NameThomas F. Coyle 
Birth DateJun 1866
Birth PlaceState of Illinois
Death Date27 Feb 1931 Age: 64
Death PlaceRochester NY
Burial Date2 Mar 1931
Burial PlaceHoly Sepulchre Cemetery
MemoSection: NO2 Lot: T17 Grave: SG066
ReligionRoman Catholic
OccupationSalseman, Cigar Store, Gambler?
Misc. Notes
In response to Letter I sent to 12 Coyles in Rochester area June 22 1997
Contacted by a Thomas Coyle on Garson Avenue 288-4778 on 6/25/97
a man 83 years old whose uncle was John Coyle.
He said John Coyle was a Detective @ The Whitcomb, which is correct.
He also said Thomas Coyle John's brother, was a Gambler on Front Street
Said : Their ( John & Thomas) Father came from ElPasso Illinois
My contact Thomas said all John Coyles children are gone...knows of none.
and does not know of any relatives.
He mentioned a James Bernard Coyle & an Aunt May
US Census 1900, Rochester NY, Ward 16,
Coyle, Thomas, Head, Born: June 1864 Age 35, Married 11 Yrs., Born Illinois,Traveling Salesman
Coyle, Rhoda, Wife, Born: Nov. 1869, Age: 30, 4 Children, 3 Living, Born NY, Father England, M.NY
Coyle, John R., Son, Born: Feb. 1892, Age: 8, Born NY
Coyle, George F., Son Born: Dec. 1893, Age 6, Born NY,
Coyle, James A., Son Born: Nov. 1899 Age 6/12 mo, Born NY,
US Census 1920, Rochester NY, Ward 16, Address 181 North Union St.
Coyle, Thomas, Head Age 55, Born Illinois, M & F born Ireland, Occ. Cigar Agent
Coyle, Mary E., Wife Age 48, Born Illinois, M & F born Ireland, Occ.none
Coyle, George, Son Age 26, Born Illinois, F. born Illinois, M. born NY,Occ. Button Turner @ Button Co
Coyle, Paul, Son Age 20, Born Illinois, Father. born Illinois, Mother. born NY, Occ. Traffic Agent
Rochester City Directory @ Main Library:
1920-1921: Coyle, Thomas, Occupation: om. Trav., Residence: 181 North Union St.
1925 Coyle, Thomas, Occupation: Salesman, Residence: 24 Lawrence Street.
1926 Coyle, Thomas, Occupation: Salesman, Residence: 24 Lawrence Street.
1927 Coyle, Thomas, Occupation: Salesman, Residence: 24 Lawrence Street.
1926 Coyle, May ,........................................ Residence: 24 Lawrence Street.
1929-30, Coyle, Thomas F. Salseman....Residence: 24 Lawrence Street.
1931-32, Coyle, Thomas F. died Feburary 27, 1931....Residence: 24 Lawrence Street.
Obiturary: Democrat & Chronicle Feb. 27, 1931
COYLE:- Entered into rest , Friday Feburary 27, 1931, Thomas F. Coyle of 24A Lawrence Street. He is survived by three sons, John, George & Paul Coyle: one brother, James B. Coyle & two sisters, Miss Mary Coyle & Mrs. William Howe.
Funeral Monday morning @ 8:30 o'clock @ the home and @ 9 o'clock @ Corpus Christi Church. Interment in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.
Birth Date1869
Death Date? 1919 Age: 50
Misc. Notes
She, Rhoda, was not listed so was she not alive in 1920 US Census?.