Kiss, Darling

Window shopping in Sevilla
Window shopping in Sevilla

I hadn’t thought about “Kiss and Darling” in a long time. They were full color, Italian, photo novellas with young people posed perfectly in ordinary European situations along with thought bubbles or conversation that dealt mostly with romance. Nothing steamy, just dreamy. They sold them everywhere in the eighties. We used to pick them up at Bertha’s on East Main and sometimes we’d by the Spanish versions at World Wide News.

I keep flashing on them as we walk the streets of Sevilla. We’re lost most of the time but it doesn’t matter. Every street we turn on is full of people strolling, shopping or window shopping, eating and just plain living their lives out on the street. It’s like a Fellini movie and I love it.

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I Scan The Woods

Leaf Scan Number 2
Leaf Scan Number 2

I picked up a few more leaves in the woods and put them on my scanner

Peggi and I finished up the InDesign files for a live Margaret Explosion cd. I used the “Custom Quote” feature at Discmakers and found that 300 copies of their digipaks were almost as much as 1000. And 500 actually cost more than 1000 because there is a “$200 off special” on the 1000 quantity. So much for a limited edition. Unlike most live cds this one is all new, spontaneously composed, material.

I dropped a painting off at the MAG for an upcoming show in the Creative Workshop gallery and then stopped at Sparky‘s house to say hi but he wasn’t home. I headed over to Sound Source to buy a used turntable. They had quite a few pick from. I chose a used, dj style, Stanton. You have to pick the arm up and drop the needle and when the record gets to the end the tone arm just sits in that rut but it does start on a dime if you want to cue up a tune. The speed is adjustable and it even runs in reverse. Peggi’s mom came over for dinner and the first record we played was Nino Rota’s sound track to Fellini’s “Amacord”. Peggi’s mom loved it.

Talked to Duane tonight. He had a fifteen minute eye operation in NYC and his doctor gave him some Suicide style dark glasses and arranged for a driver to take him back to Brooklyn in the back seat of a Lincoln.

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