NameMary E. Tierney 
Birth Date1864
Birth PlaceRochester, New York
Chr PlaceRochester, New York
Death Date1 Apr 1906 Age: 42
Death PlaceRochester, New York
Burial Date4 Apr 1906
Burial Place Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Rochester NY, Sec. #19, Lot # 105
ReligionRoman Catholic @ Corpus Christi Church
Misc. Notes
The following information came from the Rochester Directory @ Main Library
I assumed that if Mary Tierney was 16 in 1880. Anna Tierney was 33. and John Coyle was 19 years old in 1880, then when John married ,I guessed in 1884 because that's when he moves in with James Tierney Family on #66 Ontario Street, John was 23 in 1884, & Mary 20 in 1884 & they had eight children by 1900 when James Tierney died that Anna would have been too old.
Searched the Rochester Times Advertizer for death notice but found none.
______________________________________________________ The Evening Times.....Monday, April 2, 1906
Mary, wife of John C. Coyle, died this morning at the famly residence, 42 Ellison Street, aged 46 years. Besides her husband she leaves nine children, Thomas, Edward, John, James, Mary, Frances, Helen, Genevieve and Lucille and four brothers, Edward, Patrick, John and James Tierney.
I found a record of a Mary Elizabeth Tierney, Confirmed June 17 1900....?
on a film # 1420498 Record of St. Mary’s Church, Rochester NY ???
who is
Why did the Tierney's not stay close to the Coyle Family in the 20th Century?
Mary Tierney Coyle died in that probably set them apart
John lived till 1926.....and cared for his mother...who lived with him
Child #1, Mary married John P. Rowe and moved from the cty in 1926
Child #2, Francis, married George Carter, had 3 children & stayed in Rochester: if any contact was made it should have been here with Francis & Family
Child #3, Thomas...had no Children ?
Child #4, Helen, married Robert Victor and moved from the city in 1928
Child #5, Edward married Alice ?...lived in Rochester but and had no children ?
Child #6, Genevieve, married William Patchen and moved to Cleveland, Ohio in 1925
Child #7, Lucille, married Durbin Richardson and live in Rochester, Family ?
Child #8, John Edward Jr........died @ the age of 19, of the "Spanish Flu"
Child #9, James did not marry, lived in Rochester and died @ age 47.
Child #10, William died @ infancy.
John Edward Coyle when he died in 1926 had 14 grandchildren..........who were these children ?
Look @ 1925 NYS Census for...all 5 girls were married
Birth Date1861
Birth Place State of Illinois
Death Date2 Aug 1926 Age: 65
Death PlaceRochester, New York
Burial Date5 Aug 1926
Burial PlaceHoly Sepulchre Cemetery, Rochester NY
MemoSection: NO2 Lot: T05 Grave: SG013
ReligionRoman Catholic @ Corpus Christi Church
Misc. Notes
The following information came from the Rochester Directory @ Main Library
in 1874/1875 Coyle, John H., Clerk @ 130 State St. : boards 8 South Ford Street.
in 1878 Coyle, John H., Clerk: boards 6 Sycamore Street.
in 1879 Coyle, John H.Clerk: boards rear 75 davis Street.
in 1880 John Coyle was 19 years old / U.S. Census
in 1880/1881..John H. Coyle was a Shoemaker...,.............. bds @ 87 Davis
in 1880/1881..Margaret Coyle, widow of Thomas.............home @ 87 Davis
in 1883/1884..John H. Coyle was a Shoemaker...,............bds @ 188 Scio St.
in 1883/1884..Margaret Coyle, widow of Thomas............... h @ 188 Scio St.
in 1884/1885..John H. Coyle was a Shoemaker...h @ #66 Ontario was #46
in 1884/1885..James Tierney Sr. along with James Jr., John T. & Patrick H. were living @ #66 Ontario was #46 Ontario. So John H. Coyle must hve just married Mary Tierney and moved in with James & Family was there.
in 1884/85 Edward J. Tierney & Family,. living @ #107 Ontario, was #75
Note: The Rochester City Streets were renumbered in the year 1884.
Note: Ontario West of Scio was Ward 14, East of Scio was Ward 10 in 1884
in 1886/1887..John H. Coyle,(Coyle & Schuyler Saloon @ 306 North Ave),
boards @11 Skuse Park
in 1886/1887..Margaret Coyle, widow of Thomas.............. h @11 Skuse Park
in 1887/1889..John H. Coyle was a Shoemaker...,.......... h @ 116 Ontario St.
in 1892/1893..John E. Coyle was a Bridgetender,.................. h @ 105 Davis
in 1892/1893 James J. Tierney Sr. was living @ 105 Mary must
have invited her Father to live with them..the Coyle family.
In The NYS Census of 1892.....I found the followng record:
Margaret Coyle 52 Ireland
Thomas Coyle 27 US Shoemaker, James Coyle 27 US Shoemaker
Mary Coyle 24, Maggie Coyle 21, Rhodie Coyle, 22, John Coyle 1
Thomas Coles' wife was Rhodie Coyle, 22 & their son was John Coyle 1
in 1899/1900..John E. Coyle was a Shoemaker @ 48 Stone,.. h @ 105 Davis
in 1900/1901..John E. Coyle was a Shoemaker @ 224 Main, h @ 105 Davis
in 1901/1902..John E. Coyle was a Shoemaker @ ?.............., h @ 105 Davis
in 1908/1909..John E. Coyle was a Shoemaker @ ?.............., h @ 69 Second
in 1914/1915..John E. Coyle was a Detective @ Whitcomb House,
with home @140 Ontario Street
in 1915/1917..John E. Coyle was a Detective, home @192 N. Union Street
in 1917..Edward B.,a Chauffeur, Lucille M. a Bookeeper & Thomas F. a Motorman all children of John & Mary Coyle were living @192 N. Union Street with the exception of Tom who was living @ 296 Portland Ave.
in 1918/1919..John E. Coyle, Clerk @ 47 State St., h @192 N. Union Street
in 1920/1921..John E. Coyle was a Detective@ Alliance Bank, home @ 192 N. Union Street
in 1921/1922..John E. Coyle was a Detective, h @104 South. Washington St.
in 1925.............John E. Coyle was a Detective, h @ 1511 North Goodman St.
in 1926.............John E. Coyle died August 6, 1926
US Census 1920, Rochester NY, Ward 16, Address 192 North Union St.
Coyle, John E., Head Age 58, Born Illinois, Father & Mother Born Ireland, Occ. Bank Detective
Coyle, Helen E., Daughter Age 28, Born NY, Father Born Illinois & Mother Born NY, Occ. None
Coyle, Edward B., Son Age 26, Born NY, F. Born Illinois & M. Born NY, Occ. Chauffeur, Railroad Co.
Coyle, Lucille M., D. Age 22, Born NY, F. Born Illinois & M. Born NY, Occ. Bookeeper @ Telegraph Co
Coyle, John W., Son Age 20, Born NY, Father Born Illinois & Mother Born NY, Occ. None
Rochester City Directory @ Main Library:
1926-Coyle, John E. Occupation: Detective, Residence: 1511 North Goodman Street
1926-Victor R. (Helen E.), Occupation:Salesman, Residence: 1511 North Goodman Street
In the Obiturary Notice of James Tierney the listed Home in Rochester for James was16 or106 Davis Street .......Address is unclear as printed.
Obiturary.....of John E. Coyle....August 4, 1926......Times Union Newspaper
COYLE......At the Strong Memorial Hospital, Monday morning, August 3,1926, John E. Coyle. He is survived by five daughters, Mrs. J. Rowe, Mrs. G. Cartner, Mrs. R. Victor and Mrs. D. Richardson all of this city and Mrs. W. Patchen of Cleveland Ohio, three sons, Thomas F., Edward B. and James W. Coyle all of this city, two brothers Thomas F. Coyle and James Coyle of this city; two sisters, Miss Mary Coyle of this city and Mrs. William Howe of Chicago and 14 grandchildren. The remains were removed to the home of his daughter, Mrs. R. Victor @ 137 Mohawk Street, from where the funeral will take place Thursday morning at 8:30 O'clock and from Corpus Christi Church @ 9:00 o'clock. Internment at Holy Seplechur Cemetery.
In response to Letter I sent to 12 Coyles in Rochester area June 22 1997
Contacted by a Thomas Coyle on Garson Avenue 288-4778 on 6/25/97
a man 83 years old whose uncle was John Coyle.
He said John Coyle was a Detective @ The Whitcomb, which is correct.
He also said Thomas Coyle John's brother, was a Gambler on Front Street
Said : Their ( John & Thomas) Father came from ElPasso Illinois
My contact Thomas said all John Coyles children are gone...knows of none.
and does not know of any relatives.
He mentioned a James Bernard Coyle & and an Aunt Mae