NameConrad Eisenberg 
Birth Date9 Nov 1843
Birth PlaceBaden, Germany
Death Date1 Aug 1898 Age: 54
Burial PlaceMt. Hope Cemetery. Rochester NY
MemoLot 131 in Range 2
OccupationBusinessman, Supervisor (Republican) Old 12th Ward (two years), Treasurer of Pinnacle Loan Association, Director of Miller Brewng Company
Misc. Notes
Data: from 1875 NYS Census, Monroe County, City of Rochester, Ward 16
Conrad Eisenberg, age 36, born: Germany, occupation: Teamster
Martha Eisenberg, age 32, wife, born: Germany,
Libbie Eisenberg, age 1year & 6 months, daughter
Data from Rochester Directory @ Roch. Public Library:
1867.Eisenberg, Conrad...boards @ Corner Goodman & Pinnacle Ave.
1876.Eisenberg, Conrad... Grocer, boards @ Corner Henrietta & Pinnacle Ave.
1880 Eisenberg, Conrad...Grocer @ 173 Pinnacle Ave., Home @ 206 Pinnacle Ave.
1884 Eisenberg, Conrad...Grocer @ 208 Pinnacle Ave., Home @ 206 Pinnacle Ave.
1885 Eisenberg, Conrad...Grocer @ 208 Pinnacle Ave., Home @ 206 Pinnacle Ave.
1888 Eisenberg, Conrad...Grocer @ 208 Pinnacle Ave., Home @ 206 Pinnacle Ave.
1895 Eisenberg, Conrad...Grocer @ 844 South Clinton Ave., Home @ @ 842 South Clinton Ave.
1897 Eisenberg, Conrad...Grocer @ 844 South Clinton Ave., Shoes & Boots Home @ 842 S.Clinton
1911-12 Eisenberg, Conrad. Estate..Saloon @ 844 South Clinton Ave.
Data from Monroe County Business Directory @ Roch. Public Library:
1878 .Eisenberg, Conrad...Grocer @ 173 Pinnacle Ave.
1880 .Eisenberg, Conrad...Grocer @ Pinnacle Ave. corner of Meigs Street
1885 .Eisenberg, Conrad...Grocer @ 208 Pinnacle Ave.
1892 .Eisenberg, Conrad...Grocer @ 208 Pinnacle Ave.
Data from Rochester House Directory @ Roch. Public Library:
1892....Henrietta Avenue (left side)
#1...Eisenberg, Christina, Mrs.
Eisenberg, Adam, Mason...boards
#7...Ferge, George...Mason
#29..Ferge, George
Ferge, Peter...Mason..boards
1894/1895.....same data as above, all five people.
Data from Monroe County Records of Deeds.County Office Building, Rochester NY :
1868 Conrad Eisenberg bought land from Christina Eisenberg, Liber/Deeds #253, p64, Brighton
1876 Conrad Eisenberg bought land from Louis Bauer, Liber of Deeds #296, p126, Henrietta
1877 Conrad Eisenberg bought land from Isaac Ashley, Liber of Deeds #310, p322, Pinnacle Ave.
1881 Conrad Eisenberg bought land from Geo. Gimmer, Liber of Deeds #335, p531, Bay St.
1882 Conrad Eisenberg bought land from Christena E., Liber of Deeds #360, p29,
1883 Conrad Eisenberg bought land from Geo. Schaffer Jr., Liber of Deeds #373, p36,
1884 Conrad Eisenberg bought land from Mary G. Massey, Liber of Deeds #384, p50 Goodman
1884 Conrad Eisenberg bought land from Mary Hart, Liber of Deeds #388, p69
1884 Conrad Eisenberg bought land from Chas. Walthelin, Liber of Deeds #387, p316 Nelson St.
1886-1887........Conrad Eisenberg bought land ......Twenty One Deeds Recorded..
1893...................Conrad Eisenberg bought land ......Six Deeds Recorded..
1896...................Conrad Eisenberg bought land ......Three Deeds Recorded..
Notice in Rochester Newspaper: “Union Advertiser” May 8, 1879........ Page 2, Col. 8
“Conrad Eisenberg & Wife sold to Catherine Bauer property on Henreitta Ave for $1110”
1879..Conrad buys a plot @ Mt. Hope Cemetery. (many family members burried there)
Obiturary Conrad Eisenberg: Newspaper” Rochester Times” 4/2/1898
“Conrad Eisenberg, an old resident of the Thirteenth Ward, died yesterday @ his late residence, 842 South Clinton Street. Mr. Eisenberg was born in Baden, Germany, in 1844, and emigrated to this country with his parents. In 1862 his father enlisted in the army and at the battle of Gettysburgh he was killed. Mr. Eisenberg also fought at Gettysburgh, but was more fortunate than his father. He was also in the siege of Yorktown,@ Gainsville, Malvern Hill, Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Those who mourn his loss are his wife Martha, five children, Libbie, Lillian, Annie, and Lucy, and William Eisenberg. The funeral will take place from the house on Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock and from the German reformed Emmanuel Church, hamilton Place and Bond street @ 2:30 o’clock. Two brothers survive him, John and Adam, his mother who is 74 years of age, and two sisters, Mrs. George Ferge and Mrs. Frank Harvey, all of this city.”
Obiturary Conrad Eisenberg: Newspaper” Union Advertiser” 4/18/1898
“The funeral of ex-supervisor Conrad Eisenberg, who died last Monday, was held this afternoon from his late home, No. 842 South Clinton Street and at the German Reform Emmanuel Church. The Peissner Post, G.A.R., had charge of the services and members of that organization acted as pall bearers. The officers of the Miller Brewing Company, of which Mr. Eisenberg had been a stockholder, were the honorary bearers.”
Information below from: War Department, Commissioner of Pensions, July 2, 1908
Fred Eisenberg applied for a copy of records:
Civil War Record: Served with Rank of “Private’....1861-1867
Enlisted @ age 21 1/2
Siege of Yorktown,@ Gainsville, Malvern Hill, Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg.
US Infantry, 3rd Regiment, Company I, Enlisted: August 25th, 1861- Discharged: Feb. 7, 1864,
Discharged @ New York City, New York State
US Infantry, 3rd Regiment, Company I, Reenlisted: Feb. 27, 1864-Discharged: Feb. 27, 1867
Discharged @ Fort Lyon, Colarado
Wife’s Pension Application #: 892443
Comments by Fred Eisenberg......October 17, 2002
.”It appears (From US Pension Records), that Conrad had been having some heart problems in 1892 and for several years previous. He was living @ 206 & 208 Pinacle Ave. He was also having eye sight & Kidney problems related to the War.”
Service Shown By Record:......”Conrad Eisenberg,.....Enlisted Aug. 25, 1861, Honarably discharged Feb, 27, 1867.....Declaration filed April 1, 1891 alleges permanent disability, not due to vicious habits, from rheumatism, kidney disease, defective eyesight, alleges heart disease in affidavit filed Feb. 19, 1892.” .................documentation in Pension File of Conrad.
Note: The Emmunnel Reformed Church building once located on Hamilton Street no longer exits. This church was the Eisenberg family church and many funerals were held there.
The Evangelical Emmunnel Reformed Church on Hamilton St. was founded in 1852, Pastor was Henry Heyster........./ Fred Eisenberg
Will of Conrad Eisenberg: Newspaper” Rochester Post” 8/23/1898
Entire Estate Estimated @ $25,000 Bequeathed to His Wife
“ Judge Benton, in Surrogate court this afternoon admitted to probate the will of the late Conrad Eisenberg. After the payment of all debts and funeral expenses the will reads: “I hereby give, devise and bequeath all of my property and estate, both real and personal wheresoever situated to my wife, Margaret Eisenberg, absolutely to have and to hold the same forever.” Mr. Eisenberg left five children all unmarried. He died in this city, August 1, 1898. His estate is estimated @ $20,000 real and $5,000 personal property.”
Birth Date1852
Birth PlaceGermany
Death Date24 Aug 1932 Age: 80
Death PlaceRochester NY
Burial Date27 Aug 1932
Burial PlaceMt. Hope Cemetery. Rochester NY
MemoLot 131 in Range 2
Cause of deathCoronary Oclusion
Misc. Notes
The following information came from the Rochester Directory @ Main Library:
1904-1905.Eisenbergh, Margaret Widow of Conrad....home 842 Clinton Ave. South
1910-1911 Eisenbergh, Margaret Widow of Conrad....home 241 Linden Avenu
1918-1919 Eisenbergh, Margaret Widow of Conrad....home 241 Linden Avenue
1930.......... Eisenbergh, Margaret Widow of Conrad....home 241 Linden Avenue
Note: Anna (Eisenberg) & Jacob Frank lived next door @ 235 Linden Ave.
Obiturary: Democrat & Chronicle Newspaper Aug. 24, 1932
EISENBERG: - Entered into rest Wednesday evening Aug. 24, 1932, @ her home 241 Linden Street, Margaret Eisenberg, widow of Conrad Eisenberg. She leaves to mourn her loss, three daughters, Miss Lucy Eisenberg, Mrs. Gustav Schelling and Mrs. Jacob Frank, one son William Eisenberg, one brother William Unamann: also ten grandchildren, Mrs. Eisenberg was treasurer of the Ladies Aide Society of the Emanuel Reformed Church. Funeral services Saturday afternoon Aug. 27, 1932 @ 2:30 pm from the home. Internment in Mt. Hope Cemetery.
The following are excerpts from the Will of Margaret Eisenberg as copied from Martin Siebach’s abstract shown to Mary (Eisenberg) Solomon (MES) in summer of 2002 @ Martin’s home 241 Linden Avenue.....(formerly the Margaret Eisenberg Homestead).
1....Margaret Eisenberg....will dated 9/18/32, recorded Liber 154 of Wills p.245
Elizabeth Scanlon was named Executrix
Letters of Adminstration were issued to William Eisenberg ( Father of M.E.S.)
Granddaughters, Margaret Scanlon & Catherine Scanlon
( Gaul living in Westchester County in 1937...were mentioned.
also Cottage @ 369 Caroline Street was mentioned.
2....Lucy Louise Eisenberg.....died 12/14/36....Will probated 12/21/36
Lucy owned much stock which was given to Lillian & Gustave Schilling
Anna Bassett was given some Stock & Jewelry
Margaret Scanlon ......given Jewelry
Leo Eisenberg (Son of William Eisenberg) received an Emerald Ring
William Eisenberg (Son of William Eisenberg) received a Platenum Ring
Properties @ 8 & 10 Eisenberg Place were willed to Lillian Schelling and upon her death
#8 House goes to Leo Eisenberg & #10 House goes to William Eisenberg (son)
House @ #701 Linden willed to Anna Frank
Anna Bassett ...named Executrix
Extra Notes regarding house @ #241 Linden Street:
Margaret Eisenberg bought house @ #241 Linden 3/15/1906, in Liber #739 of Deeds p 217
Margaret’s husband Conrad Eisenberg was deceased at the time she bought it from Ellwanger & Barry Realty went from Margaret Eisenberg to William Eisenberg (MES.s Father)
from William Eisenberg Estate to Donald Pingleton & wife Margaret E. Pingleton of #234 Earl Street - Margaret E. Pingleton went to Joan S. Pingleton...then to Donald Pingleton - from Donald Pengleton to Martin & June J. Siebach on 5/21/1963 (still lives there on 8/28/2002.
All the above information came from the abstract of title in possession of Martin Siebach.....also listed in the abstract were the full wills of Margaret, Lucy and William Eisenberg.
Margaret Eisenberg collected a Civil War Stipend starting in 1908.
In 1928 it was increased to $40.00 per month
Marr Date6 Jan 1870
Marr PlaceRochester NY
Marr MemoLutheran Emanuel Reformed Church
Pastor Officiating: Rev. Mr. C. Kuss
Pastor in July, 1908: C. A. Hauser