NameSara Agusta Dodd 
Birth Date21 Sep 1880
Birth PlaceMarcellus, New York
Chr Date10 Oct 1880 Age: <1
Chr Place@ Home of Anna Murphy
Death Date3 May 1881 Age: <1
Death PlaceMarcellus, New York
Burial PlaceSt. Francis Xavier Cemetery, Marcellus, N.Y.
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
Sarah died very young,,,,,,,,,,,
I don't think this is a daughter of Simon & Mary ..because in the April 15, 1910 U.S. Census...Mary said she had 6 children and 6 were who is Sarah.
The 1900 US Census states Mary had 7 children and 6 were living.
Anna DeWan Carlson sent a Grave Marker Rubbing ,it was not too clear ..but
Which reads: Sarah Dodd
born: Sept. 26th, 1867
died: June 6th, 1888
This information says Sarah was 21 when she died
and her mother was 16 when she was born ..?
A letter from John Curtin July 1, 1997 said:
"Sarah Augusta Dodd, daughter of Simon Jr. & Mary Ann was born in 1880 and died in 1881. I recently came across her death notice in the Marcellus Observer (12 May 1881). The name wasn't mentioned-only the following:
"Dodd-infant child of Mr. Mrs. Simon Dodd May 3, 1881, Age 7 mos. and 14 days."
After looking up Sara Augusta's baptism in SFX Church records, I confirmed this child as Sara Agusta"