Misc. Notes
The following information came from Rochester Public Library, City Directory:
1829 is the earliest book @ Rochester Library for information as City Directory.
and they don’t have each year.
1841 No Record of a James Maloney
1844 James Maloney would be 32 years old
1844 James Maloney, Laborer, h - Kent near Erie........is this our James ???
1845-46 James Maloney, Laborer, h -North St.& St Paul below Dublin
1849-50 James Maloney, Laborer, h -166 Mount Hope Ave.
1850 US Rochester Census........Information from Suzanne Tierney
Maloney, James..37.. Laborer..b Ireland
Maloney, Mary,...26................b Ireland
Maloney, Martin,...9
Maloney, Patrick,...7
Maloney, James...3
1851-52 James Maloney, Laborer, h - Grand
1853-54 James Maloney, Teamster, h - Grand
1855-56 James Maloney, Larorer, h - Pearl
1857-58-59 No James Maloney listed in Directory
1860 Rochester Census.........Leo has a copy of this data:
Maloney, James..47.. Laborer..b Ireland, Maloney, Mary,...48..b Ireland,
No Martin listed, Patrick,16, Tobacco Cutter,, James 13, Winfred 9, Eleanor 4, & Mary 1.
1860......... Directory Book not available for this year @ Main Library.
1861.........James Maloney, Laborer, h - 88 Pearl
1863-64 James Maloney, Laborer, h - 88 Pearl
1864-65 James Maloney, Vol. 140 Regt. N.Y.V., h - 88 Pearl St......52 years old
1864-65 Martin Maloney, 14th N.Y. Artil. bds. 88 Pearl St......23 years old
1864-65 Patrick Maloney, 14th N.Y.Artil. bds. 88 Pearl St......21 years old
1864-65 James Maloney, 14th N.Y. Artil. bds. 88 Pearl St.......17 years old
1866-67 Patrick Maloney, Laborer, h - 8 Marrietta St, NoJames, James Jr. or Martin
1868 69 Patrick Maloney, Laborer, h - 108 N. St. Paul, No James, James Jr. or Martin
1870 James Maloney, Laborer, h - 40 Howell St........Ward 4 or 7
1871 James Maloney, Laborer, h - 40 Howell St.
1872-1873 James Maloney, Mason, home @ 29 Munger St.
1873-1874 Mrs. Mary Maloney, home @ 29 Munger St......no James
I don’t know for sure if these Maloneys are part of Winfed’s Family.
1874-1875 .....no listing of James or Mrs. Mary Maloney
1876-1877 .....no listing of James or Mrs. Mary Maloney
1877-1878 Mary Maloney, house @ 37 South Ave.
Mary Maloney,Widow, home @ 71 Pinnacle Ave.
Patrick H. Maloney, Laborer, bds. @ 71 Pinnacle Ave.
Who are these two people Mary & Patrick Maloney? Are they part of our Maloney's ???
1878 Mary Maloney,Widow, home @ 71 Pinnacle Ave.
Patrick H. Maloney, Laborer, bds. @ 206.5 West Main St.
1879 Mary Maloney,Widow, home @ 71 Pinnacle Ave.
James Maloney, Laborer, bds. @ 16 Cady St.
1880 US Census, Rochester NY Ward 12 @ 65 Pinnacle Road I found a Mary Maloney 60 years old, listed as a Boarder, occupation Washwoman, born in Ireland, & Father & Mother also born in Ireland.
This woman would be four years older than our Mary.
1880-81 Patrick H. Maloney, Laborer, bds. @ 17 Cady St
James Maloney, Laborer, bds. @ 17 Cady St.
1881 Mary Maloney,Widow, home @ 65 Pinnacle Ave. Wards 12 or 16
Patrick H. Maloney, Laborer, bds. 139 Caledonia St.
1882 No listing of a James, Patrick or Mary Maloney ?
1883 Mary Maloney,Widow, home @ 65 Pinnacle Ave.
Patrick H. Maloney, Laborer, bds. 251 State St.
1884 Mrs. Mary Maloney, home @ 26 South Ave.
Patrick H. Maloney, Laborer, bds. 128 Adams St.1884
1885 Mary Maloney,Widow of James, home @ 68 Pinnacle Ave.
Patrick H. Maloney, Laborer, home @ 95 Frankfort St.
1886 Mary Maloney,Widow of James, home @ 36 Mount Hope Ave.
Patrick H. Maloney, Laborer, home @ 94 Frankfort St.
1887 Mary Maloney,Widow of James, home @ 36 Mount Hope Ave.
Patrick H. Maloney, Laborer, home @ 130 Saxton St.
1889-1890 Mary Maloney,Tobacco Worker, home @ 36 Mount Hope Ave.
Mary Widow of Patrick Maloney, Laborer, home @ 94 Frankfort St.
1890 June, Special Census of United States:
Census of "Surviving Soldiers, Saiors & Marines, and Widows of The War of he Rebellion"
I Found the following 4 Maloney's in City of Rochester listings:
#1, Michael H. Maloney, Fireman, Enlisted Nov. 1, 1863, Discharged Nov. 30, 1864. Length of Service 1 year and 29 days, home listed as 95 Hamilton Place
#2, John H. Malion...........237 Adams Street, Rochester NY
#3, Mary widow of Patrick Maloney, Private, Co. K, 2nd Regiment, NY Volunteers, Enlisted Jan. 12, 1864, Discharged Mar. 20, 1865. Length of Service 1 year, 2 months and 8 days, home listed as 95 Hamilton Place
#4, John H. Maloney, Private, Co. J, 189th Regiment, NY, Enlisted Sept. 23, 1864, Discharged May. 30, 1865. Length of Service, 10 months, Post Office listed as 93 Edinburgh Street, Rochester NY
1890..........No Patrick or Mary Maloney......in Rochester City Directory
James was a Civil War Veteran:
Union Army, Volunteer 140th Regiment N.Y.
Ray Tierney said in his notes said “ James had a war record of 32 engagements”
Suzanne Tierney Notes on Civil War information for Maloney’s
New York in The War of The Rebellion 1861-1865, 6 Vol. Albany, J. B. Lyman Co State Printer 1912
Donbach. Biblo of The Civil War, Vol 1 NY, NY Public Library 1967
Muster in Roll of Capt. F. Campbell Co. 1-140th Regt. of NY Volunteers
by Lt. Col Lewis Crost called in 9/8/1862
No. 56 ? Maloney, James........age 44.........Rochester NY
Maloney, John
Maloney, Martin.......elected Sergt. C.I. 54 th Art. Union Army 1/1/1863
The 5 Volume Set of " The War of The Rebellion 1861-1865 Thied Edition 1909 @ the Rochester Public Library, the Volume #5 Index did not list any Maloney's.
The 140th Regiment of Infantry History is found in
Mustered into service Sept. 13, 1862 @ Rochester NY
Mustered out of service June 3, 1865 @ Alexandria Va,
140th Regiment in 28 engagements of War,including the following, Gettysburg Pa. July 1-3 in 1863, Wilderness, Va. May 5-7, 1864 & The Appomattox Campaign, Va. Mar. 28 - Apr. 9. 1865.
Ann & Bob Oliver found the following Civil War Muster Records for James Maloney
@ the Library of Congress, National Archives, Washington DC, March 29, 1999:
......Muster Rolls marked Present Were as follows:
Nov. Dec. 1862, all of 1863, Jan. & Feb.64 Absent Without Leave (AWOL), Apr. to Dec. 1863 present, Jan. to June present. Discharged near Alexandria Virginia June 3, 1865
.......Absent Without Leave (AWOL) = Feburary 1st, marked (AWOL), Arrested March 14 1864 in Rochester NY, Received in Elmira March 22, 1864, back with his Company in April 1864,
( Note: This was a quiet time for the 140th Regiment, for after the Mine Run Campaign in Nov.26, - Dec. 2, 1863- the next engagement was in Wilderness Va. in May 5 - 7, of 1864.......So Jimmy decided to go home, see the family, tell stories, hang out with the gang.....big deal ! )
Bob Oliver commented on Jimmy as follows: " He enlisted at age 42, spent 3 years and was mustered out at age 45 - a fairly mature age in those days. Apparently the AWOL was not particularly serious for he was returned to duty and AWOL's were not uncommon at that time."
The following notes came from "The Supreme Event in It's Existence" a small document on " The Defence of Little Round Top by the 140th NY Volunteer Infantry, Gettsburgh, July 2, 1863 by Brian Bennett 1989.......@ Rochester Public Library
On August 8, 1862, Captain Hiram Smith received authority to recruit the 140th. It was organized at Rochester with Patrick H. O'Rorke as Colonel and mustered into the service of the United States on September 13, 1862 in Rochester. The regiment left the state on September 19, 1862 and served in the Provisional Brigade, Casey's Division in the defenceses of Washington from Sept. 1862 to Oct. 1862. From Oct. 1862 to Nov. 1862 the 140th served in the 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division of the 12th Corps. From Nov. 1862 to March 1864 the 140th served in the 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division of the Fifth Corps. The 140th was honorably discharged and mustered out on June 3, 1865, near Alexandria, Virginia.
The 140th was composed of Companies A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, &, K
In Company "I" comanded by Captain....William T. Campbell, was, Private.....James Maloney
The following appeared in the November 20, 1883 edition of The Democrat & Chronicle
"-James Maloney, the vetran soldier who died @ St. Mary's hospital on Monday, will be buried from the residence of his son-in-law, William Craddock, 11 Edinburg Street, @ 8:30 o'clock this morning & from Immaculate Conception Church @ 9 o'clock."
on the web site "
http://www.ggw.org/140th/rostindx.htm"; July 29, 1998,
I found a James Maloney as a Private in Company "I", of the 140th Infantry New York Volunteers
July 31, 1998.....The National Archives returned my search Form sayig " No...we were unable to locate the file you requested" on James Maloney......How could that be!