Dodd Family - Person Sheet
NameRita Tierney 
Birth Date3 Jan 1915
Birth PlaceRochester N.Y. Genesee Hospital
Chr PlaceRochester N.Y.
Death Date1 Jan 1996 Age: 80
Death PlaceRochester N.Y.
Burial PlaceRochester N.Y.
EducationAcademy of the Sacred Hart & Nursing Degree / St. Marys Hospital
ReligionRoman Catholic
OccupationHomemaker, Mother & Nurse
Misc. Notes
Student Nurse.........1938
Graduate Nurse, St. Mary's Hospital, 1939
Birth Date18 Sep 1912
Birth PlacePittsford, New York
Death Date? 1988 Age: 75
OccupationComptroller @ Topper Brewery
ReligionRoman Catholic