NameThomas Murphy 
Birth Date1826
Death Date10 Apr 1862 Age: 36
Misc. Notes
"Sarah E. Murphy said her father died 1 year after she was born which would be 1863" ... this is a 1958 taped memory of Anna Curtin Kirchoff
"Thomas Murphy was a soldier in Punjab, India War"
... this is a 1958 taped memory of Anna Curtin Kirchoff
In The 1860 US Census, Ward #5, City of Worcester, County of Worcester, Masschusetts
#449 ,......on page #193
Simon Dodd, 50 male, profession..”Weaver”.....born in Ireland
Sarah Dodd, 55 female......................................born in Ireland
Hanah Dodd, 26 female, profession..”Weaver”..born in England
Simon Dodd Jr, 20 male, profession..”Spinner”...born in England
James Dodd, 18 male,......................................born in England
Thomas Murphy, 37 male, profession..”Wire Drawer”...born in Ireland
The 1860 Worcester Almanac lists:
Murphy, Thomas, Horse Nail Maker, bds. @ 93 Front St.
Is the above Thomas Murphy the man who married Anna Dodd ?
If he was 37 in 1860 his birth date would be 1823
The Worcester Almanac & Directory, .copied to Microfilm # 1377606,
ordered @ Mormon Family Center on Westfall Road, Rochester had the following information:
1861- Murphy, Thomas, Wiredrawer, boards @ 1 Water Street......= Home of Simon Dodd
1861- Murphy, John, Nail Maker, Home 89 Front Street
1861- Murphy, Maurice, Horse Nail Maker,Home @ 13 Foundry Street
...............Are these Murphy's related ?.......They are working @ same type of labor.
1862- Murphy, Thomas, Wiredrawer, home this our moved?
1862- Murphy, John, Nail Maker, Home @ 89 Front Street
1862- Murphy, Maurice, Horse Nail Maker,Home @ 87 Front Street
1862- Murphy, Arthur, Horse Nail Maker,Home @ 89 Front Street
1863- Murphy, Thomas, Wiredrawer, NOT TO BE FOUND !
1863- Murphy, John, Nail Maker, Home @10 Cherry Street
1863- Murphy, Maurice, Horse Nail Maker, NOT TO BE FOUND !
1863- Murphy, Arthur, Horse Nail Maker,Home @ 83 Front Street
1864- Murphy, Thomas, Wiredrawer, NOT TO BE FOUND !
1865- Murphy, Thomas, Wiredrawer, NOT TO BE FOUND !
1866- Murphy, Thomas, Wiredrawer, NOT TO BE FOUND !
1867- Murphy, Thomas, Wiredrawer, NOT TO BE FOUND !
Our Thomas died in above seems correct but I did not find his wife Anna.
I received a photo copy of the Coffin Plaque” for Thomas Murphy, which reads:
“Thomas Murphy” Died April 10, 1862, Aged 36 years.
Sent to me Wednesday 17, 2003, I received a copy of an e-mail letter written by Anna Dewan Carlson on Sunday, August 10, 2003 to John P. Curtin in Marcellus, N.Y. delivered to Leo by Fred Eisenberg containing photos of several “Coffin Plaques.”
Birth Date2 Sep 1834
Death Date1905 Age: 70
Death PlaceMarcellus NY
Burial Date27 Jan 1905
Burial PlaceSt. Francis Xavier Cemetery, Sec. 1
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
Came from England in 1852/3.
"Anna T. Dodd was 19 years old when she came to America"
this is a 1958 taped memory of Anna Curtin Kirchoff
So this says the Dodds came to America in 1852or 1853 depending on the month......Anna was born in September of 1834, + 19 = 1853, but she was 19 in 1852 also....
Anna Dodd inherited the "Chandlee" Family Bible, with all the family records, from her uncle Nathaniel Chandlee, which was passed on to Anna Theresa Curtin, Kirchoff.
..............this is a 1958 taped memory of Anna Curtin Kirchoff
" When Queen Victoria of England came to the Town in England where the Dodds were living, Anna (Hannah) Dodd would not look at her, becausue of what she, the Queen, did to the Irish. GrandMa = (Anna or Hannah) had no use for the Queen" .......this is a 1958 taped memory of Anna Curtin Kirchoff
Marr Date1860
Marr PlaceMassachusetts