The Whole World Is A Junk Heap

We woke up at 5:30 to what sounded like fireworks out back. The cats who sleep at the foot of our bed had their heads pointing in the direction of the road down below us. The sun was not quite up and I couldn’t see any trees in the road in front of our property so I went back to bed. I hadn’t fallen back to sleep when I heard sirens. So I got up again and noticed a car with its headlights on stopped near our neighbor’s property. I opened the garage and got my chainsaw out and headed down the hill. I was standing under our sagging power lines when the firemen showed up. One of them had a magic wand like thing that he waved at the downed lines that were stretched across the road under this huge branch. “These are live,” he said, “get out of here. We’re calling RG&E”. So I headed up the hill and went back to sleep.

We had just sat down with some coffee when our neighbor came to the door. He thought we should grab the wood that RG&E had stacked up down there but his pick up truck was full of scrap metal pipes from the repair job we did on one of the of our drains. (We didn’t find this out until we moved in but we own our short street and so we pitch in to keep it up.) We headed off to Krieger’s, the junk yard on Portland, to recycle the scrap. But first we stopped at our big footprint neighbors where we picked up the steel tubing from their old trampoline.

Krieger’s (now renamed Metalico) was a trip. If I was half awake I would have had my camera with me. It looked like the final scene from Road Warrriors where the whole world was a junk heap. People were lined up at the scales in overloaded pickup trucks with refrigerators and bycylcles and anything metal. A guy in a bright green suit held a magnet up to the stuff in our truck and then waved us on. We stopped in the office on the way out and waited in line with the sorts of people that do this thing for a living. We watched some junkies unloading their car trunk with a microwave and all sorts of appliances. We got forty seven dollars cash for our load and we didn’t get a flat tire in there.


It Has Something To Do With Truth

Chuck Cuminale in wood by Jaffe
Chuck Cuminale in wood by Jaffe

We had a good time listening to an ABBA cover band a few years ago. It was interesting and a hoot at the same time. The Leonard Cohen movie, “I’m Your Man”, only had one song performed by him in it. They should have just made an MTV video. Cover bands are usually sort of sad.

Everybody was saying how much they enjoyed Billy’s Band at the Jazz Fest but I kept thinking about how much better Tom Waits would have been in person. Even when the band is the same but the main dude is missing, it just doesn’t work. Van Halen without David Lee Roth? After Sun Ra died, Marshall Allen took the Arkestra on the road but Sun Ra without Sun Ra?

And we broke one of John Gilmore’s concert going rules this evening by listening to a recording of Chuck Cuminale playing solo at Rising Place in Rochester in 1976. John says, “Never listen to a bands’ cd on the day of the show”. I missed Chuck Cuminale tonight at WXXI and maybe that was the idea. He had a perfect sense of rhythm and timing in his guitar playing and vocal delivery. This is all laid bare on this solo performance. And then of course, he was a poet.

Musical director, Ken Frank organized other former CBJ members (Rita Coulter, Phil Marshall, Charles Jaffe, Jim McAvaney, Bernie Heveron, Rush Tattered) and Chuck’s son Mark for this performance and their stellar performance almost made Jaffe’s wood inlay Chuck portrait (propped up behind the band) come to life. Julia Figueras asked Mark what he thought his father’s legacy was and he said “it has something to do with truth”.


Video Responses to Video Respones

YouTube ukulele sensation, Jake Shimabukuro, was just here performing to packed crowds at Rochester’s Jazz Fest and little did we know that we had our own homegrown YouTube ukulele sensation in Julia Nunes. We’re talking MILLIONS of hits. She’s Paul Nunes’ daughter. Paul is the Chesterfield Kings’ studio keyboardist and lawyer. He is also Vincent, a wildly successful childrens’ entertainer.

Julia soaked it all up and now knocks ’em dead on her own. She’s very cute, her covers are very well chosen, her bedroom video production is amazing but what really gets me is her video responses to video responses to her videos. Click on the photo above to see/hear her latest.

Julia plays this Saturday at the the Knitting Factory in NYC.

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No Place For Beer Cans

Boat at sunset on Lake Ontario
Boat at sunset on Lake Ontario

We walked up near the lake today and found four golf balls while crossing Durand Eastman Golf Course. One of the balls was from the Seneca Niagara Casino. I also found a few beer cans in the woods and threw them back out on the fairway. The golf course hires people to clean up the trash. If you golf at Durand, just drop your beer cans on the course. The woods is no place for beer cans.

We ordered take out from We tried printing their menu but wound up with completely blank pages so we made a screen capture of their site and printed that. We wanted to show it to Peggi’s mom so she could pick something out. They don’t use butter or cream and they calculate the calories and total fat of their “fresh seasonal entrees”. The seven grain stuffed cabbage I had was 160 calories with 1.5 grams of fat.

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Party Pooper

One Man Army, George W. Bush fireworks
One Man Army, George W. Bush fireworks

We had a great time last night watching people set fires and blow things up. The bonfires were all in place when we arrived. Some guys in a Tiki Hut on the beach were serving drinks to people in pirate costumes while a steel band played. Rockets were already stuck in the sand and pointing out to sea (Canada). It was barely dark when the bonfires were lit. Most were soaked with fuel so they went up with a loud thud.

Fireworks packages were rigged to go off with the touch of a remote control. I photographed one such package with George Bush on it. I wish it was really him in there. Guys were running around with blow torches. They lit the Tiki Hut on fire. Debris was falling out of the air and you hardly see the stars with all the smoke. There was a boat out on the water playing disco music. People on the boat were dancing under a strobe light. The fireworks which were all made in China are illegal in New York State so they were probably bought in Pennsylvania. I was wearing goggles and earplugs and wondering exactly why this whole ritual was considered patriotic. I started asking people what they thought but realized I sounded like a real party pooper so I shut up.



Fireworks on the shore of Lake Ontario
Fireworks ready to go along Lake Ontario

It’s a national holiday. What kind of an idiot would be posting to his blog? Time to get out and see some more fireworks – up on Lake Ontario this time at Mark and Sheryl’s.

Fireworks on Conesius Lake

I discovered I have a fireworks mode on my new camera! I can do stock photos.


Blow It Up Real Good

Brian Peterson's big photo downtown in the window of the former McCurdy's building.
Brian Peterson’s big photo downtown in the window of the former McCurdy’s building.

If you are downtown for the big blues concert tonight or the fireworks tomorrow take a look a the big photos in the windows of the empty storefronts. The one above was taken by Brian Peterson and we spotted a couple of people we know in the shot. That is Jeff Munson to the immediate left of the tree and and Dave Frenzel to his left. Dave Mahoney and I went to high school with Jeff and Dave Frenzel played percussion on “Low Riders”, a song Personal Effects wrote after Dave took us down to the Mission District in San Francisco.

We won’t be downtown tonight. We will be down at Conesius Lake for the annual “Ring of Fire”. Sounds pretty innocent and it was when I was going to camp down there at Camp Stella Maris. These days it is like Viet Nam. Most of the cottage owners have parties so the raods around the lake are jammed. We’ll be at at party for John Gilmore’s youngest who just graduated from high school. Quite a few of the owners try to outdo one another with their spectacular, illegal fireworks displays. Some guys spend upwards of ten grand. They try to blow up the lake. We watch. What could be more American than that?

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Screamin’ You Head

Hi-Techs Screamin' You Head 45 cover. Original photo by Richard Edic.
Hi-Techs Screamin’ You Head 45 cover. Original photo by Richard Edic.

Someone asked if we had seen Kevin Patrick’s “So Many Records, So Little Time” entry on the Hi-Techs. We hadn’t. That’s because Kevin is still experimenting with two sites (Blogspot and Tumbir) so if you want to stay up to date on all he has posted you will have to check two links for the time being. I like his Tumbir layout better because the play button for the songs is right next to the copy so you can play it while you read the entry. I’m sure he will figure this all out. I put links to both of his locations in the right hand column for the time being.

I really love this site and have been checking it out everyday but was only going to one link so I missed his entry on Screamin’ You Head. We hadn’t got around to digitizing this single ourselves so it was good to see and hear it in its digital shoes.

Those are Peggi’s eyes on the cover and she sang and played Farfisa organ, Ned Hoskin played guitar, Martin Edic played bass and I played drums. Dwight Glodell produced this.

Some Hi-Techs photos


Big Footprint

Everybody’s is talking about leaving a smaller footprint these days. Almost everybody, that is. Comparing ourselves to our neighbors is one of the ways that we gauge how big our own footprints are. And I’m quite certain that we are subject of someone’s blog entry on the relative size of our footprints.

I’m thinking about the people on our street with the biggest trash pile each week, the ones with at least three cars in their driveway at all times. Their pick-up truck is made by Cadillac. When someone pulls in their driveway, they honk. Their tv takes up a whole wall. They hire workers to take care of their kids and a guy who we call “the slave” does all of their outdoor projects. They use their leaf blower nonstop. They have added on to their house in all directions, decks off the back, jacuzzi, patios and now the world’s plastic biggest swing set/fort in the front yard.

I don’t know if they left a battery operated toy up in the fort or if the thing is powered but if you walk by after dark you are liable to hear a little voice asking, “Can you come out and play with me? Can you come out and play with me? Can you come out and play with me?”


Software Update

Fernando Torres played like a real scrapper for the Spanish nationals in the Euro Cup yesterday and “won the day” as they say. We brought Peggi’s mom over for the game and dinner. We had some Spanish red wine on ice with a little sugar and some lime juice. We rooted for Spain. We are sort of obsessed with that country like the kid in Breaking Away was obsessed with Italy. I am happy for Spain. We made strawberry shortcake for dessert.

I put sixteen printouts of photos of my paintings in RoCo’s 6×6 show and kept hearing from people that had bought one. This made cringe because I wasn’t happy with the printouts. The color was not right. The whites weren’t white. And I didn’t like the fake canvas look. They had a nasty un-canvas-like shine to them. I planned to do actual paintings for the show but never found the time. I did those prints on the day of the deadline on the free printer we got with the last computer we bought never expecting anyone to buy them.

So today I hooked up with Richard Edic. We went over to Booksmart and picked out some paper. I decided on some etching paper and we went back to Richard’s house to run prints of the paintings on his printer. These at least looked somewhat like the original paintings. They better, the paper was one hundred bucks for a box of 20 sheeets of 13′ x 19″. I took the new prints over to RoCo and swapped them for the old ones. It was like a software update. The director, Bleu Cease, was very cooperative. The show is up for a few more days.

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Havana Moon

Bobby Henrie
Bobby Henrie

Olga had a big birthday yesterday. We bought her gift at Wegmans, a “W’ magazine and a biker mag. We put them both in one of those fancy little bags. Coincidentally Olga’s significant other had a gig with Bobby Henrie & The Goners at Abilene so the stars were alligned. Dale Mincey from New Math who married Myrna from Human Switchboard was in town from Montclair. It was a beautiful Saturday night so the band played outdoors behind the bar and it was quite a party. The place was rocking or swinging or both. The Goners have been together for something like thirty years and they still sound timeless like a dream. Not too loud, not too soft, sophisticted and rough around the edges, somewhere between rockabilly and swing. They had the dance floor packed for most of the night. They did Chuck Berry’s “Havana Moon”. Olga was beaming.

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My parents stopped by and we sat out on the deck overlooking our unfinished stone fence project. I served them warm slices of the tortilla espanola that Peggi had just finished making. I helped peel the potatoes. We made two batches. One was destined for Jeff and Margaret Spevak’s post jazz fest party last night. The Spevaks served Sangria and tapas and our tortilla was a hit. Jeff played cds from the artists who appeared at the festival.

We use Gerry Brinkman’s (from the old Rochester Club and now chef at Hotel Wellesley, on the. St. Lawrence Seaway) tortilla espanola recipe. It’s really a simple recipe but it is sort of tricky to make. Ideally you need a hinged frying pan because it is made on a stove top and you have to turn it over and cook the other side before the potatoes, onions and egg have set up. We have such a frying pan. We bought ours online at La Tienda just before Peggi stopped eating eggs to combat her high cholesterol.

My parents had just been to an Historic Brighton luncheon where a speaker talked about the lost city of Tryon, an old Indian settlement on the mouth of Irondequoit Bay near where we live. Early settlers met the Indians here and traded guns for furs and that sort of thing. We sere sitting right under the wasp nest and I kept a watch on it without making parents aware of the thing. That would have been a showstopper. When they left I brought the hose in the front door, opened the back door to the deck and blew the nest away. Peggi videoed it. It was pretty anticlimactic.

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I’ve Been Experienced. Now What?

MX80 on iTunes juke box
MX80 on iTunes juke box

As I’ve noted here before, we do quite a bit of shopping in the produce section at Wegmans so I saunter around over there like I’ve been experienced. I reach to the back of the racks to get the bags of baby spinach and arugula with the date furthest out. I dutifully weigh the vegetables and enter the 4 digit produce code.  I shake the basil, parsley and cilantro before weighing it because I suspect Wegmans douses them with water to contribute to the weight you pay for. I notice the peaches, pears and apples are all way below room temperature when they are put out on the racks. They have been suspended at just the right temperature to keep them from ripening while they travel or sit in a warehouse. And then they ripen at an accelerated pace so timing is everything.

Peggi likes her bananas on the green side and I like them ripe so I try to buy two bunches. Pineapples, curiously, are sold per unit rather than by the pound so I try to guess which one is the heaviest and then take my top two picks to the scale. Some are denser so size isn’t everything. And how do they get six pound pineapples up here from Costa Rica and only charge $3.99 for them? They sometimes shoot up to $4.99 but they always seem to come back down. I put some asparagus back today because the scale said $4.69 for a small bunch. Guess it’s not in season anymore.

Strawberries are in season and the local ones are red all the way through and delicious but they are $3.99 a pound. I still bought three. Driscoll Strawberries from California which never seem to go out of season are on special for $1.50. They are red on the outside only. Makes me wonder whether they are red when Californians buy them locally.

MX-80’s “Mr. Watson” is up on our digital juke box and I’m trying to picture “the Mona Lisa on the head of a pin”. Peggi has a new sax coming today to try out. She bought the one she has now in 1978 and it sort of out of tune with itself. We’re waiting for the man.

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Making Time Stand Still

Funnel Cakes, the perfect summer food
Funnel Cakes, the perfect summer food

I added the tiny Foxy music player to the new Firefox and linked it to our iTunes library. Neil Young’s “It’s A Dream” is playing right now. Maybe that’s why this photo looks so dreamy. This photo does seem to make time stand still like it used to do in the summer. “Fried Dough” gets a little nasty and “Deep Fried Oreo Cookies” are way over the line but “Funnel Cakes” sound delightful.

We are headed out to Peggi’s mom’s place for dinner in the “Bistro” located on the top floor of her apartment building. It is our favorite restaurant in town.

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Into Oblivion

Bee hive on the back of the house
Bee hive on the back of the house

When I first spotted this hive it was much smaller and I checked it a number of times and but never found any bees near it so I let it go. Now when we step out on the deck one usually dive bombs us as a warning shot and then they leave us alone. The hive has grown to about twice the size and there are wasps coming and going all day. They run around this thing in a clockwise direction while others fly inside for a few seconds and then they take off. Who knows what goes on inside this thing. I know I have to deal with it before it gets out of control so I’ve been thinking about mounting the garden hose machine gun style onto something and turning it on from a distance and blasting this thing into oblivion.

We had ground bees last summer in the front and we let them go until someone told us that could die if they got stung so had to deal with it. I pounded there holes with a sledge hammer, hosed the heck out of the whole area and they just kept coming back. They dug new holes and must have hooked up with underground community because they would not be run off. They were there until the ground froze.


What The Hell Is Goin’ On Here

I brought my laptop to Jerome’s over on Atlantic Avenue but can’t find a wireless signal here. I’m sitting in the waiting room reading old Newsweeks while they put new brakes on our car. They are the best car shop in town. I used to just walk home while they worked on our car but we moved out of the neighborhood. Alan, who retired a while back but still checks in, is smoking at the desk. It smells fantastic. I miss small does of secondhand smaoke. Alan talks to himself these days. I find myself doing that more too as I get older. Igor, a mechanic who has been here for years, has his own stable of Russian customers. One couple just stopped in to pick up their car and they looked like something right out of Diane Arbus photo.

I drove by Sparky‘s house on way here. His lawn needs mowing. I used to do that when I lived over here. Maybe I’ll check in on him on my way home. He stops by our new place often and keeps us up to date with our old neighbors. Some of the people who lived on our street when we first moved into this neighborhood are still here but just barely. Their spouses have died and now they are struggling to stay in their homes.

Elite Bakery used to be next door to Jerome’s but it’s gone and Leo’s Bakery is too. They merged and moved out to East Rochester. PCI Studios used to be right next door. They started as a chemical company but morphed into a recording studio somehow. We recorded a version of “Love Never Thinks” and Rich Stim’s “So Hard” in there back in the eighties. The windows are all boarded shut now.

Alan keeps mumbling, “What the hell is goin’ on here”.


Pill Popping

Freddy Sue Bridge in Rochester New York
Freddy Sue Bridge in Rochester New York

Although a dying downtown does have it’s advantages, like easy parking and relatively cheap loft space, it is still sort of sad. One bright spot is the new Frederick Douglas Susan B. Anthony Memorial Bridge. I heard Frank DeBlase call it the “Freddy Sue” which illustrates how crazy the real name is.

We checked out Gato Barbieri yesterday at Paetec Park. There are so many tenor sax players in the world and yet no one else sounds like Gato? He’s still got it. Peggi came home and put on a few of his digital files. I guess he is almost blind so he probably didn’t even notice how few people were there. We hung around by the fence near the admissions gate instead of paying to get in. We did that once at the old baseball stadium when the Dead were playing. They had a huge crowd hanging around for them. There was only one other couple outside listening to Gato yesterday. I talked to Brad Fox on the phone yesterday and he reminded me that we named one of our cats after Gato. I didn’t tell him that Gato is cat in Spanish.

We ran into Laurie Barnum who works for the city. She said she brought an ibuprofen to Mark Iacona, one of the concert promoters, when he was back stage with Gato. She opened her pill container and Gato grabbed one of the pils, popped it and then asked what it was. She told him and he said, “Good, I could use one of those.”

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You Think We Would Have Had Enough

Cyro Baptista on the street at the Rochester International Jazz Festival
Cyro Baptista on the street at the Rochester International Jazz Festival

We ran into my brother, Fran, and then Cyro Baptista on the street just after Cyro’s show at Montage. We were knocked out by the way this woman exhaled her cigarette smoke. It seems every time Cyro Baptista steps out of the house he is peforming with a new band under a new name. He has played with everyone from Paul Simon to Yo Yo Ma. Supergenerous featured Canadian guitarist Kevin Breit and Cyro with a new bass player. We were excited to see them because Cyro’s performance with Beat The Donkey in this same club (Montage) a few years back was sensational. This time around the band barely gelled. 

Carolyn Wonderland played the night before at Montage and we heard a few rave reviews from friends who caught her so we made a point to check her out when played for free on the street tonight. She was surrounded by the Headhunter’s trappings but all eyes were on her. She is cute and tough at the same time and an incredible guitarist with a great voice. What else is there? She plays without a pick and sings like Janis Joplin. If she is not already huge, she should be.

We walked down East Avenue to the Alexander Street stage to check out the scene and Medeski, Martin and Wood. They were pretty good but nothing to write home about. Wait, we are home, I almost forgot. We have seen and heard so many amazing groups in the last week, our heads are spinning. We stood in line for Catherine Russell but couldn’t get in. We talked to Tom Kohn, Frank DeBlase and Julia Fiqueres outside of Kilbourn while a fight broke out across the street. Frank said, Now it’s a real festival”. Julia had just interviewed Catherine Russell for WXXI’s Sound Stage. Now it’s over until next year. You’d think we would have had enough but we’re thinking of riding our bikes over to the soccer stadium hear Gato Barbieri open for The Roots this afternoon.

I’ve added my last batch of photos from this year’s Jazz Fest here. Click on 2008 Club Pass.

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Tom Waits Translates

Billy's Band performing at the 2008 Rochester International Jazz Festival
Billy’s Band performing at the 2008 Rochester International Jazz Festival

We were in line early for Billy’s Band at Max’s. Someone came by offering Chap Stick courtesy of Toyota and then free Vitamin water. It said “no sodium” but it tasted salty. Must have been the “natural flavoring”.

Billy’s Band looked like a bunch of hobos. In fact they were hard to photograph because they all huddled in circle like bums around a barrel of burning trash. The Saint Petersburg quartet sounded like Tom Waits but they sang Russian. Most of the material was Tom Waits’ too. Tom Waits is good so Billy’s Band was good. The guitar player looked like Abbie Hoffman or a miniature Armand Schaubroeck from the House of Guitars. The bass player worked the room with his broken English and they were very entertaining.

I’ve added some more photos from the Jazz Fest here. Click on 2008 Club Pass.

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Whistle While You Work

Blake Tartare performing at the 2008 Rochester International Jazz Festival
Blake Tartare performing at the 2008 Rochester International Jazz Festival

The callous on the crouch of my left hand between my thumb and forefinger is starting to flake off. I haven’t painted or held my pallet in tat hand in a week. I did install the new Firefox browser and spent way too much time playing with the add-ons.

We didn’t find time yesterday to read the lineup for the Jazz Fest until we were in our seats at Kilbourn waiting for Joe Locke to start. The notes in the program guide said “Blake Tartare’s repertoire included works by Charles Mingus and Sun Ra” so we decided to leave and head over to Montage. Blake Tartare was loose, freewheeling and sensational like a wedding band after a break in the parking lot. They did a song from Rahsaan Roland Kirk’s “Rip, Rig & Panic” that lasted a half hour or so and they received a standing ovation. We made plans to come back for the second show.

Is there such a thing as punk jazz? If so these guys hold the crown. Not to imply any lack of musical ability, just to emphasize their wild streak. Michael Blake is the leader but he called a song, a cover of a Curtis Mayfield tune, which led to a few minutes of discussion amongst the band and then the decision to launch into a different song. Blake lives in New York and the other three live in Copenhagen. I can’t imagine how they pull this off. They did an encore of the Slickers’ “Johnny Too Bad” complete with an audience sing-a-long but that wasn’t enough. They stayed on stage and improvised a whistling (the piano player is playing the beer bottle) song with percussion that brought the house down again. They were the most exciting group of the festival so far.

I’ve added some more photos from the Jazz Fest here. Click on 2008 Club Pass.