Fred Talk

Janet Lipp, an artist and teacher like her father, invited Fred Lipp to talk to her class a few times over the years. In 2014 she videoed the presentation he gave to her MCC art class. I studied with Fred’s for many years and he hardly ever talked about his own work. So it is a joy to hear him do so here. He used the same thought process that he taught and it is especially powerful to see him pull it all off. I am so thankful he was willing to share what he loved.

The Creative Workshop had a celebration of Fred’s work tonight, a gathering of former students in conjunction with a show of their work in the Lucy Byrne Gallery. They were showing this movie in a separate room and in the building next door the Memorial Art Gallery had a painting of Fred’s that they bought in 1972, a big abstract called “Sculptural Fetish.” Fred would have loved it.