NameNathaniel Chandley 
Birth Date15 Jun 1805
Birth PlaceIreland
Death Date5 Dec 1889 Age: 84
OccupationCloth Fuller
Misc. Notes
"The Chandlee's came from New York City to visit the Dodd's in Marcellus"
this is a 1958 taped memory of Anna Curtin Kirchoff
The 1852 Worcester Mass. Almanac/MicroFiche No. 6044666 @ Mormon Family Center on Westfall Road, Rochester had the following information:
Chanley, Nathaniel; Cloth Dresser, h-Millbury = Sarah Dodd's brother
Chandler, Richard H. Machnist, home 1 Salem Street
Chandler, George Superintendant @ State Lunatic Hospital.....he must have lived there
Chandler, Dr. L.; Botanic Physician 113 Main Street
The 1853 Worcester Mass. Almanac/ Micro-fiche No. 6044667, @ Mormon Family Center:
No record found for a ............Chanley, Nathaniel;
The 1854 Worcester Mass. Almanac/Micro-fiche No. 6044668, @ Mormon Family Center:
No record found for a ............Chanley, Nathaniel;....but records for Chandler were:
Chandler, George; Superintendent of State Lunatic Hospital
Chandler, Dr. L.; Botanic Physician
Chandler, Nathan; Laborer on W. & N. R. R...h-Otis
The 1855 Worcester Mass. Almanac...copied to Micro-fiche No. 6044669, ordered @ Mormon Family Center on Westfall Road, Rochester had the following information:
No record found for a ............Chanley, Nathaniel;....but records for Chandler were:
Chandler, Nathan; Laborer, h-12 Millbury = Sarah Dodd's brother and the following:
Chandler, George; Superintendent of State Lunatic Hospital
Chandler, Dr. L.; Botanic Physician, 41 Exchange Street
Chandler, Levi; Mechanic, h-Plesant
Chandler, Nathan; Laborer on W. & N. R. R...h-Otis
The 1855 Massachusetts State Census for the City of Worcester...listed the following:
Record # Ward 6?
Nathaniel Chandley, age 50, occupation: Cloth Fuller, born in Ireland
Mary Chandley, age 45, occupation: not listed, born in Ireland
John Chandley, age 18, occupation: Machinist, born in England
George Chandley, age 16, occupation: Cloth Finisher, born in England
Ann Chandley, age 14, occupation: not listed, born in England
James Chandley, age 6, .............................., born in Massachusetts
This group sounds like our people...Names, Ages, & Occupations......but name is Chandley
The 1856 Worcester Mass. Almanac/ Micro-fiche No. 6044670, @ Mormon Family Center
Chandler, Nathan; @ Foxe's Mill, h-12 Milllbury = Sarah Dodd's brother
Chanley, John; Machinist, h-25 Millbury = = Sarah Dodd's brothers son
Chandler, George; Superintendent of State Lunatic Hospital
Chandler, Dr. L.; Botanic Physician, 41 Exchange Street
Chandler, Samuel; Indian Doctor...h-50 Pine
The 1858 Worcester Mass. Almanac/ Micro-fiche No. 6044672, @ Mormon Family Center
Chandler, Nathaniel; Fuller, h-12 Millbury = Sarah Dodd's brother
Chandler, George; h-18 Pearl St.
Chandler, Nathan B.; Nashua R. R.Repairman, home Oak Avenue
Chandler, Samuel; Indian Doctor...h-50 Pine
The 1859 Worcester Mass. Almanac/Micro-fiche No. 6044673, @ Mormon Family Center
Chandler, Nathaniel; Fuller, h-12 Millbury = Sarah Dodd's brother
Chandler, Nathan B.; Nashua R. R.Repairman, home Oak Avenue
Chandler, George; h-18 Pearl St.
I found reference to a Nathaniel Chandler in 1860 Worcester Almanac.
Listed was “ Chandler, Nathaniel; fuller; h 12 Millbury Street
also listed was Benjamin, George, John & William.......all Chandlers
Nathaniel had a son George & father John.
Chandler, William E. Clerk, boards-Chatham Place
Chandler, John, Machinist, 12 Millbury Street
Chandler, Ben, home 10 Fruit Street
Chandler, George, home- 18 Pearl Street
A “Fuller“ is “ A Cloth Worker who shrinks, beats & presses cloth”
A “Fuller” was a person who worked @ the process of washing wool to remove animal grease & oil?
A “Fuller” works only in a woolen mill. ?
Dictionary ....”fuller” who fulls cloth..........full thicken
John & Nathaniel Chandler are living @ the same home in Worcester Mass. in 1860
12 Millbury , John is a Machinist, Nathaniel is a Machinist......There is also a George living @ 18 Pearl in Worcester.
1860 Worcester House Directory, Microfiche # 6044674.listed the following for Millbury Street:
@ #12 Millibury Street:
Chandler, John
Chandler, Nathaniel. home
So this residence must have been a single home;
There were 20 Boarders @ #1 & #30......all the other 14 residence were mainly single homes.
The 1861 Worcester Mass. Directory & Almanac...copied to Microfilm # 1377606, ordered @ Mormon Family Center on Westfall Road, Rochester had the following information:
”Chandler, George, Loom Fixer, Boards @ 12 Millbury Street”
”Chandler, John, Machinist,...... Boards @ 12 Millbury Street”
”Chandler, Nathaniel, Fuller, .......Home @ 12 Millbury Street”
......Notice the Name is spelled "Chandler" & not "Chandlee" or "Chandley"
The 1862 Worcester Mass. Directory & Almanac... Microfilm # 1377606, information:
”Chandlee, George, Loom Fixer, Boards @ 12 Millbury Street”
”Chandlee, John, Machinist, ......Boards @ 12 Millbury Street”
”Chandlee, Nathaniel, Fuller, .......Home @ 12 Millbury Street”
......Notice the Name is spelled "Chandlee" & not "Chandler"
The 1863 Worcester Mass. Directory & Almanac... Microfilm # 1377606, information:
A list of Citizens of Worcester who have volunteered as Soldiers in the Armies of the Union from April, 1861, to Dec. 1862:
"Chandler, George B.......3rd Battalion"
The 1863 Worcester Mass. Directory & Almanac... Microfilm # 1377606, information:
”Chandlee, Nathaniel, Fuller, Home @ 12 Millbury Street”
The 1864 Worcester Mass. Directory & Almanac... Microfilm # 1377606, information:
”Chandlee, Nathaniel, Fuller, Boards @ 5 Millbury Street”
The 1865 Worcester Mass. Directory & Almanac... Microfilm # 1377606, information:
.........There was no listing of any Chandlee
The 1866 & 1867 Worcester Mass. Directory & Almanac... Microfilm # 1377606, information:
”Chandley, George B., Machinist, Boards @ 18 Central Ave.”
.....Now who is this person.......a possible Chandlee ? Is thie the person who Volunteered for Civil War in 1863 listing.......? was a George B. ???
From the above Worcester Directory & Almanac data, a Chandlee Family did exist in Worcester.
A Nathaniel Chandlee owned a home where two boarders were George & John Chandlee. Nathaniel was associated with the Woolen Industry for he is listed as a "Fuller." A “Fuller“ is “ A Cloth Worker who shrinks, beats & presses cloth” George was a Loom Fixer as was Simon Dodd & James Dodd. The surname gets misspelled...from Chandler to Chanley to Chandley to Chandlee, it is difficult to follow a person with any certainty. Is this Worcester Nathaniel, Sarah Dodd's brother? If I could find a Census that would help with ages..................... and I did for 1855 !
Nathaniel is found in 1852, 1855, 1856, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863 & 1864:
........but not in 1853, 1854, 1865, 1866 & 1867.
George is found in ....1855, 1861, 1862, 1866 & 1867 : not in 1860, 1863, 1864 & 1865.
...................................................................the 1863, 1864 & 1865 are ( The War years)
John is found only in 1855, 1860, 1861, 1862, : not in 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866 & 1867.
.......does John being listed in 1860 & not George make him the oldest son of Nathaniel ?...yes
The 1865 Massachusetts State Census for the City of Worcester...listed the following:
Record # Ward 2
George W. Chandler, age 36, born in ?, occupation Machinist
Sarah C. Chandler, age 33, born in ?, occupation Machinist
Mary W. Chandler, age 14, born in New Hampshire
Laura J.. Chandler, age 12, born in New Hampshire
Koby ? A. (Girl) Chandler, age 8, born in New Hampshire
Nancy E.. Chandler, age 5, born in New Hampshire
James C. Chandler, age 3, born in New Hampshire
George W. Chandler, age 1, born in Massachusetts
Our George was born in 1839......and would have been 26 not 36 in 1865 ?
Record # Ward 2
Marshall W. Chandler, age 33, born in ?, occupation Machinist
Elizabeth L. Chandler, age 30, born in ?, occupation Machinist
Hannah C. Chandler, age 10, born in Massachusetts
Record # Ward 3
Nathan B. Chandler, age 43, born in New Hampshire, occupation Station Master W.A.R.R.
Caroline A. Chandler, age 36, born in Massachusetts
Ella L. Chandler, age 16, born in Massachusetts
____________________________________________________________________________Stopped Film Review @ 543 Ward 5 Tuesday Feburary 3, 1998
Found record of a Chandley Birth....@ Rochester Public Library in
" Collection of the Worcester Society of Antiquity Vol XII 1894" G-qr 974.43 W9231w
listing on page 49..........Births 1714-1848, Marriages 1747-1848 & Deaths 1826-1848.
Hannah Elizabeth Chandley daughter of Nathaniel & Mary, Nov. 1, 1844
......................but found no Dodd's or Chandlee's,
In the Book " Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Naming of Worcester Oct. 14/15 1884
Book Call # "GR-974.43 W9231" @ Rochester Public Main ibrary. The Following:
"WOOLEN MILLS.........In 1804 the ingenious & enterprising Stowells were weaving carpets & plaids in Worcester, using 6 looms of their own invention & manufacture. In 1876 there were two Mills here for the manufacture of Broadcloth. One was William B. Fox & George T. Rice with 50 operators & a product of 500 yards/ week. There are now two Woolen Mills, The Worcester Woolen Mill manufacturing fine & medium cassimeres with 225 men with a product of $400,000/year. Another establishment runs 34 looms exclusively on beaver cloths @ $350,000 / year."
Birth Date1810
Birth PlaceIreland