NameLucille M. Coyle 
Birth Date26 Dec 1896
Birth PlaceRochester, New York
Bapt Date3 Apr 1897 Age: <1
Bapt PlaceCorpus Christe Church, Rochester NY
MemoSponsors: James B. Coyle & Frances Fay
Death Date8 Jun 1975 Age: 78
Death PlaceRochester NY
Burial Date11 Jun 1975
Burial PlaceHoly Sepulchere Cemetery
MemoSection: NO-23 Tier: 33 Grave Double 20
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
in Social Security Death Index Data found:
Lucille Richardson ..SS#.....No Information Found
Obiturary: Documented in the Democrat & Chronicle / a Rochester NY Newspaper:
RICHARDSON, LUCILLE: - Sunday, June 8, 1975, Lucille Richardson, formerly of Rhinecliff Drive. Widow of the late, Durbin Richardson. She is survived by several nieces and nephews and her faithful friend, Mrs. Henery (Sally) Maultsby.
Friends may call, after 7 o'clock Monday evening and on Tuesday from 2-4 and 7-9 @ the John Hedges Funeral Home, corner of Culver Road and Empire Blvd.. Mass of Christian Burial will be said Wednesday morning @ 10:00 o'clock in Our Lady of Lourdes Church. Internment, Holy Sepluchere Cemetery.
Birth Date1883
Death Date10 Feb 1958 Age: 75
Death PlaceRochester NY
Burial Date15 Feb 1958
Burial PlaceHoly Sepulchere Cemetery
MemoSection: NO-23 Tier: 33 Grave Double 20
OccupationVice President & Sales Mgr. Richardson Corp.
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
The following information came from the Rochester City Directory @ Main Library
1926-1927 Richardson, Durbin (Lucille M.) Vice President & Sales Mgr. Richardson Corp. home 86 South Union "The Ambassador" ....Ward 4 or 12 ?
1929-1930 Richardson, Durbin (Lucille M.) V. P. Richardson Corp. home 86 South Union
1931-1932 Richardson, Durbin (Lucille M.) V. P. Richardson Corp. home 86 South Union
1936-1937 Richardson, Durbin (Lucille M.) V. P. Richardson Corp. home 152 Barrington Street
Obiturary: Documented in the Democrat & Chronicle / a Rochester NY Newspaper:
RICHARDSON: - Monday, Feb. 10, 1958, in Victoria Hospital, Miami, Fla. Durbin Richardson of 235 Rhinecliff Dr. He is survived by his wife, Lucille M. Richardson, also several nieces and nephews.
Friends may call, on Thursday and Friday @ the John Hedges Funeral Home, corner of Culver Road and Empire Blvd.. Mass of Christian Burial will be said Saturday morning @ 11:00 o'clock . Internment, Holy Sepluchere Cemetery.