NameRaymond J. Tierney Sr. 
Birth Date9 Jan 1886
Birth PlaceRochester N.Y.
Chr PlaceRochester N.Y.
Death Date18 Jun 1978 Age: 92
Death PlaceRochester N.Y.
Burial Date21 Jun 1978
Burial PlaceHoly Sepulchre Cemetery, Sec. R, Lot#279
OccupationMarket Proprietor/1906 @ 308 North St.
EducationCorpus Christi School & Mechanics Institute & Rochester Business School
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
" The territory now comprising Corpus Christi was under the jurisdicition of the bishop of NY City untill 1847. In that year it became part of the newly established Diocese of Buffalo. In 1868 the Diocese of Rochester was founded with Bishop Bernard J. McQuaid. There were 10 Catholic churches in the city in 1868; 5 German, 4 Irish & 1 French. The names were St. Patrick's. St. Mary's, St. Joseph's, Our Lady of Victory, St. Bridget's, St. Boniface, Holy Family, Saints Peter & Paul's, Immaculate Conception & Holy Redeemer. St. Michale's started in 1872, Holy Apostles in 1884, St. Francis Xavier & Corpus Christi in 1888" 6
1902 June....At the closing exercises of Corpus Christi School, in St. Josephs Hall The Frank J. Hone Gold Medal fo proficiency in Mathmatics was awarded to Raymond Tierney.
Why is Ray still in Corpus Christi @ age 16....The Grammer School had 9 years of training.
".....graduate of the then nine-grade Corpus Christi School"
This book says Corpus Christi School was for 9 years.
The following information came from the Rochester Directory @ Main Library
in 1900 Ray Tierney was 14 years old
in 1901 Tierney Family @ 55 Weld Street
in 1903 Tierney Family @ 55 Weld Street, James & Joe Mkt. @ 182 Scio St.
in 1904 ? Ray worked @ The National Brass Co.....for Gus Weitz, info. / Ray Jr.
in 1905 ? Ray worked @ Sibley Lindsay & Curr Co. as a Bookeeper....., info. / Ray Jr.
in 1906 Tierney Family @ 53 Weld St., Ray Opened Mkt. @ 312 North Street,
in 1907 Tierney Raymond J. Market @ 308 North Street bds. @ 108 Ontario Street Mkt.
This is the first time Raymond’s name appears in Directory.
in 1908 Tierney Family @ 208 Lyndhurst St., Market @ 308 North Street
in 1913 Tierney Family @ 208 Lyndhurst Street
in 1914/1915 Ray & Laura lived @ 10 Cayuga Street
The 1915 NYS Census...had the following information, @ Rochester Main library:
for the address of 10 Cayuga Street,Ward 13, Rochester NY
Christopher H. Biel...Head, age 64 born in Germany, occupation: Shiping Clerk
May C. Biel...Daughter age 32, occupation: Housework
Raymond J. Tierney, Boarder, age 29, occupation: Meat Market
The 1915 NYS Census...had the following information, @ Rochester Main library:
for the address of 208 Lyndhurst Street,Ward 16, Rochester NY
Edward Tierney...Head, age 66 born in Ireland, occupation: Machinist
Winfred Tierney...Wife, age 64 born in US, occupation: Housewife
Joseph Tierney...Son, age 38 born in US, occupation: Meat Dealer
Raymond Tierney...Son, age 29 born in US, occupation: Meat Cutter
Walter Tierney...Son, age 27 born in US, occupation: Meat Cutter
Arthur Tierney...Son, age 21 born in US, occupation: Bookkeeper
Elizabeth Tierney...Daughter, age 25 born in US, occupation: Housework
The 1920 US Census, Monroe Co. Rochester NY,Ward 18, @ 452 Rosewood Terrace
Raymond J. Tierney, Head, 34, Born New York State, Father born Ireland, Mother born New York State occupation......Merchant - Groceryy,Salary of working on own account.
Mart T. Tierney, Wife, 29, Born New York State, Father born in England & Mother born Ireland
Rita L. Tierney , Daughter, 5, Born New York State, Father & Mother born New York State.
So now we have two different 1915 Census Reports that list Raymond Tierney,
1 living @ 10 Cayuga Street & the 2nd @ 208 Lyndhurst Street.......?
Where was Ray living & where was Rita age 5 months, for she is not listed at either residence ?
Also why is Arthur a Bookkeeper and Elizabeth a she taking care of Rita ?
in 1916 Ray & Mary lived at 21 Garson Avenue
in 1917 Ray Tierney Family moved to 452 Rosewood Terrace
in 1934 Ray opened Elray Food Markets "Mammoth" @ 634 South Avenue
in 1943 Ray opened Provisions Markets @ 999 Clinton Ave. South
1893-1902 Corpus Christi School Grammer
1903-1906 Rochester Institute of Technology, Evening School
1905..........? Rochester Business Institute
Jim Williams remembers a story Ray told of how he followed the men who were taking up the wooden sidewalks in the city, packaged the slats & sold the wood for fire wood. Year 189?
Early Work Experience: I am unsure of the dates of these activities .
1896-1899? Paper Route: Union Advertizer Newspaper...160 papers daily
1896-1899? Worked as a Delivery boy for a Food Market on Saturdays
1905 ? Worked @ Wholesale House as Bookeeper
Worked @ Sibley Lindsay & Curr Co. as a Junior Executive
1903-1906? Worked @ Tool Factory
1906 April.... .Purchased Meat Market on North Street
in the 1905 NYS Census Record, Rochester NY, Ward 16 @ 53 Weld Street:
Raymond was 19 years old, working as a Machinist:
Market Experience:
1906 April.....Purchased Meat Market @ 312 North Street
This Market was in operation and previously run by William J. E. Mezger, bds. @ 77 Woodward St. Mezger was listed as a Draftsman in 1906 & Bookkeeper in 1907 with his Father @ 71 Front St.
Ray’s brother James helped him purchase the business & direct business operations.
In 1906 Steak was selling @ 10 cents/pound. With only ice for refrigeration many items such as milk were sold in bulk. Customers brought their own containers along with them.
Brothes James, Joseph, Walter, & Arthur + sister Betsy worked @ North Street Store.
Brothes James & Walter were the first to work there in 1906.
1912 Purchase the Building on 312 North Street, $40,000 cost, Store, 8 Apartments & created
liveryway into rental property for Northway Resturant.
Ray was a partner in a Construction Company, & founded a Real Estate Company.
1935-1939 Ray is credited with inaugurating the so-called Supermarket type of store in Rochester in 1935 with a 19,000 sq. ft. Food Market @ 634 South Ave. called " The Mammoth Food Market". or "Elray Food Markets" This Market burned to the Ground in 1939 & closed
1940-1963 Rays' last Market was Tierneys Market @ 999 Clinton Avenue
or Provisions Markets Ray retired in 1963
The Story of The Wilmont House in the Third Ward of Rochester, that Ray Tierney & Leo Held purchased in 1914 is told in the twelve page report by Kitty Galbraith. The purchase & renovation took place around the tragic loss of Ray’s first wife, Laura.
Ray @ different times was :
Director and one of the founders of the Rochester Grocery Company,
President of Tierney-Held Reality Company
President of Elray Food Markets Incorporated
Executive Partner of a Construction Company
President of the Tierney Food Market Incorporated
President of the Monroe County Food Merchants Association
Treasurer of New York State Food Merchants Association
President of New York State Food Merchants Association
Director of the Rochester Catholic Charity Board
A Member of the Rochester Rotarian Society.
Note in 1907 City Directory:
Edward J. Tierney, Machinist, bds. @ 136 Deleware Street
Edward J. Tierney Jr., Machinist @ 3 Frank St. home. @ 24 Lawrence Street
While Jamaes, Joseph, Raymond & Walter are boarding @ 108 Ontario Street......Why aren’t they living with their from Rochester Directory.
Instructions to Tierney Grave Site @ Holy Sepulchre Cemetery:
Take Lake Avenue North to the Main entrance (West) to cemetery. Upon entering the grounds turn right thru Stone Column & then turn left. Follow the road to end then turn right. This is Section (R) & a short way down the road on your right about 4 or 5 rows back you will see the Biel- Tierney Head Stone
Research Ray, written in 19??
Nail those rails down tight my boys, are my thoughts in reminise,
I used to watch those trains go by and count them on their way.
I heard my Dad and Mother say, when my young heart was wishing.
"Some day when our sons take their place, they will see there are no nails missing"
When times are good and times are bad, they seem to hum along.
Because the sons of yesterday, planned for us all along.
And I hope for things ahead and pray my dreams come true,
I think of when our course is run and who will carry through.
So thank God for those sons of ours, who will keep those rails nailed down.
Birth Date1888
Birth Place Rochester N.Y.
Death Date16 Jan 1915 Age: 27
Death PlaceRochester N.Y.
Burial Date19 Jan 1915
Burial PlaceHoly Sepulchre Cemetery, Sec. R, Lot#279
OccupationSecretary @ Upton Coal & Storage
EducationSt. Boniface Grammer School, St. Joseph's Business School
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
The following information came from Rochester City Directory @ Main Library
..............and the Rochester House Directory.
1911-1912 Laura M. Biel, occupation: Stenographer, boards @ 10 Cayuga Street
1912-1913 Laura M. Biel, occupation: none listed, boards @ 10 Cayuga Street
1913-1914 Laura M. Biel, occupation: Stenographer, boards @ 10 Cayuga Street
Ray met Laura in his story
The Biel Family Story:
1911 Laura Biel, age 23, is working as a Stenographer
living with her Father, Mother & Sister @ 10 Cayuga Street
1911 Laura meets Raymond Tierney
1912 Laura & Ray are married in St. Bonifice Church, April 23
1913 A baby girl is born and dies...November
1914 Laura's mother Margaret dies.
1915 Daughter Rita is born.....January 3.
1915 Laura dies ..........January 16
1915 May Biel Laura's sister takes care of Rita
1916 Christopher Biel dies........April 16
1916 Ray marries Mary Walsh.......May 10
1916 Ray, Mary & Rita are a Family
1917 Ray, Mary & Rita move to 452 Rosewood Terrace
Marr Date23 Apr 1912
Marr Place@ St. Bonifice Church, Rochester NY
Marr MemoPrescentibus Testibus: Gulielmo J. Biel & JJoseph B. Tierney
Birth Date5 Aug 1890
Birth Place659 Prospect Ave, Buffalo N.Y.
Chr Date16 Aug 1890 Age: <1
Chr PlaceBuffalo N.Y.
Death Date23 Apr 1982 Age: 91
Death PlaceRochester, New York, @age 91
Burial Date26 Apr 1982
Burial PlaceHoly Sepulchre Cemetery, Sec. R, Lot#279
EducationSt. Mary's Catholic School
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
Mamies' Mother & Fathers' home in Buffalo N.Y. was @ 659 Prospect Avenue.
Marriage reception was @ Rochester Hotel
Mamies' Social Security Nuumber # 060-52-2556
The following information came from the 1910 U.S. Census @ Main Library
Mary T.. Walsh, White Female, 19 Years old , Not Married, Mary. born in New York State, Father born in England/English, Mother born in Ireland/English, occupation = Waitress @ Sibley Tea Room , home @ 173 Carter Street, in 22 Ward.
The following information is from the Rochester Directory @ Main Library:
"Mamie" was listed as Mary M.........& her mother as Mary Directory
1906....Mary M. Walsh was16 years old, living on Stone St.with her Mother & sisters Lillian & Flossie & her brother Clifford, 6 years old, and going to school at nearby Saint Mary's
a school operated by the Sisters of Mercy, located a block away on same street.
1907....Mary M. Walsh was17 years old, graduated from school & ready to work
1907...In the Directory a Mary M. Walsh, Clerk was living @113 Frankfort St. but this person must have been different & not Mary Theresa.
1908 to 1915 there was no listing for a Mary T. Walsh
I could find no record........If she worked at Sibleys'
Jim Williams notes said Mary worked as a Secretary for a Teacher of Engineering,
and then for the American Clay and Cement Company
1916.....Mary M. Walsh was 26 years old
1916.....Mary M. Walsh married Raymond Tierney & became Mother to Rita
In 1916 Mamie’s mother a widow of two years was living @ the home of William & Flossie O'Keefe, but going to Corpus Christi Church and shopping @ the Tierney Market on North Street. Maime’s mother introduced Raymod Tierney to her daughter @ Church......and they were married shortly there the same Corpus Christi Church.
Mary T. Tierney, 91, was Active in Church and Women's Groups:
Mary T. "Mame" Tierney, 91, who had 31 grandchildren, died yesterday at the Heritage, 1500 Portland Ave., where she lived since last summer.
She was the widow of Raymond J. Tierney who opened Rochester's first supermarket in 1935. He died in 1978 at the age of 92.
Mrs. Tierney was born in Buffalo, but had lived in Rochester since childhood.
She was a member of the Catholic Women's Club, St. Boniface Church and the Rotary women. She was also a past president of the Mercy High School Mother's club.
Who were the following people, listed in a note by Maime.....?
Birth Dates:
Lillian Walsh, Dec. 8, 1889...her sister, yes!
Mamie Walsh, Aug. 5, 1891.....herself
Clifford Walsh, May 27, 1900...her brother, yes!
Flossie Walsh, June 23,...her sister, yes!
William Henery Walsh, Aug 23, 1867...her father, yes!
Cora Walsh, Nov. 14, 1880
Violet Badger, Nov. 15, 1899
Richard Walsh, Nov. 24, 1892
Alice Walsh, June 27, 1909
Fran Smith, Mar. 19, 1909
Address Cards:
Mr. & Mrs. William Hogan 125 Abbott St. Brockville, Ontario, K6V4A9 Canada
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Walsh, Derby Line Vermont 0583 ?
Mr. & Mrs. George Walsh, 606 King Street, Brockville, Ontario Canada
Mrs Violet Badger, Box 326, Rock Island, Quebec JOB2KO
Mrs. Frances Smith, 28 Prospect St., Lennoxville, Quebec, Box 106, Code 819
Mrs. Richard Walsh 10 Carter Street, Manchester, New Hampshire
Marr Date10 May 1916
Marr PlaceCorpus Christi Church