NameFredrick H. (Cricket) Walsh 
Birth Date13 Dec 1875
Birth PlaceLiverpool, England
Death Date3 Feb 1958 Age: 82
Death PlaceBrockville, Ontario, Canada
Burial Date1958
Burial PlaceOakland Cemetery, Brockville, Canada
MemoSection 15: Lot ?
Misc. Notes
Ann (Tierney) Oliver's Canadian Trip 1945.....Remembered 4/26/98
Left Rochester in a car with, Clifford, Sue, Madeline & Margaret Walsh and Ann & her Mother, Mamie Tierney They drove to Lennoxville, Quebec, see Alice a First Cousin to Clifford & Maime They drove to Darby Line ,Quebec, see a Relation ?
They drove to ??????,Quebec, Canada...... to see a Relation old lady ...possibly Uncle Richard's second wife ? They drove to Sher brooke,Quebec, Canada...... to see a Relation ?
They drove to Brockville,Ontario, see a Vera Walsh, Cameron & her brother George.
Vera's Father came by to say hello.
So from this we know that Vera had a brother George living in Brockville, and her Father lived near-by Brockville...So the Brockville Telephone Book of 1945 should tell us something. Eh!
Frederick lived in Cornwall Ontario when Vera was a young girl......See Vera Obiturary
Data from yearly publication of: "Vernon's Brockville Directory" found July 13, 1999
Note:.............Directories Started Publication 1913.
1914: Walsh, Frederick H. Fireman on G.T.R Great Trunk Railway, h, 40 Daniel St.
1925: Walsh, Fred H. ( Jessie ) Train Engineer on C.N.R Canadian National Railway, h, 70 George St.
1933: Walsh, Fred H. ( Jessie ) Train Engineer on C.N.R Canadian National Railway, h, 70 George St.
I founnd a Fred Walsh in the SSDI from Schenectady NY: as follows:
FRED WALSH....born 4 .Dec 1881..died...Feb 1972.. .12302 (Schenectady,NY)....074-03-8572
is this our FREDRICK ?......NO ! No! No!
I went ( in on-line search ) to Schenectady,NY...............because of an old photo of a woman taken in Schenectady,NY that Mary had of her Mother's items in a photo book.
The following is on-line information on the Canadian Census:
1871 & 1881 - Names; Sex; Age; Place of birth; Religion; Origin; Occupation; Marital status * Take Note* -- Unfortunately quite a bit of the 1881 Province-wide Census is unreadable. The census was hurriedly transferred to microfilm and the original records were destroyed --
before the microfilms were checked
1891 - Names; Sex; Age; Marital status; Relationship to head of household; Place of birth; Birth place of mother & father; Religion; Occupation
1901 - Names; Sex; Relationship to head of household; Date of birth; Age next birthday; Place of birth; Year of immigration to Canada; Year of naturalization; Racial or Tribal origin; Nationality; Religion; Occupation
He was called "Cricket" by his mother when he was young because he moved so fast crawling...and the name stayed with him."..........story per Wayne Cameron July 13, 1999
Obiturary as recorded in : "The Recorder & Times"....Brockville Newspaper..Feb. 3, 1958
WALSH - Frederick h. at the Frank Manor Rest Home, Kingston Road, Brockville, on Monday , Feburary 3, 1958. Frederick H. Walsh, husband of the late Jessie Evelyn Harvey, dear father of Mrs. hugh L. cameron (Vera), Mrs. William Hogan (Leone) and George walsh, of Brockville. Recling at the Scott Funeral Home, 14 Clarissa Street, from Tuesday until Wednesday afternoon, Feburary 5, when the funeral service will be held at 2:30 o'clock. Internment Oakland Cemetery. "
Obiturary Story as recorded in : "The Recorder & Times"....Brockville Newspaper..Feb. 3, 1958
"The death occured of Frederick H. Walsh at the Frank Manor Rest Home, Kingston Road, Brockville, on Monday morning, Feburary 3, after being a patient there for the past two and a half years.
Mr. Walsh was born at Liverpool, England, on December 13, 1875, and was in hie 83rd year. He was a son of the late William H. Walsh and his wife, the former Elizabeth Jackson of Liverpool, England. He resided in Brockville for about 60 years and was a well known Canadian National Railway engineer, retireing several years ago. He was a member of Wall Street United Church, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and the L.O.L. No. 1.
His wife was the former Jessie Evelyn Harvey, formerly of Milby, Quebec predeceassed him in 1944. He is survived by two daughters and one son, Mrs. H. L. Cameron (Vera) propreitor of Cameron's Pharmacy, Mrs. William Hogan (Leone) and George Walsh, all of Brockville, as well as by several grandchildren, nieces and nephewss.
The remains are resting at the Funeral Residence of Reburn Scott, 14 Clarissa Street, where the funeral service will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Internment will be made in Oakland Cemetery."
Summary Date Line of Fred..
1875.........Fred.......born in Liverpool England
1885.........Fred......aged 10 came to Canada
1895.........Fred .....aged 20..operated a Farm in Milby Ponds, Cornwall, Ontario
1900.........Fred......aged 25 ..married Jessie Harvey .....where?
1904.........Fred .....aged 29 ..born a daughter in Milby, Quebec
1904.........Fred .....aged 29 ..Christened a daughter in Johnville, Quebec ?
1905.........Fred.......aged 30...Operated a Farm in Cornwall, Ontario...
1907.........Fred ......aged 32...moved to Brockville Ontario..?
1914:........Fred .....aged 39 ..Fireman on G.T.R Great Trunk Railway, h, 40 Daniel St.
1925: ..... Fred......aged 50..Train Engineer on C.N.R Canadian National Railway, h, 70 George St.
1933: ......Fred .....aged 58..Train Engineer on C.N.R Canadian National Railway, h, 70 George St.
1956: ......Fred .....aged 79..entered the Frank Manor Rest Home, Brockville
1958: ......Fred .....aged 82..died,@ Frank Manor Rest Home, Brockville
Burial Record found on July 13,1999 @ Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Ontario, in Protestant & Anglican Section:
#4526: Date of Internment: Feb. 5, 1958, Name: Frederick H. Walsh, Born: England, Residence: Brockville, Age: 82, Nativity: Dec. 13 1875, Death: Heart Water, Widowed
Date of Deceased: Feb 3, 1958, Religion: United Church, N1/2-110 Section 15
Wayne Cameron told that Frederick Walsh traveled through the United States & was a wrestler in Texas. He also said he made up many a story about his life.
Birth Date1882
Birth PlaceMilby, Quebec ?
Death Date2 Jan 1944 Age: 62
Death PlaceBrockville, Ontario, Canada
Burial Date1944
Burial PlaceOakland Cemetery, Brockville, Canada
MemoSection 15
Misc. Notes
Obiturary....found in "The Recorder & Times" Newspaper for Brockville Ontario, Canada.
Date Monday, Jan. 3, 1944:
"Walsh-Jessie Evelyn @ Brockville on Sunday Jan 2, 1944. Jessie Evelyn Harvey - beloved wife of Frederick H. Walsh, aged 61 years. Funeral service @ The Scott Funeral Home 17 Court House Qve. on Mnday. Internment Oakland Cemetery."
Burial Record found on July 13,1999 @ Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Ontario, in Protestant & Anglican Section:
#3360: Date of Internment: Jan. 27, 1944 Name: Jessie Walsh, Residence: Brockville, Age: 61,
Religion: Prebysterian, N1/2-110 Section 15