Dodd Family - Person Sheet
NameRohda Scroeder 
Death Date1935
Birth Date15 Feb 1901
Birth PlaceMoes River, Quebec Canada
Death Date1983 Age: 81
Burial PlaceDerby Line, Vermont
OccupationMechanic..Foreman @ Liton Co. in Derby Line
Misc. Notes
information on Card...copied to by Leo...Aug. 1998......
" Walsh:-Gilbert Howard......born....1901
son of Gilbert Howard & Cora Bell Bliss
Univeralist Church, ......Huntingville, Quebec, Canada"
" Birth, 15 Feburary 1901, Walsh: @ Moes River, a son to Mr. & Mrs G. Walsh"
page 212 #2829.....
Raised as a child in Montreal ..this was from Terrance Walsh ...for his family did not move to the Sherebrooke, Quebec area till after World War I......1918
"G. Howard Walsh ran away from home @ age fourteen & enlisted in the Service of the Canadian Army and was sent overseas to a base in Britian..but each time his Army Unit was called up for duty in France....his Commanders would not let him go over."...story from G. Howard's son Terrance in a visit August 7, 1998.
The following is the Data from G, Howard's Death Certificate:
as read by Ann Oliver, in the Town of Derby, Derby Center Town Hall, Tue Aug> 4, 1998
"Death Certificate: G. Howard Walsh
Born in Quebec:...Died @ age 81, Feburary 5, 1983
Wife: Mytle Waldron:....Parents:....Gilbert Walsh & Cora Bliss
American Citizen:......Occupatio: Mill Operator...(is this a Milling Machine Operator ?)
Cause of Death:.......Heart Condition & Cancer