Dodd Family - Person Sheet
NameGenevieve Coyle 
Birth DateAug 1895
Birth PlaceRochester N.Y.
Death Date? 1940 Age: 44
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
in Social Security Death Index Data found:
Genevive Patchen ..SS#.....No Information Found
Genevive was not alive @ the death of her brother James W. in 1948....see Obiturary
Misc. Notes
The following information came from the Rochester Directory @ Main Library
1920-1921 Patchen, William G., (Genevieve) Genesee Book Binder, 8 Pitkin, Boards: 192 N. Union
1924 Patchen, William G., (Genevieve).....Not Found
1925 Patchen, William G., (Genevieve).....Not Found
in Social Security Death Index Data found: William Patchen, born 14 Feb. 1895..died Mar. 1966 13440 Holland Patent, Oneida NY .......SS# 069-09-1757 this our man?
Misc. Notes
Marriage first mentioned in Obiturary of Thomas Coyle in 1936:
Misc. Notes
Mrs. John Frame was listed in the 1940 Obiturary of Frances Coyle Carter
So is this the third husband for Genevieve ???