep listeningJoe blowing smoke rings at the kitchen tableSteve at the trailerJeff smiling at the kitchen table. Steve Hoy drawings of Dave and Paul are on the wall behind him.Peggi with a cup of coffee at the trailerProfile of Joe in the trailerRich on bike at grocery storeRich shopping at Kroger’sBrad in the bathroom at the trailerRich looking downBrad formal portrait in trailerSteve and Sherry at the trailerBrad hiding behind water pipe and bucket of Fish & ChipsRich and Joe at the trailerRich with big eyes at the trailerRich playing sax in the trailerDave gesturing with aviator glassesSteve in the living room at the trailerDave doing some deep listeningPeggi with sax strap and cigarette Kodak Instamatic film and dinner on tableSteve Hoy with old radioNorm sitting on his car with Brad in front of trailer on Monon St. Steve out in front of the trailerJoe thinking at kitchen tablePhoto of Paul by PeggiDave listening to Grateful Dead in the trailerGreg describing a visionSteve in the back room of the trailerSteve in the back room of the trailerProfile of Dave in the trailerJoe flexes his musclesSteve from Rock Star SeriesPeggiRich and Steve with white backgroundPaul and Greg with white backgroundBrad and Dave (with his head borrowed for one of Rich’s collages)Norm’s car in front of the trailer with Scoop on the hoodScoop on the hood of Norm’s carSteve with my cat, Scoop, son of Jennifer, outside the trailerCloseup of Steve’s dog, OlivePam with paperwork in Norm’s carPam in the garden at the trailerSteve working in the garden at the trailerSteve playing sax outside the trailerSteve Hoy drawing of Paul DoddSteve’s cat, Tex, drink milk on top of a case of Stroh’sSteve with acetylene blow torchSwedish girls outside the trailerClose up of Swedish girl at the trailerGreg Highlen outside the trailerDave by front door in the trailerNorm and Pam with Simon in the ovenSteve and his Falcon van at the trailer
Steve Hoy from Bloomington Mug Shot Series 1971Rich Stim from Bloomington Mug Shot Series 1971Kim Torgerson from Bloomington Mug Shot Series 1971Dave Mahoney from Bloomington Mug Shot Series 1971Jeff Reiter from Bloomington Mug Shot Series 1971Brad Fox from Bloomington Mug Shot Series 1971Paul Dodd from Bloomington Mug Shot Series 1971
Chinaboise – Brad and Rich on alto saxesChinaboise – Steve on lead guitar in Monon trailerChinaboise – Paul on drums in Monon trailerChinaboise – Brad on drums in Monon trailerChinaboise – Brad and Rich on alto saxes in Monon trailerChinaboise – Steve on lead guitar in Monon trailerChinaboise – Jeff with bass guitar outside Monon trailerChinaboise – Jeff with bass guitar outside Monon trailerChinaboise – Brad on alto saxes in Monon trailerChinaboise – Greg with gold record, Rich and Brad on saxes in Monon trailerChinaboise – Greg with gold record, Rich and Brad with saxes, Steve with guitar in Monon trailerChinaboise – Greg with gold record, Rich and Brad on saxes, Steve with guitar in Monon trailerChinaboise Bassman Letter
i didn’t think anyone officially rented the trailer on monon , that pam went to be with norm in fort leonard wood, missouri, we were living there for several months when this meek couple (pams parents) knocked on the door one day and asked us if we would mind paying some rent, believe we settled on $100 per month, the lot rent and water was included, anyway great job compiling all that
Steve Hoy is still the coolest dude around.
I stopped in at the trailer. I was coming from Milwaukee on way to Roch. I drove the whole way while smoking Crazy’s Corned Beef Hash. I remember, upon arriving, so stoned, just sat on floor of what was a hall of some sort and passed out. I am the only one that remembers that, I’m sure. Still had plenty of hash, so everyone had a plateful.
No wonder these pics looked familar. … I perused them in 2022 . Still a Kick . Carry on !!!
i didn’t think anyone officially rented the trailer on monon , that pam went to be with norm in fort leonard wood, missouri, we were living there for several months when this meek couple (pams parents) knocked on the door one day and asked us if we would mind paying some rent, believe we settled on $100 per month, the lot rent and water was included, anyway great job compiling all that
Steve Hoy is still the coolest dude around.
I stopped in at the trailer. I was coming from Milwaukee on way to Roch. I drove the whole way while smoking Crazy’s Corned Beef Hash. I remember, upon arriving, so stoned, just sat on floor of what was a hall of some sort and passed out. I am the only one that remembers that, I’m sure. Still had plenty of hash, so everyone had a plateful.
No wonder these pics looked familar. … I perused them in 2022 . Still a Kick . Carry on !!!