NameMark Dodd 
Birth Date22 Jun 1951 Age: 68
Birth PlaceRochester, New York
Chr PlaceRochester, New York
OccupationSenior Social Worker @ Camden St. Elementary School, Newark NJ
EducationBA Geneseo State College, Masters from Hunter College
Misc. Notes
New York City Homes:
43rd Street.Appartment with Charlie Cocco a Webster High School Friend
Charlie died of Aids n NY City
85th & Broadway Appartment with
Brooklyn, Park Slope, 11 Street ?
Apartment with Amy on 96th Street in Mahattan
Birth Date6 Oct 1955 Age: 64
Birth PlacePaterson NJ
EducationBA Columbia College
OccupationDirector @ Social Agency in NY: Houston St. Center
Marr Date6 Sep 1987
Marr PlaceColumbia University Chapel, NYC