Dodd Family - Person Sheet
Dodd Family - Person Sheet
NameGeorge F. Coyle
Birth DateDec 1893
FatherThomas F. Coyle (1866-1931)
MotherRhoda Ashwort (1869-?1919)
Misc. Notes
WWI ..World War Service Record Vol:II @ Brighton Library Local History #940.467
Coyle, George P. @ 181 North Union Street: Entered Service Sept. 26, 1917 @ age 23.

Rochester City Directory @ Main Library:

1920-1921 Coyle, George F. Occupation: Com. Trav. ,boards: 181 North Union Street
1925 Coyle, George F. Occupation: Mech. Dentist, Residence: 24 Lawrence Street
1926 Coyle, George F. Occupation: Mech. Dentist, Residence: 24 Lawrence Street
1927-1928, Coyle, George F. Occupation: Mech. Dentist, Residence: 24 Lawrence Street
1929 Coyle, George F. Occupation: Mech. Dentist, Residence: 49 William Street

Checked Social Security Death Index/ Computer and found nothing.
Misc. Notes
Rochester City Directory @ Main Library:

1974-19751 Coyle, Helen (widow of George F. ) Retired, home @ 475 E. Broad St. Apt. H6
Last Modified 21 Nov 1998Created 14 Jun 2020 using Reunion for Macintosh