NameJ. Robert Oliver 
Birth Date28 Jul 1927 Age: 92
Birth PlaceNiagara Falls, New York
Chr PlaceSacred Heart, Niagara Falls, New York
OccupationSocal Worker
EducationB.S. Niagara Univ. New York & M.S.W.@ S.U.N.Y.A. B
ReligionRoman Catholic
Misc. Notes
Bob was drafted into the US Army for service in (WWII) December of 1945.
He trained as a Tank operator in Kentucky and was then sent ovrseas to Japan.
He was a member of the Army of Occupation in Japan...working in US Army Postal Service.
Service was 18 months discharged, June of 1947 from Fort Dix, New Jersey
Birth Date16 Dec 1929
Birth PlaceRochester, New York
Chr PlaceSaint Ambrose Church, Rochester, New York
Death Date8 May 2020 Age: 90
Death PlaceNiagara Falls, New York
OccupationEnglish Teacher
EducationB.A. & M.E.D. Nazareth College, Rochester, New York
ReligionRoman Catholic