NameJohn Edward Coyle Jr. 
Birth Date7 Apr 1899
Birth PlaceRochester NY
Bapt Date2 Jul 1899 Age: <1
Bapt PlaceCorpus Christe Church, Rochester NY
MemoSponsors: James Leary & Anna Tierney
Death Date14 Oct 1918 Age: 19
Death PlaceRochester NY
Burial Date17 Oct 1918
Burial PlaceHoly Sepulchre Cemetery
MemoSection: SEC.S Lot: T20 Grave: SG001
Cause of deathInfluenza " Spanish Flu"
Misc. Notes
John died sometime between his Mothers death in 1906.......and his Fathers death 20 years later in 1926. he was not mentioned in John Sr. Obiturary. Found the answer @ Holy Sepluchre Cemetery Data Center. Oct. 14, 1918
Did he die of the 1918 Flu Epidemic ?
Searched the Social Security Death Index & found no John born 1900 or in Rochester from 80 names
Headlines : Democrat & Chronicle Newapaper October 15, 1918.
Number of Persons To Succumb On Monday Given As Twelve
CASES REPORTED 2,242: This Is Total Since Outbreak of Influenza in City.
Twelve deaths from influenza and one from bronchial pneumonia were reported to the Health Bureau yesterday. The mortality from influenza this month to date is forty-six. The number of deaths Sunday was twelve.
Although 1,123 cases were reported yesterday, this number does not represent an alarming increase in the spread of the disease, and most of the reporting physicians turned in lists of all the cases they have treated since the start of the epidemic. Thus far 2,242 cases have been reported to the Health Bureau.
Four new cases and three deaths were reported at the Municipal Hospital. The deaths were:
James Coyle on No. 192 North Union Street...................
Headlines : Democrat & Chronicle Newapaper October 15, 1918.
Practical Suggestions by Surgeon General:
Surgeon General Rupert Blur of the United States Public Health Service in a statement issued @ Washington, says that suffers from influenza should get along if possible with home nursing because of the shortage of phycisians and nurses. He outlines what should be done as follows:
" The present generation has been spoiled by having had expert medical and nursing care readily available. It was not so in the days of our grandmothers, when every good housewife was expected to know a good deal about the care of the sick. Every person who appears to feel sick and appears to be developing an attack of influenza should at once be put to bed in a well ventalated room. The room should be clean of all unnecessary furniture and rugs. Most of the patients coughing up considerable mucus, in some there is much mucus discharged from the nose and throat.If the patient is feverish a doctor should be called and this done in any case if the patient appears very sick. coughs up pinkish color stained spitum or breathes rapidly and painfully. The patient will not be hungry and the diet should therefore be light. Milk, a soft boiled egg, toast crackers with a bit of jelly or just stewed fruit or cereal like oatmeal... ............"
Obiturary: Democrat & Chronicle Newapaper October 15, 1918.
COYLE: - John Edward Coyle, Jr. aged 19 years, died Monday morning, October 14, 1918 @ the home 192 North Union Street. He is survived by his Father, John E. Coyle; five sisters, Mrs. J. Rowe, Mrs G. Carter, Mrs. W. Patchen, & the Misses Helen & Lucille Coyle, three brothers, Thomas F. Edward B. and James W. Coyle, all of this city.
Funeral private Thursday morning October 17, 1918. Interment in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.