Dodd Family - Person Sheet
NameAnn Tierney 
Birth Date16 Dec 1929
Birth PlaceRochester, New York
Chr PlaceSaint Ambrose Church, Rochester, New York
Death Date8 May 2020 Age: 90
Death PlaceNiagara Falls, New York
OccupationEnglish Teacher
EducationB.A. & M.E.D. Nazareth College, Rochester, New York
ReligionRoman Catholic
Birth Date28 Jul 1927 Age: 92
Birth PlaceNiagara Falls, New York
Chr PlaceSacred Heart, Niagara Falls, New York
OccupationSocal Worker
EducationB.S. Niagara Univ. New York & M.S.W.@ S.U.N.Y.A. B
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
Bob was drafted into the US Army for service in (WWII) December of 1945.
He trained as a Tank operator in Kentucky and was then sent ovrseas to Japan.
He was a member of the Army of Occupation in Japan...working in US Army Postal Service.
Service was 18 months discharged, June of 1947 from Fort Dix, New Jersey