I wonder if I was the only one who fell for the Webster Dental Group’s ad blitz. Their “Free Seminar on Dental Implants” ad ran nearly everyday and I heard a radio spot as well. I have two back teeth that need to come out so I called the number and made a reservation. The receptionist said there would be free refreshments there too. I was picturing sweet stuff. I dropped Peggi off at her mom’s and drove across East Rochester and out Five Mile Line Road to Webster in the middle of rush hour to get to the seminar. It took me a half hour to get across town. I forgot my iPod so I fiddled with the radio and came across an interesting segment on spanking children. It was a Christian program and a woman was giving tips to the host. The host delighted in this subject and kept snickering when the woman described graduating from the bare hand (when becomes clear that it is not inflicting enough pain) to the wooden spoon (she keeps a few hidden about the house). And talked about a friend who had a “special, ten inch leather strap” made for herb that “really cracks”. She said, “Of course after we spank, we pray together and we tell the children that someday we hope they will learn to accept Christ as their savior.”
I finally got to the Holiday Inn in Webster and there was a small sign on an easel in the doorway announcing the seminar. I asked the receptionist where it was being held and she said that it was cancelled. I asked how come and said that was all they told her. They could have called me, the creeps. Guess I can forget about that place.
I drove back to Peggi’s mom’s place and found them having dinner in the Bistro. Lorraine from my painting class was there with her relatives. We watched the Yankees’ game after dinner and kept her mom up til the bitter end.
We came across this wounded hawk in the woods today. We were concerned because it was so close but as walked further it flew overhead.
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