Velan, Fritz Hertel, Jorge Weiss.
Back in grade school at Holy Trinity Joe Barrett’s brother Tom coached our 6th grade soccer team. We beat the seventh and eighth grade teams and it was thrilling. I fell in love with the sport. I went to high school at Bishop Kearney for two years and played there. I’m in the top row center above. My brother Mark is in the middle row. I remember trying out for the varsity team there and moving the ball away from John Numetko but getting kicked in the shin with his cleats. They were those hard plastic football style shoes back then and I still have a scar on the front of my leg. At the same time I was playing summer soccer in Webster at the old high school (below.) Most of that group was older than me and I learned the European game there under Ralph Wager. I left Kearney after two years and played soccer at Webster in my junior and senior year. I left Kearney after two years and played soccer at Webster in my junior and senior year.

My father used to scour the FultonHistory.com site and he had a subscription to Newspapers.com. He was always doing research for something. He went on a family tree related search for info on his uncle, Paul Dodd, a semi pro ball player and found box scores of Paul’s and then an article where his Uncle Paul got busted for playing craps. He also came across articles where my name was mentioned when I was playing soccer. He sent me the articles. About twenty years ago my high school girlfriend, Irene, sent me the clippings she had saved when we were going out. For kicks I scanned those and put them together with my father’s articles and I have tried to put them in chronological order below.
Pitchmen Blank Pittsford 1-0
DEMOCRAT & CHRONICLE October 12, 1966
A first period goal by Paul Dodd looked bigger and bigger as the game progressed, and finally proved to be the margin of victory as the Webster varsity soccer team picked up its first league win, blanking Pittsford, 1-0, much to the delight of the home fans last Friday.
Dodd scored about midway into the first period period on a fine pass from Jim Kuntz. Although both teams had numerous scoring chances after a goal, neither team could capitalize, and the Ridgemen took home a well-deserved win.
The gusting winds were a definite factor throughout the game. The crosswind played tricks with the ball and any high kick would tail off a bit and die. The first period found the ball in the Pittsford end most of the time, with Webster passing with pinpoint perfection. The fullbacks, Ken McCune, Chris Balley, and Ron Klix, did a remarkable job of clearing the ball out of the Webster end of the field.
Pittsford gained a slight ball-control edge in the second period. Both teams had one excellent chance to score, Pittsford, on a shot on which goalie Brett Weeker made a fine save, and Webster, when Tom Eggleston nearly scored on a free kick saved only by a great stop by the Pittsford goalie.
The third quarter was even in all respects. Both goalies made some fine stops. Chris Bailey made a spectacular comeback after a free kick struck him in the head; he recovered in time to boot the ball out of trouble.
The final period was all Pitts-ford as they pressed to tie the score. The defense, McCune, Bailey, and Klix, did an excellent job of stealing the ball from the would-be scorers and in keeping it away from the goal area. But Weeker made the play of the game late in the period, when he leaped high in the air and deflected a hard Pittsford shot over the crossbar to save the tying goal.
The whole team played well in the win. Another win over Honeoye Falls this Friday will put the Ridgemen back into the thick of the fight to gain a sectional berth. Ridgemen Report: The team returned to a 4-3-3 formation, which they used last season.
This should help the team to score some goals… Joel Sherman is feeling much better and may be able to play Friday.
The win maintains a Webster soccer record of never losing more than two league starts in a row..: Games this week are all away; tonight (October 12) a non-league game at Bishop Kearney; Friday, October 14, a league start at Honeoye Falls; and next Tuesday, October 18, a league game at Wheatland Chili.

Webster Triumphs In Soccer, 2 to 0
DEMOCRAT & CHRONICLE October 17, 1966
Goals by Paul Dodd and Joel Sherman yesterday propelled Webster High to a 2-0 non-league soccer victory over Bishop Kearney on the losers’ pitch.
Dodd scored at 12:21 of the first period and Sherman at 5:27 of the second to support goalie Bret Weeker’s 19 saves in the Webster goal. Center halfback John Numetko was outstanding on both offense and defense for the Kings.
Scoring: Webster 1 1 0 0 – 2
Bishop Kearney 0000 – 0
Webster, Dodd, Sherman.
Soccer Team Wins, Loses
WEBSTER HERALD October 18, 1966 by Dave Welker
Despite an amazing 38 shots on goal, the Webster pitchmen bowed to Honeye Falls, one to nothing last Friday on the winners’ field. Last Wednesday, the Ridgemen defeated Bishop Kearney, two to nothing in a non-league contest at the Catholic high school.
Against Honeoye Falls, the Ridgemen outshot the hometowners, 38 to three; yet, as has been the case most of this season, they could not put the ball in the goal. The Ridgemen had 10 corner kicks in the first period alone, but could not capitalize.
The homestanding Falls team scored on a long shat which skimmed by the goalie Brett Weeker in the fourth quarter. Tom Eggleston and Jim Kuntz turned in their best games of the season in the defeat. Ken McCune did his usual fine job on defense.
Paul Dodd and Joel Sherman scored in the win over Bishop Kearney. Dodd scored on a pass from Sherman in the first period, while Joel scored an unassisted goal in the second period. Everyone on the squad played in the game which saw McCune and Chuck Lanphear play fine defense and Brett Weeker do a good job in the goal.
Ridgemen Lanphear’s fine performance at Kearney earned him a starting assignment Friday at Honeoye Falls… Joel Sherman’s knee is almost completely healed and allows him near maximum mobility…This week’s games are at home against Rush Henrietta on Thursday (the final home game of the season) and at East High next Monday start in a non-league start.

Pitchmen End Slump With Two Victories
WEBSTER HERALD October 26, 1966 By Dave Welker
Despite a performance which seemed to indicate that the Webster pitchmen were coming out of their season-long scoring slump, the Ridgemen were blanked by Rush.
Henrietta, 1-0, last Thursday on the RLT field. Previously, the Ridgemen had come from behind to beat Wheatland-Chili, 5-4 on the losers’ field.
Trailing 3-0 midway in the third period last Tuesday (October 18), Paul Dodd took a Tom Eggleston corner kick and put the ball into the goal starting the Ridgemen on the comeback road. The booters turned on their hosts and before the end of regulation time had knotted the score at 4-4. The first overtime period was fruitless but in the second overtime the Ridgemen scored to take home a 5-4 win. Tom Eggleston and Joel Sherman each scored two goals apiece to pace the Webster victory.
In the final home game of the 1966 season, last Thusday, the Ridgemen bowed to Rush-Henrietta, 1-0. The team nev er seemed to get itself untracked and the whole team seemed as cold as the west wind which played havoc on all balls lifted high in the air.
In the first half sloppy play predominated. Neither team had very many good scoring opportunities. Most of the play was in the center of the field and kept there by extremely good defenses on both teams. One good Webster scoring chance was lost when a hand ball was called on the Ridgemen. Goalie Brett Weeker nearly lost a ball kicked by a teammate, as it took a bad bounce and nearly got by Weeker. For the most part, the first half was nothing more than the two teams testing each other.
In the third period, Webster gained the ball control edge. Numerous corner kicks yielded no results, as the Rush goalie rose to the occasion on every scoring chance.
About midway in the fourth period, R-H scored on an excellent kick, fed to the scorer from a free kick. After the score, Webster pressed hard for the tying goal. Tom Eggleston nearly scored on a free kick and barely missed on the rebound.
Tempers flared late in the gone, resulting in the banishment of Jim Kuntz and his R-H counter-part. Webster failed to set the tying goal and the thoroughly chilled crowd went home disappointed.
Ridgemen Report: Ken McCune was the outstanding in theR-H game… The whole team played well in the Wheatland-Chili game, especially the offense … • Paul Dodd has played very well in recent games… The season finale is tonight at Penfield, a team which has clinched first place in the division.
Pitchmen Bow To Penfield
WEBSTER HERALD November 2, 1966 By Dave Welker
The Webster varsity soccer team ended its worst season ever last Wednesday (October 26),when they lost to division champions, Penfield, 2-0, on the winners’ field. In a non-league contest, October 24, the Ridgemen came from behind to beat East High 4-3 at the city school.
Against East, Webster went with the second string most of the first half and found themselves trailing 2-0. Tom Eggleston got the Ridgemen started when he scored making it 2-1. East scored its third goal, making it 3-1 near the end of the third period. A big pile-up in front of the East goal resulted in Paul Shriver’s scoring, making it 3-2. Eggleston scored again, tying the game tip at 3-3; then late in the fourth period, Ron Baxter headed the ball in for a goal, givingthe Ridgemen a 4-3 victory.
At Penfield, the Ridgemen played very well but were downed on two corner kick goals. Penfield scored in the first period and generally dominated play. Webster picked up the ball control edge in the second period, and had many good shots on goal. Jim Kuntz nearly scored on a one-on-one breakaway, but the Penfield goalie just managed to flick the ball out of bounds and save a goal.
The third period was again Penfield’s. They scored their second goal on a corner kick in the third-quarter. Webster went all out for the tying goals in the final period but couldn’t get them, losing 2-0.
The loss gave the Ridgemen a 2-5 league record, and they fell to last place in the final league standings. Yet it was the opinion all over the league that Webster was a good team which never seemed to jell into a winning combination.
It has been a frustrating season for all the players, their coach and their sportswriter. They just seamed to be going along well when Joel Sherman was injured. Joel’s injury not only took away a good scoring threat but lead to a fall in team morale.
With the Penfield game, these seniors played the’r final soccer games for the Ridgemen: Chris Bailey. Ron Baxter, Tom Eggleston, Glen Carver. Ron Klix. Jim Kuntz, Chuck Lanphear. Ken McCune, Don Scott, Joel Sherman and Brett Weeker. Next year, the team should have a good core of starters, including Steve Jacque. Dick Cianciotto, Steve Ludwig, Paul Dodd and Paul Shriver.
Ridgemen report: Ken McCune and Tom Eggleston should get consideration for the’ all-county team . . . What do soccer players do during the winter? Tom Eg gleston is a wrestler; Jim Kuntz, Ron Klix, and Ron Baxter play basketball, Chuck Lanphear is a star swimmer and Don Scott is a gymnast . . . I would like to take- this opportunity to thank coach Seymour (Zip) Eggleston for his help in writing these stories this season.

Pitchmen Win Second Straight
WEBSTER HERALD September 27, 1967
The Webster varsity soccer team bombed to their second straight victory in a s many games, by defeating the 1966 Monroe County champion Penfield Chiefs, 2-1, Friday, September 22, on the RLT field. The Ridgemen nipped Bishop Kearney, 2-1, Tuesday, in a non-league game.
The scrappy Webster outfit hustled from the opening whistle and scored in the second period when fullback Bob Lleberman tallied for the varsity on a long kick from near’ midfield and a Penfield defenseman headed the ball Into his own goal. Both teams had excellent opportunities to score .(Webster missing a penalty kick) but it was Penfield who finally put one in to tie the game. Neither team could man-age a goal in the rugged fourth quarter, both playing equally good soccer. The contest went Into overtime— two, five minute periods.
Each club posed an early threat In the first overtime and on Webster’s second rush Into the Pen- field end, a Chief defenseman desperately kicked the ball out of bounds. Left-winger Frank Mastowski powered h i s corner kick In front of the opposition’s goal where halfback Rick Cianciotto was waiting, and headed the ball i n f o r the winning goal and Webster’s first triumph over Penfield in three seasons.
The Ridgemen started fast against Bishop Kearney when Bob Lleberman scored on a penalty kick after a Kearney defenseman was called for pushing a Webster forward in the penalty area. The Ridgemen full-backs, Ted McKibben, Steve Ludwlg and Lleberman stymied numerous bids by the city outfit, but BK knotted the score mid- way through the third quarter on a scramble in front of the nets. Webster proved equal to the occasion when in the fourth quarter, center Paul Dodd blitzed the nets for the tie-break goal.
Outstanding performances were once again turned In by goalies Ron Cell and Bruce Miles, halfback Cianclotto, and the Webster fullbacks. The Ridgemen are showing great spirit and drive In their quest to reach the sectionals.
Varsity games this week will include a trip to Falrport, Friday, September 29 , and a home encounter with Greece Arcadia, Tuesday, September 26.
It was written In last week’s column that Coach Ralph Wager attended Kent College. This is not true. Wager was a student at Brockport College State Teacher’s College.

In County League
3 Soccer Teams Still Undefeated
DEMOCRAT & CHRONICLE September 30, 1967
Honeye Falls, Pittsford and Brockport scored victories yesterday to remain undefeated in Monroe County Soccer League play.
Honeoye Falls nipped Penfield, I to 0, at Penfield; Pittsford downed Fairport, 3 t o 1, a t Fairport, and Brockport trounced Greece Olympia, 3 to 1, at Greece Olympia.
In other results, Gates-Chili stopped Eastridge, 6 t o 3 , at Gates-Chili; Greece Arcadia halted Churchville-Chili, 4 to 1, a t Greece Arcadia; Hilton edged Spencerport, 3 to 1, at Hilton; Wheatland-Chili shaded Rush-Henrietta, 1 to 0 , at Scottsville, and Webster defeated Brighton, 3 to 1, at Webster. Frank Rathman’s goal at 13:35 o f the third period was the lone goal for Honeoye Falls, giving the Hornets a 3-0 mark on the season. A pair of goals by Dick Smith in the third period proved to be Pittsford’s margin and third straight win of the season while Rick Manning booted two to win for Brockport.
Bob Young chalked up four of Gates-Chili’s goals and Bill Mikalenko tallied twice for Eastridge to feature. Don Earl kicked three goals for Greece Arcadia.
Bob Schmitt’s goal at 13:40 of the opening period held up for Wheatland-Chili. Paul Dodd was responsible for all three Webster goals.
Brighton 0 1 0 0 – 1
Webster 0 0 2 1 – 3
Scoring: Brighton, Lewis;
Webster, Dodd 3

Pitchmen Score Two Victories
WEBSTER HERALD October 3, 1967 by Jim Rickey
Regaining the winning formula, the Webster varsity soccer team boosted their season record to 4-2-1, as they defeated Brighton, Wednesday, 3-1, East High School, 2-1, and tied Bishop Kearney, 1-1, on the enemy’s field, October 2.
The Ridgemen spotted the Barons a goal early in the second period, when forward Keith Lewis scored at the 6:37 mark. The teams went to their halftime meeting with Webster down, 1-0. Brighton’s prosperity was short lived, however, as Paul Dodd and the Ridgemen’s offense began to roll. On a play originated by forward “Punk” Watson, Dodd pumped in Webster’s first goal at 4:30 of the third quarter. Two minutes later, left-winger Steve Reynolds and Dodd combined for a fast break into the Brighton end resulting in a picture pass from Reynolds to Dodd with the latter putting in his second score of the after-noon. With Webster leading, 2-1, Dodd registered his third and final goal of the game to put the contest out of reach late in the fourth quarter.
Friday, East invaded the RLT field and met sudden defeat. With both teams displaying good, sound soccer throughout, the city team took a quick one goal lead until the fourth and final period. Senior Paul Shriver blasted a 20 footer on the enemy goal tender as an
East defender partially deflected the shot, but the ball found the right-hand corner of the net to tie the score.Minutes later, the Webster line rushed in on the East goal, trying to make a save, the goaltender ran out of position and clung to the Ridgemen’s center, Dodd, in the penalty area. Fullback Bob Lieberman took the penalty shot. Faking the East goalie to the left, Lieberman neatly placed the ball into the right hand corner for the deciding goal.
Monday, the varsity pitchman traveled to Bishop Kearney to tangle with the fine city outfit. Great pressure was put on both clubs as each offense had numerous chances, but defense was to be the deciding factor in the score. The Ridgemen scored first on a goal by Paul Dodd, his first of four to come during the week. Kearney shot, pressed, and shot again, but finally the Webster defense couldn’t hold the fort. Senior goaltenders Ron Geil and Bruce Miles played superior goal as they divided the stoppers chores. Fullbacks Ted McKibben, Steve Ludwig, and Leiberman played brilliant defense as did halfbacks Ralph Field, Steve Jacques, and Rick Cianciotto. The city team’s defense also played equally as well and the final score, 1-1, proved the game a draw.
During all three games, the Ridgemen have played as a single unit, a point which Coach Ralph Wager has stressed all season. It is impossible to single out any one player as the outstanding man, but statistically, center Paul Dodd accounted for two-thirds of his team’s goals for the week, and once again Bob Leiberman lead the defense.
Wednesday, October 11, the Ridgemen journey to Pittsford and Friday, October 13, the home forces battle Honeoye Falls on the Webster soccer field at 4:00 P.M.
Fairport Trips Harley Booters
DEMOCRAT & CHRONICLE October 3, 1967
Fairport defeated Harley 5-3 at Harley and Bishop Kearney battled Webster to a 1-1 overtime tie at Bishop Kearney in yesterday’s non-league soccer competition.
Webster 0 1 0 0 – 1
Bishop Kearney 1 0 0 0 – 1
Scoring: Webster, Dodd;
Bishop Kearney, Bull.
Soccer Squad Licks ‘Falls’
WEBSTER HERALD October 18, 1967 By Jim Rickey
Friday the 13th proved to be Coach Ralph Wager’s lucky day. Wager, in his freshman season a t the helm of the Webster varsity soccer team, sent his troops in against the previously undefeated and unscored upon Honeoye Fails, and came out a 2-1 victor. All was not luck, however, as the Ridgemen hustled their way to the upset triumph and a better vision of the post-season playoffs. Earlier in the week, the varsity dropped a two to nothing decision to a rugged Pittsford team. As a result of the Honeoye defeat, the Knights are in sole possession of the top spot.
With the game scoreless in the second period, left-wing Frank Mastowski powered a corner kick into the goal area where Rick Cianciotto neatly headed it into the enemy goal for the first goal against Honeoye all season. Webster put their second goal on the board when Mastowski„taking a pass from right winger Paul Shriver, blasted the ball into the left hand corner. Aroused by the sudden power of opposing offensemen, the Honeoye Falls line put together a scoring threat of their own. Thirty- seconds later;- the Falls team chalked up. their only goal of the contest on: a scramble in front of the nets.
The Ridgemen defense of Steve Ludwig, Ted McKibben and Bob Lieberman played superbly when they were called upon. The offensive line consisting of Paul Dodd, Steve Reynolds, Punk Watson, Shriver and Mastowski, kept the pressure on the enemy while receiving invaluable help from the halfback play of Steve Jacques, Ralph Field and Cianciotto. Goalie Ron Geil came up with some brilliant net mending as the victory was purely a team effort.
Tuesday, Webster collided with a powerful Pittsford outfit and met defeat on the chilly enemy field. The Knights scored their first goal in the second period and added another late in the fourth period to insure the win. Goalie Geil played fantastic goal, making seemingly Impossible saves, but all In vain.
Pittsford, Webster Score in Soccer
DEMOCRAT & CHRONICLE October 19, 1967
Pittsford Central blanked Honeoye Falls, 2-0, yesterday in a Monroe County Soccer League game at Pittsford to keep sole possession of first place. In another league contest, Webster outscored Wheatland-Chili, 6-1, at Webster.
The win was Pittsford’s fifth against one loss while Honeye Falls stands at 4-2. At Webster, Paul Dodd netted four goals to pace Webster’s attack.
Wheatland-Chili 0 0 0 1 – 1
Webster 1 1 3 1 – 6
Scoring: Wheatland-Chilli, Schmidt;
Webster, P. Dodd (4), Watson, Guerra.
Soccer Team Wins 6-1
WEBSTER HERALD October 25, 1967
The Webster varsity soccer team, aroused after Monday’s 1-0 loss to’ Gates-Chill In a non- league contest, swamped league opponent Wheatland-Chlli, 6-1, at RLT, Wednesday afternoon.
Playing leading roles in the rout were Paul Dodd, Bob Lieberman and goalie Ron Geil. Dodd clicked for his first goal In the second period when he took a pass from Paul Shriver and slapped it past the goalie.
Minutes later, Dodd deflected in Frank Mastowski’s corner kick to make the score 2-0 at half time.
Webster continued their assault when early in the third quarter Dodd again scored on a fine pass from Punk Watson. Watson then scored himself, on a scramble in front of the nets. Dodd was not through, however, when In the fourth quarter he scored on a mixup in front of the enemy goal. Joe Guerra, playing his first varsity season, got the goal back for Webster when he blasted the ball past a startled goaltender for the final score of the afternoon. The Webster defensive play of Geil, Lieberman, Rick Cianciotto and Steve Ludwig was excellent, while feeding the forward line with numerous passes.
Monday, the Ridgemen traveled to Gates in a game which was a defensive bout. Both teams exchanged-fine passing-and-ball handling, but could not muster a score until Gates put the only goal of the contest behind Geil, who had played brilliant goal.
Wednesday, October 25, the Ridgemen will journey to Rush- Henrietta for the final regular season game. Should Webster win, they will be a good bet to enter the sectionals which start Tuesday, October 31.
Pittsford Wins Title In Eastern Part Of County Soccer
DEMOCRAT & CHRONICLE October 27, 1967
Pittsford defeated Wheatland-Chili,5-1, yesterday at Scottsville to finish as champion in the Eastern Division of the Monroe County Soccer League. Robbie Searl booted two goals as the Knights finished the season with a 6-1 record.
Honeoye Falls shut out Brighton, 5-0, at Honeoye Falls to gain the runner-up spot. Tom Jamison kicked four goals to capture the individual scoring championship. He now has 10 in league play and 16 overall. Goalie Dan Northrup posted his 7th shutout of the season for the Hornets.
Webster struck for four goals in the second period yesterday to defeat Rush-Henrietta, 4-1, in an Eastern Division game.
At Fairport, Penfield and Fairport battled to a 2-2 deadlock.
Webster: 0 4 0 0 – 4
Rush-Henrietta: 0 0 0 1 – 1
Scoring: Webster: Reynolds, Shriver, Dodd, Watson;
Rush-Henrietta: Citrinboim.
Pitchmen Gain Sectional Berth
WEBSTER HERALD November 1, 1907 By Jim Rickey
The Webster varsity soccer team advanced to the 1967 Monroe County sectionals, Thursday, by defeating Rush-Henrietta, 4-1.
After a scoreless first period, the Ridgemen offense began to roll. Right-wing Paul Shriver blasted the ball past the Rush goal tender for a 1-0 lead and Webster was never headed. Two rmpafes later, Steve Reynolds scored his first goal of the season when he deflected the ball off an enemy defenseman’s knee. Center Paul Dodd, taking a pass from Shriver, made It 3-0, and the score tied him for the team record in goals scored for a single season. Henrietta scored its only goal of the game in the fourth quarter with three minutes remaining.
Coach Ralph Wager is enthusiastic over the Ridgemen’s chances in the sectionals. Wager feels that the offense is starting to jell after witnessing his team’s robust 10 goals in two games. The club and coach, however, do not feel they have played up to their fullest potential even after reversing last year’s 2-5 league record, but are hungry heading into the playoffs.
Preparing for the sectionals, Webster will play a post-season game against the Fairport Raiders Tuesday, at RLT and are out to avenge a regular season defeat to the league opponent, 1-0, at Fairport.
Friday, November 3, the varsity will play Marshall High School at Gates – Chili in the quarter finals of the post-season events.

Gates-Chili Booters Win, 1-0
DEMOCRAT & CHRONICLE November 4, 1967
Representatives f r o m the Monroe County Soccer League eliminated all three Interscholastic League teams from the Section 5 Class A Tournament yesterday in quarterfinal action on several fronts.
In the big game, Gates-Chili blanked Franklin, 1-0, a t Penfield. Pittsford defeated Monroe, 3-1, a t East High and Webster shut out Marshall, 1-0, at Gates-Chili.
Addison of Steuben County will take on Greece Arcadia this afternoon at Honeoye Falls at 2 p.m . Harry Bruestle booted the lone goal of the game to give Gates-Chili a spot in the Tuesday’s semifinals against Pittsford a t Penfield.
Bruestle’s goal came in the overtime period a t 2:43 when he converted a well-executed penalty kick.
The loss was Franklin’s first of the season. Gates-Chili’s record now stands at 11-3. Goalie Tony Mastrodonato spared Gates with some outstanding saves.
At Gates-Chili, Paul Dodd accounted for a singleton in the fourth period to move Webster to the Tuesday semifinals at Roberts Wesleyan against the winner of today’s Addison-Greece Arcadia game.
Dodd scored a t 6:15 from about 10 feet to give Webster its ninth win against four losses. Pittsford Central scored two first-quarter goals to defeat Monroe behind Dave Braal’s two-goal performance. It was Monroe’s first time in Section 5 competition in 30 years.
Braal opened the scoring in the first quarter and Steve Smith followed minutes later to give Pittsford a 2-0 lead.
Gavriel Michaeli tightened the margin when he scored in the second session. Braal netted his second and Pittsford’s third goal in the third period.
The championship will be decided a week from today at Brockport State at 2 p.m.
Webster 0 0 0 1 – 1
Marshall 0 0 0 0 – 0
Webster, Dodd
Gates-Chili 0 0 0 0 – 1
Franklin 0 0 0 0 – 0
Gates-Coili, Bruestle (penalty kick)
Soccer Team Defeats Marshall
THE WEBSTER HERALD November 8, 1967 by Jim Rickey
The Webster varsity soccer team gunned down Marshall High School by the score of 1-0 on November 3 , to advance to the Monroe County Sectional semi-finals series. Earlier in the week the varsity avenged an early season loss by defeating Fairport, 4-3. Completely outplaying the city entry, the Rldgemen outfit worked the ball well only to be stymied at the goal-mouth. In the closing seconds of the second quarter, Paul Shriver bombed the ball at the open corner of the net. The goaltender lunged at the shot, but to no avail when it bounced off the goalpost to turn away another Webster bid. Then, at 6.15 of the fourth period, Paul Dodd slammed the ball by the enemy netmender to hand the Rldgemen the victory. Tuesday, November 7, the varsity will play a tough Greece-Arcadia team, who has previously defeated Webster, 2-1, at Roberts Weslyan, to decide who will battle It out In the final round for the Monroe County championship at Brock port High School,- Saturday, November 11.
Falrport’s Raiders Invaded RLT to make It two in a row over the home team, but the proud Webster club outlasted the Raid- ers In a penalty-packed contest. Early in the game, Fairport was awarded two penalty shots, but failed to capitalize on either. Webster received their chance and Bob Lleberman made his penalty kick good for a 1-0 lead. The second period brought another penalty shot awarded to the Rldgemen and again Lleber-man faked the goalie to score his second goal of the game. Fairport got onthe board minutes later, scoring on a scramble in front of the nets. In the third quarter, with the home club lead- ing 3-1, on a goal by Paul Shriver, the Raiders exploded for two goals within five minutes. With the score tied 3-3, Coach Ralph Wager sent In his second team. On a Webster rush into the enemy territory, Joe Guerrawas shoved from behind in the penalty area’, and was given another penalty chance. This time, Tom Mara blasted the ball by the Raider’s netmender to take the victory.
Against Marshall, Webster played like a singleunit. Steve Ludwig, Rick Cianciotto and Lleberman starred on defense, and Mark Watson, Shriver and Dodd on offense, but should the Rldgemen make the finals, they will make it on sheer teamwork.
Webster Eliminates Arcadia Pitchmen
DEMOCRAT & CHRONICLE November 10, 1967

Webster, a well organized soccer team, scored in each of the last three quarters yesterday to eliminate Greece Arcadia 4-0, from the Section 5 Class A tournament in semifinal action at Roberts Wesleyan College.
The victory puts Webster into the championship round against Gates-Chili tomorrow afternoon at Roberts Wesleyan at 2 o’clock.
Paul Shriver and Paul Dodd paced Webster’s scoring with one goal and one assist each. Frank Mastowski opened the scoring in the second quarter when he received a well executed pass from Shriver at three minutes.
In the third session, Shriver increased the lead when he drilled a shot into the right-hand corner. Dodd originally started the play when he fired a bullet towards Arcadia’s goal-tender, who made a rebound save, and Shriver quickly booted the ball into the open net.

Steve Reynolds made it 3-0 in the last stanza when he received a pass from Steve Jacques. Dodd completed the scoring minutes later with a hard shot from about 12 yards into the left-hand corner.
Webster reached the semifinals with a win over Marshall while Gates-Chili stopped Franklin, Interscholastic League champion.
In Class C yesterday, Fillmore defeated Middlesex Valley, 3-1, in the quarterfinals at Geneseo State.
Jerry Hodnett led the attack with two goals while John Rees netted the other. Wayne Leach scored on a penalty shot for Middlesex Valley.
Red Creek takes on Byron-Bergen this afternoon at Penfield and the winner will reach the championship round and will play against North Rose or Fillmore next Tuesday.
Roberts Wesleyan will also be the site of Class B title play tomorrow at noon when Honeoye Falls plays Wayne Central.
Greece Arcadia 0 0 0 0 – 0
Webster 0 1 1 2 – 4
Webster; Dodd, Shriver, Mastowski, Reynolds.

Soccer Team Trips On Champ Route
Championship escaped the Webster varsity soccer team as they were tripped 1-0 by newly crowned Section 5 champion Gates-Chill, Saturday, at Roberts-Wesleyan.
Before a crowd exceeding 2500, the Rldgemen valiantly attempted to upset a rugged Gates squad which had defeated division champion Pittsford four days previously to advance to the Sections finals. The scrappy Webster outfit outplayed the cross-city rivals throughout the first half, but could not manage a tally. Superb passing and ball control were displayed by both teams when finally, with three minutes remaining in the fourth and final quarter, Harry Bruestle booted the ball into the Webster nets. The Rldgemen fiercely bombarded the opposition’s goal in the remaining minutes, but could not score to tie the contest.
The boys in blue played Greece Arcadia in the semifinal match, Tuesday, and after six periods the game was called with the score 0-0. Thursday, the two clubs squared off again, but this time Webster ran away and hid. After a scoreless first period, Frank Mastowski carried the ball into the goal, taking a corner from Paul Shriver to give the Ridgemen a 1-0 halftlme lead.
Early in the third quarter, Arcadia mounted a rush into the Ridgemen’s end. Goalie Ron Geil came out of the nets and fell on the slippery turf. Greece, eyeing the opportunity to tie the score, kicked the ball towards the goal, but fullback Steve Ludwig raced into the nets and blocked the shot into the arms of Geil.
Minutes later, Steve Reynolds blasted his shot past the Arcadia netmender on passes from Steve Jacques – and Mark Watson. The fourth quarter brought more breathing room as Paul Shriver popped a score in on a pass from Jacques. With seconds remaining, Paul Dodd scored the fourth and last goal of the game.
Goalie Ron Geil, who did not put together a shutout during the regular season, saved his best for the Sectionals. Geil recorded three consecutive shutouts, and allowed a grand total of one goal for the four playoff games.
The Webster defense also played superbly In the Section 5 series. Steve Ludwig, Ted McKibben, Jeff Munson and reliable Bob Lieberman were an almost impossible corps to penetrate. Halfbacks Ralph Field, Steve Jacques and Rick Cianciotto aided the defensive unit as well as feeding the forward line with numerous passes. It was Dodd, Steve Reynolds, Paul Shriver, Mark Watson and Frank Mastowski who supplied the shot and scoring power for a fine club. Coach Ralph Wager is proud of his well coached troops. All year he has repeated team work, team play and that is what these boys were — a real team.

Section Five Soccer Class A Semifinals
Gates Beats Pittsford
Gates-Chili scored with only three minutes remaining in the game to defeat Pittsford, 1-0, yesterday in Section 5 Soccer Class A Tournament action at Penfield Central.
However, the Spartans will have to wait to find out their opponents for the championship Saturday at Brockport State College at 2 p.m. due to a scoreless overtime tie between Webster and Greece Arcadia at Roberts Wesleyan College.
Bob Young, Chili’s classy center forward, scored the long goal of the game at 12 minutes when he drilled a hard shot from about 10 feet.
Young’s tally was assisted by Cade Lockwood, a right winger.
Coach Anthony Muratore singled out fine goaltending by Tony Mastronato and work by right fullback John Guinan.

Netminder Mastronato came up with 20 saves, with about four tough ones, and registered his seventh shutout.
Guinan was a superstar on defense as he broke most of Pittsford’s offensive threats with his speed and smart tactics.
Goaltending was the reason for the Webster-Greece Arcadia deadlock.
Both teams will collide once again at Roberts Wesleyan tomorrow afternoon with a 3:30 p.m. kickoff.
Gates-Chili and Penfield were last year’s co-champions.
Gates-Chili 0 0 0 1 – 1
Pittsford 0 0 0 0 – 0
Gates-Chili, Young.
Webster 0 0 0 0 – 0
Greece Arcadia 0 0 0 0 – 0
Final-Period Goal Gives Gates-Chili Sectional Crown

Gates-Chili engineered a goal in the final period yesterday to defeat Webster, 1 to 0, for the Class A crown in Section 5 soccer play at Roberts Wesleyan College.
Harry Bruestle kicked the game’s only tally at 11:37 of the finale. Goalie Tony Mastrodonato completed his second successive season of Section 5 tournament play without being scored upon.
Gates-Chili 0 0 0 1 – 1
Webster 0 0 0 0 – 0
Scoring: Gates-Chill-Bruestle.

Pitchmen Are Champ Finalists
WEBSTER HERALD December 6, 1967 By Jim Rickey
Webster’s varsity pitchmen, finalists in the 1967 Monroe County Soccer championships, boasted the league’s strongest midfield trio as the All-County selections have confirmed this week. The Ridgemen’s center forward, co-captain, Paul Dodd was named as the outstanding center in the league on the strength of his school record, tying 12 goals. Paul, a senior, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dodd of 24 Hawley Drive in Webster. Dodd attributes much of his success to Coach Ralph Wager and his experience in summer soccer with boys in high school and college. Paul also give much credit to his linemates whose superb passes sent him in on many enemy goaltenders.
Dodd will play volleyball this winter and runs the 440 yard dash on the spring track team. He is presently participating in the school play production, “Teahouse of the August Moon”, and hopes to attend college at Indiana and major in business administration.
Another co-captain, Rick Cianciatto, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cianciotto of 252 Shore- wood Drive, Webster. Rick, a speed-merchant at his halfback position, displayed pinpoint pass-ing and scored three goals as well as playing a rugged defensive game.
A great inspiration to the team, Cianciotto also participates in summer soccer, and this fall, helped boys in 5-7 grades in a Saturday morning soccer program. Like Dodd, he also runs for the track team. Rick hopes to •attend Syracuse or Bucknell next fall and major in engineering.
Ridgemen teams in the past have displayed strong defenses and this year was no exception. Anchoring this year’s rear guards was Junior Bob Lieberman.
The son of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Lieberman of 52 Sherwood Avenue, Bob received his start from a former all-county “selection in his high school years, Coach Ralph Wager. When Mr. Wager was starring for Webster teams during the 1960’s, coach Wager helped Lieberman when Bob showed a great interest for the game. Dividends spilled over this year for both Lieberman and Webster. Bob scored four goals and his deceptive moves and uncanny, positioning baffled the opposing linemen with superior proficiency.
In the off season, Bob plays soccer with the Baysiders, one of the finest soccer clubs in New York State. Lieberman also participates in the summer soccer program and will be back next year to assume his duties in front of the nets.
Pitchmen Start at East High
WEBSTER HERALD September 11, 1968 bv Jim Rickey
Webster’s varsity pitchmen swing into action Tuesday, September 17, at East High School, with visions of the Monroe County Soccer league title.
The Ridgemen will miss all-countymen Paul Dodd and Rick Cianciotto at center and center halfback, respectively, but boast a returning all-league selection, fullback Bob Lieberman. Llbeberman anchored a strong defense while contributing four goals to the team’s output. Also returning from last seasons starting squad are forwards Steve Raynolds and Frank Mastowskl and halfbacks Ralph Field and John Richardson.
Fighting for starting roles this year will be forwards Kevin McLymond, Craig Reynolds, Ron Nortier and Norm Ladd, halfbacks Tom Wager and Dave Dyminski and fullbacks ”Dan Weiezel, Gary Bennett and Dick Woodpeck. Candidates for goaltenders John Pender and Bob Brenis.
Coach Ralph Wager is optimistic about his team’s chances and looks for improvement over last seasons second rating in the sectionals. Before the opening contest against the Orientals, Webster will scrimmage Wayne Central, Friday, September 13.

Ralph Wager, my high school coach, recommended Indiana University for me. There was hope that I would qualify for a scholarship there but first IU had to get a NCAA sanctioned soccer field. As it was we played our matches in IU’s old football stadium, the same one they had the Little 500 race in each year. Most of the team was foreign exchange students. I was the first freshman to start for IU but I dropped out in my second year there.