NameLeo Joseph Dodd Jr. 
Birth Date5 Mar 1927
Birth PlaceRochester New York
Memo@ Saint Mary's Hospital / Dr. William Hartigan
Chr Date? Mar 1927 Age: <1
Chr PlaceOur Lady of Good Counsel Church
Death Date30 Dec 2015 Age: 88
Burial Date31 Dec 2015
Burial PlaceHoly Sepulchre, Rochester, NY
MemoGreen Burial next to wife Mary
OccupationMechanical Engineer
EducationBS / Mechanical Eng. Villanova Univ.
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
Leo’s home 1927 was @ 107 Burlington Avenue, off Brooks Ave.,in the 19th Ward of Rochester NY
1932 Radio Programs, Friday April , WHAM, Rochester NY:
@ 5:45 to 6:00pm Orphan Annie
@ 6:45 to 7:00pm Lowell Thomas
@ 7:00 to 7:15pm Amos & Andy
@ 10:00 to 10:30pm Paul Whiteman
1949 - 1950 Mary & Leo first Appartment @ 446 Alexander Street, Pauls' bedroom was the hallway, in this upstairs flat with one bedroom, Mary was working @ Catholic School Office as a Secretary to Fater Mahoney, the Director of Catholic Schools in Rochester, Leo was working on the Television Assembly Line with several Graduate Engineers and Aquinas Graduates @ Stromberg Carlson Company on Carlson Road. Leo after 6 months got a job in Manufacturing Process Engineer for Television Manufacture till he was laid off, 6 months later as a result of a cost saving plan known as the "Scanlon Plan." Mary would walk to Work on Christopher Street @ The Columbus Civic Center, Leo walked over to University Ave. & took the bus to Stromberg’s @ Humbolt & Carlson Road.
1950 - 1954 Mary & Leo & Paul moved from upstairs @ Alexander Street to a Double House Upstairs & Downstairs, @ 25 Kislingbury Street, off Dewey Avenue in the 10th Ward with Paul, Mark & Ann.
Leo walked to work @ the Hawk Eye Works of Eastman Kodak Company Mary was Mother to Paul, Mark & Ann.
1954 - 1960 Mary & Leo moved to 64 Brookfield Road with Paul, Mark & Ann.
1960 - 1974 Mary & Leo moved to the Village Manor Subdivision @ 24 Hawlew Drive in the Village of Webster into a new Home Built by Shantz Construction Company, on January 1960, with Paul, Mark, Ann, John, Tim & Francis. Where we dug our own inground pool....well Fran Tim John & Pop....that is.
1974 - 1999 + Mary & Leo moved to765 Corwin Road on January 14, 1974 in the Town of Brighton with John, Tim & Francis & Amy. The house was built in 1952 by Abraham & Rosalind Fisher, Abraham Fisher died on July 2, 1953 .
Leo....Education History
1933-1941 School......Our Lady of Good Counsel....on Brooks Ave, 19th Ward.
1941-1945 @ Aquinas Institute.......on Dewey Avenue
1945-1949 @ Villanova University , Mechanical Engineering, BSME Degree
Rochester City Directory Data:
1951 Dodd, Leo Jr. (Mary E.) Production Engineer, Strongberg Carlson Co. Home 446 Alexander St.
1952 Dodd, Leo Jr. (Mary E.) Engineer @ Hawk-Eye Works, Home 104 Kislingbury St.
Leo Dodd…………….background / November, 9, 2005
* Graduated from Villanova University, 1949
degree Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Employed by Eastman Kodak Company…..Government Systems Division
* Retired 1986………..Enginering Design Group, Department Head
* Industrial Staff Member, Los Alamos NM Laboratory, 1980/1981
* Lecturer Rochester Institute of Technology, 1987/86, Illustration & Design
* Consultant in Engineering @ University of Rochester Laser Laboratory 1987/1995
* Director Dodd’s Design Works………1986-2005……..Industrial Design
* Past President & Board Member of Rochester Print Club
* Past President St. John’s Catholic Church, Men’s Club
* President Brighton Browncroft Neighborhood Association.1990 to 2005
AOS Age of Onset
Birth Date7 Aug 1927
Birth PlaceRochester New York
Chr Date? Aug 1927 Age: <1
Death Date17 May 2017 Age: 89
Death PlaceFriendly Home, Brighton, NY
Burial Date18 May 2017
Burial PlaceHoly Sepulchre, Rochester, NY
MemoGreen Burial next to husband Leo
OccupationHomemaker Extraordinaire
EducationMercy High School, Rochester N.Y.
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
Mary used to stop in to see her GrandMother (Winifred Maloney) Tierney who lived on Culver Road when she was walking to Saint Ambrose School but she never saw her Grandfather Tierney who died in 1922.
Mary, who lived @ 452 Rosewood Terrace remembers visiting with her Grandmother Walsh,on many occasions, who lived up the street on 65 Rosewood Terrace with her aunt Flossie & uncle Bill, but she never saw her Grandfather Walsh, who died in 1914.
Mary Education:
1933-1941 Saint Ambrose Grammer School
1941-1945 Mercy High School
Mary was on Stage @ Mercy & on the Basketball Court.
Mary was not given the oppoutunity for a college education, and went to work after High School @
the Catholic Diocese School Offce on Chestnut Street in the Colummbus Civic Center. She was working here as a secretary for Father Boyle & Msgr. Mahoney who directed the Catholic Education Office with contol over many schools.
Mary had her first child @ age 22, her second child @ age 23, third child @ age 25, fourth child @ age 27, fifth child @ age 28.........this is a busy time.
Rochester City Directory Data:
1950 Dodd, Mary E. Assistant Secretary, 50 Chestnut St. Catholic School Office Home 446 Alexander St.
Medical Information:
Mary was diagnosed as " Spostic Dysphonia, Lumina Tremor". for voice loss of control......@ the Heritage Home @ Saint Anns'
Marr Date11 Jun 1949
Marr PlaceSaint Ambrose Church, Rochester, New York